95 Perhaps

鈥淚f you鈥檙e back, you should have said something.鈥?Kyle opened his eyes, flickers in purple and red color flickered within his eyes before they disappeared after a moment.

General Ryan took a deep breath.

鈥淗ow could I make a voice when I thought that you鈥檙e in deep meditation.鈥?br>
鈥淲hat meditation? Do you think I鈥檓 some kind of meditation experts?鈥?Kyle rolled his eyes. 鈥淚 was only using this time to absorb some crystals. It takes longer time to absorb the crystal now.鈥?br>
鈥淵es, that鈥檚 what the others are saying too. After the second red rain, it seemed that our mutation had been slowed down to an extent, but the improvement was more stable than before. Because of that, it鈥檚 expected that the rise of ranks might become much slower now.鈥?br>
General Ryan put down his coat and looked at the sleeping little cat. It seemed that the little cat was so tired. 鈥淒oes she still need to sleep a lot? I thought that as she grew up, she will be more active.鈥?br>
鈥淒on鈥檛 you see most cats are sleeping most of the time?鈥?Kyle lazily stood up. 鈥淎nyway, even if she wants to laze around all day, it鈥檚 fine.鈥?br>
General Ryan was speechless.

Why did it sound as if Kyle was pampering the little cat?


鈥淥h right! Why didn鈥檛 you tell me their real identity, Kyle? Do you know how shocked I am when I see him standing in front of me? I thought that he鈥檚 not going to return to the research field personally anymore.鈥?br>
Kyle arched his eyebrows. 鈥淚s it my fault that you鈥檙e surprised?鈥?br>
鈥淵ou can at least tell me a little bit.鈥?General Ryan was annoyed. 鈥淏ack then, he said that he wanted to quit because he didn鈥檛 want to put his wife and daughter in danger. But now that the entire world has been mutating because of the red rain, he鈥檚 asking for our protection.鈥?br>
鈥淚 know.鈥?br>
鈥淒o you know where his daughter is... uh, what鈥檚 her name... Katie? Karen? Kate?鈥?br>
鈥?..I forgot.鈥?br>
General Ryan looked at his son and rolled his eyes. It seemed that he really couldn鈥檛 count on his son about it.

鈥淎nyway, you鈥檙e her teacher, so where did you see her the last time?鈥?br>
鈥淚n the academy.鈥?Kyle glanced at General Ryan. 鈥淎nd there鈥檚 something that I have to show you.鈥?br>
鈥淲hat is it?鈥?br>
鈥淪ign a confidential agreement first.鈥?br>
General Ryan: 鈥?..鈥?br>
He was so close to throw this annoying son of his out of his house. General Ryan grumbled and signed the confidential agreement that Kyle shoved to him while silently wondering what was he going to do with this damn son of his.

Was it because he himself was so naughty in his youth that his son inherited it?

Ugh, being a father was clearly not easy.

Kyle then took out his laptop and then showed the video of the classroom where he and Kate stayed during the first red rain. It was hastened so that General Ryan could see the images of the lightning, their fainting, and the girl鈥檚 disappearance.
General Ryan was stunned.

He then turned to look at the little cat in Kyle鈥檚 hand.

鈥淲hen the half gained the animal鈥檚 characteristic, they never inherited their pet鈥檚 memory.鈥?General Ryan took a deep breath. 鈥淎re you thinking that what happened to your cat and that student is the opposite?鈥?br>
鈥淧erhaps.鈥?Kyle shrugged. 鈥淎t the very least, I know that this cat鈥檚 action doesn鈥檛 fit that... polite student.鈥?br>
He had to admit that he didn鈥檛 remember that student.

There were too many students who signed up to his class and aside from some who were exceptionally smart or exceptionally troublemaker, he didn鈥檛 remember the rest. They were all just other students whom he could barely remember.

鈥淲ell, she鈥檚 quite childish.鈥?General Ryan nodded.

鈥淚s it possible to separate the half?鈥?Kyle asked. He was looking at the little cat, who was sleeping soundly in his arm and narrowed his eyes. Truthfully, he didn鈥檛 want the little cat to return to as she used to be, but if this cat鈥檚 intelligence was based on the disappearance of another person... he felt that even the cat would feel troubled when she knows that.

