Bai Yihui did not understand, but Bai Yixuan continued to speak, "Let's not talk about the Li Family, other than this pair of daughters, there is another young boy in the Qiu Family. Why did this person choose to choose a girl, of course it can't be because the little girl is easy to deceive, this is only a speculation on my part."

"So Xuan Er, do you think that there is a problem with this Wang Family?"

"Yes, there can only be two reasons why this little brother of Wang Xin's did not appear after Wang Family's death. The first reason is that he knows some kind of secret and will be killed the moment he appears, but it seems like neither the Qiu Family nor the Li Family have noticed it. There is another possibility that this little brother of Wang Xin will make people feel that something is amiss if he appears."

"What does that mean?"

"Big brother, let's just take a look at the corpse."

Bai Yihui and Bai Yixuan stood at the side, waiting for the yamen s to dig out the corpses. "What exactly can these corpses tell us?"

The yamen's movements were nimble, and soon enough, the five corpses lined up side by side. They did look like they were burned to death, because after so many years, these bones were still a little black.

There was no need to talk about the two children. The other man had a small pile of bones in his stomach. It was obvious that he was about to give birth to a child. Unfortunately, the child died in this place.

As for the other one, it was also a female skeleton, so the only thing that was left was naturally Wang Xin's skeleton.

Although it was his first time seeing a skeleton like this, he did not experience such things as Bai Yixuan. After walking around the skeleton a few times, Bai Yixuan realized that something was wrong.

"Brother, this corpse shouldn't be Wang Xin's."

"That old woman said that the corpse's left or right hand was deformed. The chances of it being cured by something like that from the mother's womb are very small." Bai Yihui also understood.

"So, I felt that this matter was probably a revenge, starting from Zhang Qianyi, and all of this was very likely caused by this Wang Xin. I felt that Wang Xin accidentally went out that year, that Wang Xin's brother was treated as Wang Xin and Wang Xin only found out that his entire family was burnt to death when he returned."

However, Bai Yixuan felt that there was one more thing that was strange, "Back then, among the five of them, one of them died from excessive consumption of food, so there should have been three other people. Why did that old woman say there were four of them?"

The yamen beside him said, "Maybe that woman's count was wrong."

Bai Yixuan shook her head, "Those under the age of five should not be able to count wrongly. Moreover, this matter seems like it's still fresh in that old granny's memory, so the possibility of them counting wrongly is very small."

constable head said again, "It's very possible that it was one of the helpers that one of the three people from back then brought along."

Bai Yixuan was still thinking, but it was clear that she had not thought of anything yet. In the end, she shook her head and did not continue thinking about it, maybe it was just like what the yamen said.

"Big brother, we should go and fight that Qiu Yongnian now."

Bai Yihui nodded.

Arriving at the Qiu Family residence, Bai Yixuan found that the atmosphere was extremely tense. Only after calling the yamen, who was guarding the place, knew that Li Dahe and Qiu Yongnian had met, and the atmosphere between the two had become even worse. The entire Qiu Family was baffled.

After Bai Yixuan and Bai Yihui went in, Qiu Yongnian came out very quickly. This was the first time Bai Yixuan had seen him, he looked extremely friendly, but when Bai Yixuan looked carefully, she discovered that the emotions in this person's eyes were hidden very deeply. If this person's expression changed, then it was likely that it would not be the same expression as it was now.

"Master Bai."

Bai Yihui returned the greeting before sitting down. Bai Yixuan stood behind Bai Yihui, "Old Master Qiu, we have come this time to ask you about what happened back then."

Qiu Yongnian seemed to want to say something, but Bai Yixuan beat him to the punch, "Old Master Qiu, I know you just met Li Dahe, I think you don't know about one thing, not long ago Li Dahe pushed all the matters that happened all those years ago onto you, I don't know, did Li Dahe tell you about the meeting just now?"

Qiu Yongnian's expression quickly changed, but very quickly, Bai Yixuan saw that Qiu Yongnian's expression had once again recovered to being impeccable.

"Who is this lady?"

"He's also from the government." Bai Yihui kept silent and did not ask any further. Knowing that Bai Yihui was not willing to talk about it, Bai Yixuan smiled and continued, "Old Master Qiu is better off not changing the topic. I wonder if you can answer my question?"

Qiu Yongnian laughed, "Didn't Master Bai and this lady understand everything from the past?"

"Did the Old Master Qiu admit to what happened back then?"

"Of course I didn't admit it. What happened all those years ago, since Miss thinks that Li Dahe was the one who spouted nonsense, I hope Master Bai and Miss can restore my innocence."

However, Bai Yixuan did not seem to be in a hurry. "If that's the case, then I wonder what Old Master Qiu and Li Dahe have to say when they meet?"

