The whole world thought I was poor

Chapter 147: Lu Xiaohao? Estimated to be two levels at most!

Fang Shuting put on her makeup beautifully and was very happy.

As long as it is a woman, there will be a little vanity, and Fang Shuting is no exception.

Fang Shuting looked forward to going to a legendary restaurant like Jiangwang Mansion for dinner.

My best friend Zhao Leier, because she had been to Jiangwang's Mansion once, she often brag about it among their sisters.

Although Fang Shuting had heard all these smiles before, she was not a very material person, but it was impossible to say that there was no small yearning for those places in her heart, and no small expectations.

Lu Xiaohao didn't want to go out. He just wanted to stay at home with Sister Ting, and take advantage of her if he had anything to do.

But seeing sister Ting's interest so high, of course Lu Xiaohao would not refuse.

Fang Shuting wore a rare set of light blue dresses today, with her tall figure, noble and elegant, which made Lu Xiaohao a feast for her eyes.

Fang Shuting seldom wore this kind of half-dress dresses before. She usually wears professional dresses. The style is neat and hearty. The aura of women in the workplace is very strong.At home, it is casual wear, loose and comfortable, but it also hides her proud figure.

Dresses like wearing skirts are quite rare.

Don't say, it's true that people rely on clothes.Fang Shuting put on a beautiful dress, and the appearance and temperament of the whole person rose to a higher level.

"It's beautiful." Lu Xiaohao said exaggeratedly.

Fang Shuting glanced at Lu Xiaohao for nothing.

"Sister Ting, why don't you just dress like this in the future."

Lu Xiaohao said that although Fang Shuting is also beautiful in professional attire and has a very strong urban beauty, otherwise there will not be so many people in the company chasing her, almost stepping on the threshold of the ninth technical department.

However, Lu Xiaohao felt that Fang Shuting's dress was more feminine, and his gentle and virtuous temperament rose to a higher level, which was more in line with his aesthetics.

"I have to wear work clothes every day when I go to work. I am not the president. How can I wear what I want." Fang Shuting smiled.

"Then I will let you be the president of the company in the future, so you can show me a beautiful dress every day." Lu Xiaohao smiled wretchedly.

"The beauty you want, who will show it to you every day." Fang Shuting said in a bad mood.

"Hurry up and change your clothes. Why do you always stand by me? Don't ask me to change it for you. Believe it or not, I will strangle you."

Fang Shuting remembered Lu Xiaohao's shameless thoughts before, so she couldn't help but stared at Lu Xiaohao fiercely.

Since Lu Xiaohao slapped the two hundred catties Fatty Lei over and over again, she stopped helping Lu Xiaohao change clothes, and it was useless to ask her no matter what.

Later, there was regret in Lu Xiaohao's heart. Why couldn't he resist the anger in his heart at the beginning, forget that he was a seriously wounded person, and used his hand to smoke Fatty Thunder.

Isn't it good for him to kick the foot directly? He kicks it hard, and can continue to play the seriously wounded person, the best of both worlds.

Fang Shuting bought many beautiful clothes for Lu Xiaohao not long ago, so Lu Xiaohao wouldn't have no clothes to change.

Soon, he also changed into a casual outfit that looked good.

The so-called people rely on clothes, horses and saddles, Lu Xiaohao originally had a very good appearance. After putting on decent clothes, his temperament was immediately highlighted, unlike the previous pair of dicks.

Lu Xiaohao still pays attention to Fang Shuting out for dinner.

After all, Sister Ting is dressed so beautifully, and as a partner, Lu Xiaohao can't lose her face.

Hey, when did his Lu Xiaohao become sister Ting's partner?


After finishing packing, Fang Shuting led Lu Xiaohao downstairs.

It turned out that Xu Gaoyi's car had been parked downstairs, waiting for them.

"Uncle Xu, don't say a word when you came early."

Fang Shuting hurriedly stepped forward. She and Lu Xiaohao were still upstairs with ink marks for a long time, and she had come down earlier if she knew it.

"No, no, not long after coming here, anyway, it's not in a hurry."