鈥淭he half has been asking the same question.鈥?General Ryan looked at Kyle helplessly. 鈥淏ut even we don鈥檛 know how they end up fusing together in the first place. That鈥檚 why we don鈥檛 know how to separate them.鈥?br>
鈥淚 see.鈥?br>
鈥淚鈥檒l try to find out if there are more cases like your pet. This is troublesome.鈥?General Ryan was rubbing his forehead and felt that he could never tell Kate鈥檚 parents about this. If he knew that his daughter was fused into a little cat and disappeared forever, he will definitely rage on.

That man was dangerous.

At least, in terms of his research towards plants and so on, if he truly wanted it, he could probably do something outrageous just like his son.

鈥淢hm, if possible try to interrogate those animals.鈥?Kyle was caressing Kate lightly in his arm. He would never interrogate his little cat, so that mean only by finding others with similar case could he possibly find out what had happened.

Did that student completely disappear?

Or did the little cat also inherited part of the memory, which explained the intelligence?

It didn鈥檛 explain why the little cat was so stupid most of the time, though... She was also so childishly clinging to him like a little kid.

Normal adults could control their emotion better.

It was because they had long gotten used to the way the world was going. They knew that being childish would not earn them anything but mockery expect for some rare cases.

If this little cat was an adult...

Kyle really couldn鈥檛 imagine how she managed to survive until she became an adult with such playful and childish personality.

鈥淚 know, I know.鈥?General Ryan sighed. 鈥淭his will probably mark the beginning of a new species.鈥?br>
Species called half.

Kyle only looked at General Ryan with noncommittal smile and then walked to the dining room. 鈥淚鈥檓 going to call for takeout.鈥?br>
鈥淗ey, I already asked my subordinate to bring our dinner. You don鈥檛 have to call again.鈥?br>
鈥淥h, that鈥檚 good.鈥?br>
鈥淭sk, you鈥檙e really annoying, Kyle!鈥?br>
Kate opened her eyes blearily and looked at Kyle. She woke up halfway through their conversation and heard that Kyle wanted to find more cases that was similar to her. This made her wondered whether there were truly others.

The half only inherited the animal鈥檚 characteristic that made them look somewhat cute and adorable.

Uh, the men would probably resist being called cute.

If there were indeed other people who ended up fusing into the animals鈥?body, Kate really wanted to find them in the future. At the very least, she wanted to know if she was the only one like this or there were others.

But surviving while turning into an animal in this kind of world was truly... difficult.

There were dangers at every corner and it didn鈥檛 seem to be possible for them to survive on their own.

Even Kate felt a bit ashamed for latching onto Kyle.

鈥楧id he not think that I鈥檓 entering a cat鈥檚 body?鈥?br>
But when Kate thought about her action... she really felt that it was difficult to imagine there was such a careless adult. Sleeping at any moment, trusting a complete stranger, acting cute and coquettish, throwing tantrum at will...

She really felt like looking like a little kid.

If a normal adult behaved that way, she would have long been kidnapped and probably sold somewhere far away.

No wonder that Kyle didn鈥檛 think that way.

But Kate herself had to say that from the moment she became a cat, she had somehow felt that she was back to her childhood. At least, her thought process became simpler, she felt happy even with little things, and her attention was mostly short lived.

It felt as if her age became the fusion of this baby cat and also her adult self.

Kate sighed deeply.


鈥淥h, you鈥檙e awake, Little Kitty?鈥?Kyle glanced at the little cat. 鈥淚鈥檒l prepare your milk.鈥?br>
Kate then sprawled on the table lazily.

General Ryan watched the little cat thoughtfully and then shook his head.

The dinner passed peacefully.

After returning to the bedroom, Kate slept soundly on her small bed while her space kept on absorbing the crystals that had been accumulating.


The next day, Kyle didn鈥檛 stay at home anymore.

In the first place, he wanted to stay at home because his old man was punching his face until it left a lot of marks.

They were not good to look at.

After the training session, Kate had also healed his wound from fighting with his father, so he could walk out easily.


Only General Ryan was looking at his son resentfully as he didn鈥檛 allow Kate to heal him. He had to go to work with his face still partially swollen.

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