I was excited.

Of course, I've been preparing for a long battle with character.

I could say I've been craving.

To achieve my goal, I had to be able to fight my character.

Even if I persuaded all the gods of the vaccine peacefully, I had to have the power to persuade them.

The battle between the morals was ultimately a physical struggle.

And I don't think there was much physics to it.

Shimbam Boom is a technique I accidentally developed while practicing my heart sword on the 30th floor.

Since then, it has been a very useful and effective technology that I have used the spear whenever I need it, but I have never felt a lack of firepower.

But the drawbacks were too obvious.

It was a blast.

Perfect for wiping out large numbers of enemies, but inadequate for single objects.

The physical strength is not focused on one point right now, and the blast range is too wide.

The light and heat that ignite into the forward direction burns not only the enemy, but everything around it.

This skill cannot be used unless you intend to blow up one planet at a time for every use.

For proper use, the range of force had to be reduced.

But it wasn't easy.

The first thing you think about is limiting the range, attacking the opponent, and setting up a barrier to prevent the explosion from escaping beyond a certain range.

However, if it is a force that does not break free, it is also likely that the defenses that the enemy will set up will not be broken.

At the end of the thought, the only way to think about it was to reduce the area of the Xibambam bang itself.

I tried to use Seabalm Boom not as a bomb, but as a bullet with overwhelming heat.

You distort the area around the launch trajectory, preventing heat from escaping outside, reducing the damage done to the area.

Of course, it wasn't all there.

Since then, he has focused on boosting thrust, speeding up the firing speed, and even more firepower of Shivam Boom itself.

There were numerous trial and error, but the results were satisfactory.

So I was pretty sure.

I was confident that I would win by shooting a thunderbolt at the finisher in a row.

“Bam, bam. ”

It became a technology that no longer sucked or exploded, but its name was still a blast.

The silently drawn solid line collided with the force of the finisher to strike at me.


Oh, that's another bump.

The thump pierces the power of the finisher and pierces even the body of the finisher beyond.

With the sound of water spilling out of the water park, a part of the Finisher's body falls to the ground.

[This can't be... This can't be...]

The improved Bomb Bang has a small area of damage, but each time it is used, it deals fatal damage to the Finisher.

As a result, the finisher, who looked like a giant giant, was panting in a mop less than a minute after the battle began.

[Once this happens... to this planet...]

The finisher prepared a final attack, reciting a quote from a boy's comic book often.

Someone's fighting so hard that they won't harm Earth, they'll blow it to the next planet.

I was shocked.


Summoned Ceresia.

The place where Ceresia appeared was the sky.

Ceresia, who appears to be a giant sword on the head of the finisher, falls as it is.


Ceresia merely pierces through the defenses of the finisher, piercing through her body and plunging herself to the ground.

Water splashed in shock.

The water touching my body was warm.

No, it seemed a little hot.

Ordinary people can burn well enough.

The fall of Ceresia has shattered the entire glacier region, barely holding on to its shape.

I didn't mean to do this.

The glacial areas were cracking open and melting, and the water was spurting bubbles to see if it was boiling.

If the environmental groups are worried about global warming, they'll foam up.

Far away, a great wave is pushing you.

It seemed that the damage to the neighboring countries would be more than enough.

First, I put my strength into stopping the aftermath.

I approached the conquered finisher, pierced by Ceresia.

The finisher tries to tell me something, but she's just humming to make sure her mouth doesn't move properly.

Of course I did.

Ceresia's sword itself was her being and her will.

[Save me.]

I couldn't say it with my mouth, so I sent the doctor away willingly.

It must have been a big blow to say that on purpose, but it seemed pretty desperate.

[I was foolish. I'll respect you.I won't even be here.]

I spilled my words quickly.

The desperation delivered with the words was great.

He was obsessed with life.

[If you let me live, I will pay the price. I swear on my life. Please don't kill me.]

I laughed at that.

He's making some strange noises.

“Hey, why would I kill you? ”

[Thank you, thank you very much. I will pay for this.]

The finisher thanked him for his gratitude.

The completer will continue to live.

Maybe it's because it's part of me.


The shadow of the Finisher's reflection on the water slowly begins to climb up the Finisher's body.

[What... are you doing? What the... wait! Give me a chance, please!]

The completer sinks under the shadow as if in a swamp.

You make haste to escape, but you are already overwhelmed by Ceresia, and the raging shadows quickly grab the Completor's limb.

[Please, please! Please!]

It didn't work if I prayed hard.

In less than a few seconds, the giant body of the finisher completely hides its tracks.

The cry of the hard-working completer now resounded within me.


It's gonna take some time to digest this whole thing.

I wasn't sure how long it would take to eat something like this for the first time.

Anyway, I was proud.

I liked the feeling of satiety, as well as the feeling of victory after a long time.

