“The mayoral structure should not be so small.

Tao Qian asked doubtfully.

To be able to become the mayor, the professional level must be at least level 45.

An official of one party not only has the purpose of political management of the area he is in charge of, but also has the purpose of protecting and suppressing it with force.

The professional level means everything.

Not necessarily. You must know that the resources provided by the country to professionals with S-level talents and above are not just once. The subsequent resources are very amazing.

And the mayor needs performance, and he also wants to upgrade. After level 40, every level up is very difficult.

Jiangshui City's performance in the past few years has not been very good. Although you have an S-level talent, some people may have made a fuss about the summoner profession. There is a high probability that the resources are already with Li Feng.

Wenren Qingyu analyzed rationally.

Zheng Yu also nodded: It is impossible for the mayor to swallow up my resources, but this matter is impossible without his nod. It is a very simple comparison principle, an S-level talent, but a sewer.

An A-level talent, but a popular profession, and the father of this profession is also the minister of the Ministry of Resources.

Zheng Yu shrugged.

With this relationship, the answer is self-evident.

Tao Qian asked in confusion: Isn't the Ministry of Resources under the jurisdiction of the mayor? Why does the mayor want to curry favor with the Minister of Resources?

Wenren Qingyu shook his head: First of all, you got the relationship wrong.

“The Ministry of Resources is the Ministry of Resources and the mayor is the mayor.”

There is no superior-subordinate relationship between the two. In fact, the resources department is more important. You know the reason. After all, it is in charge of resources.

Besides, you use the word flattery incorrectly.

First, the mayor needs performance. Judging from Zheng Yu's career, although Li Feng's qualifications are lower than Zheng Yu's, he is a solid warrior career, which highlights his stability.

Second, the mayor and Li Nan complement each other.

A few years ago, before my family was lonely, I had heard of Li Nan. You can understand that... coming to Jiangshui City as him is for training, and he will go back soon.

I see.

When Wen Ren Qingyu explained it, Tao Qian understood everything.

It’s not that the mayor’s pattern is small, it’s that their pattern is small.

He was a well-connected person, and he analyzed the pros and cons very accurately, yet he offended a summoner who was unknown, had no background, and had no future.

It is better to give resources to the Minister of Resources who comes down from above, make connections, and stabilize connections.

You can also get an A-level talented warrior. Although the talent is not high, it is stable.

Regardless of whether the resources are given to Zheng Yu or not, it is reasonable.

The resources are not in Zheng Yu's hands, and he does not have the Summoners Guild to help him deal with these matters. He can say whatever the other party wants to say.

What the head teacher said on the phone was that the mayor would personally award the award.

But Zheng Yu knew very well that the mayor found that Zheng Yu, a summoner, didn't seem that bad, but the resources had been allocated. In order to stabilize him, he had to go through a process.

Draw a big pie and give some compensation.

That's almost it.

It is because of this reasonableness that Zheng Yu is very angry.

Why should he give something that should belong to him to others?

So even if Zheng Yu had time, he still refused the mayor's invitation to meet.

Holding a grudge.

There is no way, Zheng Yu is not a generous person.

It doesn't matter if you want the resources or not, but what belongs to him cannot be given to others. Even if he doesn't want it, there is no reason for these people to grab it!

Meanwhile, the mayor's office.

Zhou Yun said with some surprise while listening to the phone call.

He refused to see me?

The head teacher's voice on the other end of the phone was cautious, Zheng Yu said that he is going into the abyss and time is of the essence. After he comes out of the abyss, I will ask him to find you.

The head teacher tried to speak as smoothly as possible.

Mayor Zhou Yun smiled: Oh, this kid still holds a grudge. Isn't it because the resources were not given to him? Okay, when he comes out of the abyss, I will just compensate him.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time.

Then I heard the head teacher ask in a strange voice: Mayor, I want to know, are you really not giving any resources to Zheng Yu?

The tone was not as respectful as before, more like... questioning.

Mayor Zhou Yun frowned.

He heard Teacher Zheng Yu's tone on the other end of the phone was a bit harsh and wanted to get angry. Who do you think you are to question me?

But after thinking about it, I still held back.

I also know that the other person's mood may not be very good right now.

He patiently explained: Teacher Zhang, you also know that the resource subsidy needs to be rated and reviewed. After evaluation by experts at all levels in Jiangshui City, it is unanimously believed that Li Feng has greater potential.

Although Zheng Yu has an S-level talent, his profession is a summoner after all. We in Jiangshui City have been at the bottom for many years. We can no longer waste resources because of Zheng Yu.

There are really not many resources...

You have to understand the government and understand our decision.

The head teacher on the other end of the phone, after listening to the mayor's words, said quietly: Experts... must be right?