"This is a private matter between the two of us, but we can tell the lady some of it. Let's talk about that fire from back then."

"Coincidentally, I also have something that I want to tell you, Old Master Qiu."

"Miss, please speak."

This Qiu Yongnian seemed to be extremely courteous, but he was indeed a person that could not be underestimated. Bai Yixuan could tell that this Qiu Yongnian was definitely planning something in his heart, and this Li Dahe's power was still inferior to this Qiu Yongnian.

No one would believe Li Dahe's one-sided story, unless they found this fourth person. But right now, Bai Yixuan didn't even know who this fourth person was.

"Does Old Master Qiu know Wang Xin?"

Qiu Yongnian nodded his head, "He was one of his schoolmates. But then, a fire broke out in Wang Xin's home, and his corpse was collected by Li Dahe and I.

Bai Yixuan thought that this Qiu Yongnian was truly shameless. To be able to turn black into white and white into white, this ability was also very powerful. Naturally, Bai Yixuan was too lazy to act with Qiu Yongnian and continued to talk, "I wonder if Old Master Qiu still remembers one thing about this Wang Xin?"

Qiu Yongnian's expression seemed to have changed, maybe he had thought of something, but Bai Yixuan did not care at all. However, in his heart, Qiu Yongnian was panicking for a moment, because he finally understood what happened to Wang Xin's corpse when he was counting it.

Bai Yixuan obviously wouldn't take care of Qiu Yongnian's feelings, and continued to speak, "Why isn't Old Master Qiu saying anything, then I can help Old Master Qiu recall that Wang Xin's left hand is abnormal right?"

"There seems to be such a thing."

"Since Old Master Qiu and this Wang Xin have been schoolmates for so long, this kind of thing shouldn't be something that can be forgotten just because you said it would be forgotten, right?"

Qiu Yongnian's face darkened.

Bai Yixuan continued to speak, "Master Bai inspected Wang Xin's corpse all those years ago, and found out that among the dead, there were two girls' bones, and two more women's bones. One of the women even had a formed infant's skeleton in her stomach, which should have been correct, but there was a problem with Wang Xin's corpse."

Qiu Yongnian was still recalling the events that happened, he was in a hurry when he tried to bury the corpses. Qiu Yongnian kept feeling that something was amiss, but Li Dahe kept nagging him, and Zhang Qianyi was also very afraid. Naturally, Qiu Yongnian did not want to create unnecessary trouble, and even though the number of corpses was not wrong, Qiu Yongnian was actually thinking about one thing.

Where did Wang Xin's little brother go? This matter had always lingered in Qiu Yongnian's heart, and now, he was once again pulled out, exposing himself to the sunlight.

"Looks like the Old Master Qiu remembered something. There isn't any obvious deformities on the body of Wang Xin, we asked the neighbors of the Wang family back then that Wang Xin's deformities were extremely powerful, and was even considered a monster by others. So it's clear that the corpse isn't Wang Xin."

Qiu Yongnian forced himself to remain calm, and said: "What does that mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything. It only means that Wang Xin is still alive, and that he might be looking at you from some corner of the world."

"You woman, speak …"

But without waiting for the Old Master Qiu to say anything, as the officials outside had barged in and their expressions were extremely ugly, the constable head looked at me and said, "Second miss, it's bad for the lord. We found the corpses of two children, they were both girls."

Bai Yixuan and Bai Yihui were shocked at the same time, Qiu Yongnian's expression became even worse, and Bai Yixuan asked, "Where did you find the corpse? Where is it now?"

"The corpses were found at the Wang family tomb. The brothers were supposed to clean them up, but they found two more children's corpses. They were all burned to death and turned into charcoal."

Bai Yixuan's eyes were filled with pity. It was already very clear now, this person was taking revenge, and the one who was taking revenge might very well be the Wang Xin who did not actually die back then.

Bai Yixuan did not have the mood to bother with Qiu Yongnian anymore, so she and Bai Yihui quickly left Qiu Jia Village. This time, Qiu Yongnian chose to follow behind.

Bai Yixuan pondered, why did she only find two corpses, and Qiu Jia Village only lost two children, why is one missing now, which child is missing?

"Big brother constable head, go inform Li Dahe. Big brother, let's go take a look at the situation."

Qiu Yongnian and Bai Yihui had completely forgotten about Qiu Yongnian behind him. Whether or not he was's child, in Bai Yixuan's heart, Qiu Yongnian was already a murderer, but after thinking about it again and again, this matter was indeed a little scary. He was truly trying to use a method of "blood for blood", a method of "teeth for teeth".

No matter how much they hated children, they were still innocent. It was just like back then, when Wang Xin's children, as well as the children of this world that they had not seen in the stomach of Wang Xin's wife, they were the most innocent, victims that the adults fought over.

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