Xu Gaoyi smiled and said, in fact, they came an hour ago and have been waiting downstairs.Their family attached great importance to Lu Xiaohao's invitation to dinner.

Xu Gaoyi drove a medium-sized sedan that could seat five people.There are many people in their family, Xu Jiaojiao, Xu Zhengyang and his wife are here, plus Chen Xiulan, exactly five people.

Counting Lu Xiaohao and Fang Shuting, one car naturally couldn't sit down, so two cars had to go there.

In the end, Lu Xiaohao and Fang Shuting had a car, and Xu Gaoyi's family had a car, and drove one after the other to Jiangwang Mansion.

On the way, Chen Xiulan was sitting in the co-pilot and asked Xu Gaoyi cautiously: "Old Xu, I heard that the consumption of Prince Jiang's Mansion is very high. Is the money you brought enough? Don't make a fool of yourself when the money is not enough."

In the past, Chen Xiulan would definitely not have this worry, but she also knew the situation in their family recently.

After more than 10 million people were defrauded, the money their family could come up with was quite limited.

Although Lei Tong did send three million medical expenses later, Xu Gaoyi didn't dare to change this money. In his opinion, it belonged to Lu Xiaohao's money, and he was thinking about finding an opportunity to give it to Lu Xiaohao today.

"Don't worry, I have been the boss for so many years, and I can still get the money for a meal. Don't worry about it."

Xu Gaoyi patted his wife's hand to signal her peace of mind.

"It seems that you still have money that I don't know?"

Chen Xiulan didn't look moved when she heard the words, instead she gave Xu Gaoyi a blank look.


Xu Gaoyi's expression became stiff, and he quickly smiled and said, "No, how can you understand it wrong. I borrowed money from some old friends. I can't borrow big money, but borrowing a small amount of hundreds of thousands of dollars is still no problem."

"You know that my contacts have always been good, and I still have the face. Don't think I have a private vault, nothing."

"Is it."

Chen Xiulan sneered. When raising money before, Xu Gaoyi borrowed almost all the money he could borrow.

Now that something happened at home, how could I still be able to borrow money?

Of course, Chen Xiulan is not a stupid woman. At this time, she won't hold on to the carelessness of her husband.

Even if Xu Gaoyi has a small treasury in his possession, this meal tonight is afraid that he will have to take out his small treasury.

After all, eating at the Prince Jiang’s Mansion is surprisingly expensive.

Especially for banquet guests, you can't go for a casual meal, it must be of a certain grade and specification.

If you have a request, it is easy to spend hundreds of thousands in a night.

That's why Chen Xiulan was worried that Xu Gaoyi didn't have enough money.

In fact, Chen Xiulan and Xu Gaoyi have been with Xu Gaoyi for so many years.

Last time, it was because Xu Gaoyi received a very important guest that he came to Jiangwang's Mansion and brought her along by the way.

"Dad, I heard that eating at Prince Jiang's Mansion will directly divide people into different classes, isn't it true?"

On the back seat, Mai Xiaohui asked curiously.

She heard some rumors about Prince Jiang’s Mansion from her girlfriends.

Every time I mentioned Jiang Wangfu, my girlfriends talked in exaggeration.

Because that girlfriend has been there once, and she often brags about it in their small circle.

Therefore, before going, Mai Xiaohui was very curious and looking forward to Jiang Wangfu.

Xu Gaoyi groaned slightly after hearing the words: “It’s an exaggeration to divide people into three, six, nine, etc. directly. The guests who go to Jiangwang’s Mansion are the most distinguished guests, and the service attitude is not bad at all. After all, how can any hotel demean Customer’s."

"It is true that it is possible to detect the ranks of people, because Prince Jiang's Mansion has a hierarchical treatment mechanism."

"Customers of different levels can receive different treatment."

"For example, the reception rules of King Jiang's Mansion, such as some special dining venues in King Jiang's Mansion, only high-level treatment personnel can visit."