I drove the gods away from the 61st floor and captured the apostles, but it was too tasty.

The completer I met was not as strong as I expected, but I was able to relieve my thirst for some time.

“You like it that much? ”

Serenia, who has just returned to the human form, asks.

It seemed like I was seeing a pervert for some reason.

There seems to be a misunderstanding.

I didn't make excuses.

Now that I've dealt with the completer, it's time to clean up the mess.

First of all, I've decided to leave the responsibility to Cedria.



“You can't just jump like that. That's why the whole South Pole is destroyed. ”

Ceresia ignored me.

I shrugged and looked around.

The white ice cover that stretched beyond the horizon was shattered and the seawater beneath it was clearly visible.

The water was throwing up bubbles intermittently.

There was a great wave in the distance.

I built a wall to keep the waves from escaping, but it couldn't be completely blocked.

The damage to surrounding countries will be immense.

Maybe there's damage to the whole planet.

I looked up at the sky.

I've been feeling your gaze.

Earth is a communal zone for vaccines everywhere.

If they had fought in a dungeon, the Realm of the Finisher, the battle would have been clearly seen by the gods of the vaccine because they smashed and fought the dungeon from the meadow.

I was wondering if it would be wise to use more of my power here.

Of course, it was not wise to judge.

It was not a judgment for the people of Earth.

I was not good enough to take the loss for those I had never met.

Not even for my stature.

Even if this causes a huge tsunami, there is no problem in my phase.

Rather, it will help.

Natural disasters have been symbolic of forces humans could not resist since ancient times.

The people who were hurt would grumble and fear the day they caused the tsunami, but he was also a virtue of God.

But it kept getting to me.

If we leave Antarctica in this state, Kim Min-hyuk will be overwhelmed.

Or they'll go to stress.

I was the one who finally cared about Kim Min-hyuk, even though I told him not to mind.

It is the same as life's greatest goal to ensure that most people do not live dangerously and unhappy lives.

Of course, Min-hyuk Kim had a goal in life, and no matter how he lived, it was not my concern.

There was just too much I got from him to ignore.

My thoughts were cleared.

Yeah, let's do it.


I watched the Antarctic landscape starting to return to its previous form for a moment, and then I moved to the place where Dragon was waiting for me, holding Ceresia that had returned to its sword form.

This made me realize that the gods of the vaccine have the ability to engage me in time and causality.

At this point, exercising your abilities was never a good decision.

But, you know, take it as a penalty.

* * *

“Huh? You're here already? ”

You nod.

Kim Min-hyuk opened his laptop and was typing hard.

I wonder where they're e-mailing me.

“I made an appointment with the guards in Gangwon Province. He said he would come to Seoul this weekend. There are no gates around here, so we need to secure the gate in Seoul. We need to talk to the association. Park Min decided to come here later, so I guess I'll just have to say it then. It's not like we're going to treat people with that draw yet. ”

You've been working hard.

It was worth caring about.

Kim Min-hyuk looked around and told me if it was weird that I was alone without the group coming.

“You've been scouting? Good job. There's no need to rush a class G attack. Take a few days off, talk to your people, and then we'll go back. Let's start with the lunch I didn't eat earlier.... ”

“I did.”


“I got rid of class G. ”

To be precise, it's called a dungeon raid and a finisher's defeat.

I think I've defeated class G to Kim Min-hyuk and others, but I think it's better to talk about it.

It's easy to understand.

“I got rid of class G, already…. ”

I took Lee Jun-seok out of my pocket and gave it to embarrassing Min Hyuk Kim.

Because it was small in size, I just handpicked it up and handed it to him.

After studying something, Min Hyuk was surprised to almost drop Lee Jun-seok, knowing that it was a smaller version.

“I'm here to take care of him. He fainted in the middle. Dragon's health will be fine, but I think we should leave him here. ”

The warts were in bad shape, but if we leave them here, we can try to escape.

I just decided to put it in the Dragon Gathering Bin.

“W-well…. ”

Kim Min-hyuk rolled his eyes for a moment and asked me.

In a slightly urgent voice.

“You're leaving? Hey, where are you going again? ”


“Why Russia? ”

There's a class "G" in there.

Unfortunately, it was witnessed by the vaccination gods that killed the complete in Antarctica.

And that information will leak out to other finishers as well.

It was likely that the completion I met in Antarctica knew about what happened on the 61st floor of the tutorial.

The other finishers who placed the dungeon on the Earth noticed and had to be dealt with before they could fully evacuate.

Collect any remaining energy in the dungeon, catch any runners, and see if there's any information about the finished person connected through the dungeon.

There is so much to gain, but once the finished man has withdrawn the dungeon itself, he will get nothing.

I had to move quickly.

“If I go to Russia, I'll find another class of G right away. I'll have it all sorted out by the end of the day, that's how I know. Goodbye then.”

“... Kill me. Kill me. ”

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