The unscientific detective in Conan

Chapter 61 People’s hearts are unpredictable

Does Hero Akagi have any enemies?

After a pause, Fujino continued to ask Naota Quantum.

No, he can't have any enemies.

Regarding Fujino's question, Quantum Naota took a negative attitude, Hero is usually kind to others, and people around him speak well of him. I really can't think of anyone who would rather kidnap his younger brother than let him lose. Enemy.

If this is the case, the identity of the prisoner cannot be determined.

Fujino took a deep breath, thought for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: In this case, please Miss Naota, please take me to the first crime scene where Akagi Mamoru was abducted. Maybe at the first scene, we can Find any evidence that proves the identity of the murderer.”

Hero Akagi's home is located in a nearby apartment.

The apartment is very big, so the price should be quite high.

However, combined with the fact that Hideo Akagi is now a player in the Giant Bullet Asian Cup, everything seems much more reasonable.

Of course, it could also be inherited like Fujino.

Two years ago, Hero Akagi's parents passed away in an accident.

Only he and his brother were left to depend on each other.

They are a pair of brothers who are in a similar situation to Fujino...

But at least he has a younger brother.

The original owner Fujino is truly alone.

Did the door lock get picked?

In front of the apartment door, Fujino looked at the mottled scratches on the door lock and asked Naota Quantum.

That's right.

Quantum Naota nodded, When I came over to make breakfast for Mamoru this morning, I also found signs of being pried open. When I entered the room, I found that Mamoru had been kidnapped.

Fujino continued to ask: When was the last time you saw Mamoru?

Last time?

Naota Quantum thought for a moment, The last time I saw Mamoru was when I came over to cook dinner for him last night.

Does that mean he was kidnapped between last night and tonight?

But having said that, Miss Naota, why did you come over to cook dinner for the Akagi family? And based on your description, it seems to be a common situation.

It's because his brother and I are childhood sweethearts.

Quanta Naota looked young and shy and explained like a little girl: Hero, he is competing and training all day long, and he has no time to take care of Mamoru at all, so he usually asks me to come over and cook for Mamoru. .”

That's it.

Fujino nodded.

Another pair of childhood sweethearts.

Why are there so many childhood sweethearts in this world?

Why didn't he?

Then, under the leadership of Quantum Naota, he entered the Akagi house and came to the room where Mamoru Akagi was abducted.

At this time, the room was in a mess.

The cabinets on the wall were pushed over and the drawers were pulled out of the table.

All kinds of things were thrown to the ground in disorder.

He looked like he had just experienced a home invasion.

It's a little strange.

Fujino frowned as he looked at the messy room.


Quantum Naota looked at Fujino doubtfully, Detective Fujino, did you see anything?

The other rooms have not been rummaged, but this one is the only one that has become like this... The suspect came here to kidnap money, and it is not a burglary. Is there any benefit in making the scene so messy?

Fujino turned to Naota Quantum and asked, Don't you find it strange?

It sounds like that.

She looked at the miserable situation in the room and couldn't help but nodded, her doubts in her words not diminishing, But what does this have to do with Mamoru being abducted?

The marks on the door lock are not the marks of picking the lock. Instead, they were deliberately made when leaving, because as far as picking the lock is concerned, it is impossible to create that kind of mark.

But since he didn't pick the lock, how did he get into the room?

Obviously, it was Mamoru himself who opened the door.

Mamoru is a very good boy.

Quantum shook his head, He would never open the door to a stranger.

What if it's not a stranger?

As he said that, Fujino looked at her with a hint of deep meaning in his eyes.

Could it be...


Fujino nodded towards Naota Quantum and reasoned: The person who abducted Mamoru was actually not a stranger, but an acquaintance!


Quantum Naota was surprised, Which acquaintance is it that kidnaps Mamoru and threatens the hero to lose?

The reason why the person who abducted him turned this room into such a mess was to create the illusion that Mamoru was forcibly abducted and to get rid of the suspicion that he was an acquaintance.

Do you know if Mamoru knows any acquaintances who opened the door when they heard the noise?

As for acquaintances...besides me, the only one I know is Naoki Uemura.

Naota thought for a moment and explained to Fujino: Naoki and the hero are very good friends. They joined the Tokyo Aoyama team together, but just a while ago, when they were about to participate in the Big Bullet Cup training with the hero, , but the hero accidentally kicked and broke his leg...

Since then, he has been recuperating at home. Since his electronic skills are very good and he is close to Mamoru, he often comes over to play video games.

That should be him.

Fujino nodded and continued in a deep voice: Because the hero kicked his leg before, he came here with a grudge and kidnapped Akagi Mamoru... and also threatened the hero to lose the finals.

No way?!

Quantum Naota had an expression of disbelief on his face, Naoki and the hero are very good friends. How could he hold a grudge?

The human heart is unpredictable... The current evidence points to Uemura Naoki. As for whether it is him, let's go to his house first and then decide.

Quantum Naota didn't believe that the person who took away Akagi Mamoru was Naoki Uemura.

But unable to bear Fujino's deception, she finally followed him on the pirate ship.

Don't express your intention for a while. If you let him know that you are exposed rashly, I'm afraid Mamoru may be in danger.

As soon as he arrived at the door of Uemura's house, Fujino whispered to Naota Quanta.

I see.

Taking a deep breath, Naota nodded, and then she rang the doorbell of Uemura's house.

Accompanied by the ding dong sound of the doorbell, a moment later, a young voice came from the pager at the door: Who is it?

It's me, Quantum!


The surprise in the voice on the other end of the pager was revealed.

Then he said with a slight guilt: It's so late, what do you want from me?

Anyway, we'll talk after you open the door.

Did something happen?

After a while, Naoki Uemura opened the door and asked Naota Quanta through the half-open door.

Can you let me in?

This won't work...

Uemura Naoki waved his hand with some trouble, My girlfriend is still at my house now. It would be terrible if she is misunderstood.

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