Mayor Zhou Yun began to sound a little impatient, Comrade Zhang Cheng, let me say it again, this is a decision after evaluation, and the Provincial Ministry of Resources has agreed and issued it.

If you have any opinions, you can ask the province or district!

Zhou Yun was very annoyed.

Although he is the mayor, there are many things he cannot control himself.

Especially in terms of political performance.

Doesn't he want to give resources to Zheng Yu, an S-level talent?

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I can’t.

There are four S-level talent resources issued by the state.

One for level 1, one for level 10, one for level 25, and one for level 40.

All four rewards are very generous.

But they all doubted whether Zheng Yu could be upgraded to level 10.

Send it the first time, who will you send it to the second time?

Are we going to tell the superiors like last year that Jiangshui City’s “key cultivators” are useless again?

What future can a summoner have, if this resource is really wasted?

It just so happened that the son of the Minister of Resources of Jiangshui City was an A-level warrior, so this was the best of both worlds.

As for Zheng Yu...

He is just a summoner, and soon he will be lost to everyone.

His approach of allocating resources to Li Feng will be praised by everyone as the right choice.

He also knew that Zheng Yu and Zheng Yu's teacher would definitely have complaints.

Therefore, as a mayor, he could personally call Zheng Yu's class teacher and patiently explain the causes and consequences of these things, which was enough to give them face.

What else do you want?

Do you really think he, the mayor, owes them anything?

He wasn't lying, because after Zheng Yu's S-level talent summoner profession was reported, several other departments, including but not limited to the Ministry of Education, high school principals, resources department, etc., came to him.

There were a lot of meetings and a lot of planning.

The final decision was reported to the provincial department and a special exception was made. The resources would not be given to S-level Zheng Yu, but to A-level Li Feng.

Zhou Yun saw that there was no sound on the other end of the phone, so he said earnestly: The province and the ministry have agreed, what can you do for me? I can only guarantee you that Zheng Yu will be compensated to a certain extent, but the subsequent resources must be handed over to Li Feng .”

You have to understand me and understand the provinces and districts. Nowadays, there are more and more professionals, and the number of professionals with high talents is gradually increasing. Zheng Yu's S-level talent is really not rare.

That's it, think about it yourself.

hang up the phone.

Zhou Yun called his secretary.

Prepare a resource, come from us, don't use the resources of the Resource Department, prepare it for Zheng Yu.

He was indeed at fault for this matter, so he still planned to make it up to Zheng Yu.

But the secretary said: Mayor, I think there is no need to prepare.


Zhou Yun looked up questioningly.

The secretary said: Teacher Zhang Cheng probably didn't tell you that the abyss Zheng Yu entered this time was a nightmare-level abyss.

Zhou Yun was stunned for a moment.

He wants to die?

The secretary did not answer, but continued: Before entering the nightmare level dungeon, he spent money to make an announcement. At that time, all the professionals in the Cold Street Secret Hall knew that Zheng Yu had entered the nightmare abyss.

Zhou Yun had a strange expression on his face: This kid is quite angry.

Are you planning to die to vent your dissatisfaction?

He didn't think Zheng Yu had the ability to clear the nightmare-level abyss.

The Cold Street Abyss has been in Jiangshui City for more than ten years, and no one has ever cleared the nightmare-level abyss.

Not to mention Zheng Yu is a summoner.

At this time, Zhou Yun also realized why Teacher Zhang Cheng's attitude was so strange just now. He was still respectful before, but suddenly he started to question the tone.

It turned out that he knew that Zheng Yu had entered the nightmare-level abyss, and it was probably difficult for him to come out alive.

Zheng Yu had no money to borrow, a poor family, and no resources, so he entered the nightmare abyss without any preparation.

Isn't this a suicide?

Mayor Zhou Yun laughed and didn't think this was a bad thing.

You are going to prepare an obituary. Do you know how to write it?

The secretary's many years of work experience are not in vain, and naturally he is very aware of the twists and turns involved.

He said: I will write more sincerely. It is a pity that Jiangshui City has lost an S-level talent.

In addition, the matter of Zheng Yu spending money to make announcements was exaggerated as much as possible, exaggerating that Zheng Yu was arrogant and arrogant because of his S-level talent. In the end, it was his arrogance that killed him.

Let's also write down the shortcomings of the Summoner. He cannot leave the battle normally, and the Resurrection Cross cannot be used.

And I will write Li Feng's results on the side.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said: Don't write about Li Feng, pick it out.


The secretary wrote avoid suspicion in the notebook.

Prepare the resources I asked you to prepare just now and give them directly to Zheng Yu's teacher. I remember that Zhang Cheng has a child who is in the first grade of high school, right?

Let him do whatever he wants with this resource.


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