Xu Zhengyang interrupted and said: "Dad, I have heard a little bit about this. I heard that Jiang Wangfu divides guests into five levels. Each level corresponds to different treatment rights. Even people with high authority can get discounts when they eat at Jiang Wangfu. ."

Xu Zhengyang works in the city hall, and he has heard a lot about these things.

Of course, he has never been.

What he knew was only heard.

"Well, the guests of Prince Jiang’s Mansion are divided into five major levels. Of course, this is the internal evaluation of Prince Jiang’s Mansion. It is impossible to say on the table. On the surface, all guests are treated equally. But Jiangwang’s Mansion has been in Donghai City for so many years, these unspoken rules are actually Has long been known."

"For example, the three most famous gardens: Yuhuayuan, Tianxin Pavilion, Yunshangxian. Only the highest five-level guests can book. Five-level guests have a meal, and I heard that they will enjoy a 30% discount at Jiangwang Mansion."

"As for Level 4 guests, they can enjoy a 30% discount."

"Tier 3 guests receive a 10% discount."

"No discount for second-level guests."

"There is no discount for first-class guests."


"Thirty percent off for level five guests. Is the discount so high?"

Chen Xiulan looked over, she was more interested in saving money and discounts.

Xu Gaoyi smiled and said: "Of course, the higher the status, the less money will be made by Prince Jiang’s Mansion. In fact, the consumption of Prince Jiang’s Mansion is too high. If there is no discount, even the rich and powerful cannot go to Jiang every day. After all, no one is being taken advantage of by the palace."

"Therefore, the higher the level of customers, the more the Prince Jiang’s mansion will push down the profits, so that those people will have the double satisfaction of benefits and treatment, so they will naturally come to the Prince Jiang’s mansion for dinner."

"As for the low- and middle-level customer groups, this type of people has limited spending power. It is nothing more than a face and pomp to come to Jiangwang Mansion. This type of customers can come to Jiangwang Mansion for dinner very few times, so there is basically no discount. Make enough in one go."

In fact, this mechanism has been very mature in Jiang Wangfu for so many years.

The upper-class customers make money slowly.The bottom-level customers are more ruthless when they start with disposable wool.

"Dad, what level of customers are we, how much discount can I get for dinner?"

After hearing these anecdotes, Mai Xiaohui asked with interest for a while.


Xu Gaoyi smiled bitterly after hearing the words: "We don't have a grade, and the grade treatment is no, and it's not even a first-class customer."

"Ah... so miserable!"

Mai Xiaohui's eyes widened. After hearing so much, she thought that her family was also a second-class customer, and the worst was also a first-class customer.

In the end, she still thinks too much, so she doesn't even have a level... is it so shocking!

Xu Gaoyi smiled and said: "Otherwise, Prince Jiang's mansion is known as the yardstick for measuring the level of human status. It's not just a matter of talking. We, individual tourists who don't have any social status, don't have a hierarchy in the Mansion."

Chen Xiulan gave Xu Gaoyi a glance at the words: "So Old Xu, you still have to work hard. Look at what kind of bear you are. Even a restaurant looks down on you. It's shameful."

Xu Gaoyi: "..."

Is Jiang Wangfu just a restaurant?

People are the yardstick of Donghai City's status and status. Okay, can you understand it?

"That's right, Dad, Aunt Chen is right. If you don't work hard, even a restaurant won't look down on you." Xu Zhengyang was cheering from behind.

"Zheng Yang, don't talk about your father. You can see what kind of bear you are. You have been working in the city hall for so many years. You are still a small geologist. You can't even go to the deputy department. It's a shame. I see you. This ascent speed is similar to that of an ant crawling. It is estimated that at the age of 40 or 50, I can barely become a small land section chief."

"At that time, your father and I had already left. I guess we won't be able to enjoy this blessing."

How poisonous Chen Xiulan's mouth is. Just now Xu Zhengyang was still cheating, but she was speechless for a few words.

To be a section chief at the age of 40 or 50?

Xu Zhengyang smiled bitterly, and there was the illusion that Aunt Chen was a little flattering about him. According to the current situation in the system, it would be pretty good for him to be a minor in his 40s or 50s.

"Stinky lady, why is my mouth so poisonous. Although I fell a bit hard this time, but with the support of Yuanhong Industrial and Mr. Cheng, it is not difficult to get up again. The better and better career is just around the corner."

Xu Gaoyi said unhappily, what do men fear most?Of course, I am most afraid of being looked down upon by women.

Who dare to say that Xu Gaoyi will not have a comeback day.

"Dad, Mr. Cheng, a big boss with a net worth of several billions, what level can he have in the Jiangwang Mansion?" Mai Xiaohui asked curiously.

My father-in-law is not in the Jiangwang Mansion, but Cheng Gongxing, as the chairman of Yuanhong Industrial, should not be of low rank.

"Mr. Cheng."

Xu Gaoyi pondered slightly and said: "It should be the second-level treatment. If he spends a lot of money in the Jiangwang Palace, it may also be the third-level treatment."

"Only the second and third level treatment?" Mai Xiaohui stared.

She thought that Mr. Cheng was also a four-level treatment, after all, Cheng Gongxing was a rich man in the true sense.

Chen Xiulan and Xu Zhengyang were also very surprised that such a wealthy person, Mr. Cheng, actually only received second-level and third-level treatment in Prince Jiang's Mansion?

Is the threshold of Prince Jiang’s Palace so high!

Xu Gaoyi smiled and said, "I'm actually too high when I say that, and Cheng Zong is mostly a secondary treatment."

"Who are the people with the third-level treatment and above? Immortals!" Mai Xiaohui couldn't help asking.

Xu Gaoyi said with a smile: "If you compare it with money, the third-level treatment of the Prince Jiang’s Mansion is at least ten billion yuan; the fourth-level treatment of the Jiangwang Mansion, the capital predators with wealth of tens of billions and hundreds of billions are at this level. Go. As for the fifth-level treatment in the Jiangwang Mansion, in fact, this can no longer be measured purely by money. There are not many bigwigs in Donghai City who can meet the fifth-level treatment."

"So exaggerated!"

Mai Xiaohui took a breath after hearing the words.

Those capital giants with assets of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions are only four-level treatment!

It's too exaggerated!Is this really a restaurant?

Those business giants with large amounts of capital can serve such a restaurant?If you replace it with a big-natured tycoon with a temper, it is estimated that Prince Jiang's Mansion will be acquired!

Xu Gaoyi said earnestly and earnestly: "Xiaohui, you can't be so narrow-minded. The world is so big that there are more powerful people. For example, Lu Xiaohao, you look at him as ordinary, but is he really ordinary?"

"The same is true of Prince Jiang's Mansion. You only regard it as a restaurant. That is a big mistake."

"Then what level can Lu Xiaohao be in Jiangwang's Mansion?" Chen Xiulan asked immediately after hearing this.

Of course she is very concerned about Lu Xiaohao, this is the son-in-law of Chenglong in her eyes.

Xu Gaoyi was stunned when he heard the words. He really didn't think about the problem. He shook his head after hesitating slightly, "I don't know this, after all, I don't know much about Lu Xiaohao. But I guess, there should be a level one. Or second-level treatment."

"Is it level one or two?"

Chen Xiulan was obviously not satisfied with this answer.In her opinion, Lu Xiaohao is so powerful, rich and powerful, and can scare the big brother like that, how can he get first-level and second-level treatment.

"It’s good for a young man to have a treatment grade in the Jiangwang Mansion. Most young people don’t have a treatment grade in the Jiangwang Mansion. Perhaps they are the rich second generation and their identity and background are not simple, but in the end they just rely on It's just family circumstances, they don't have any strong spending power themselves."

"For example, Mr. Cheng just said, billions of assets are very rich, but he has to plan carefully when he comes to Prince Jiang's mansion. Do you think his son is capable of spending at Prince Jiang's mansion?"

"So most of the rich second generations have no hierarchy in the Jiangwang Mansion, no different from us."

"Unless the rich second generation who is particularly rich, such as the son of a tens of billions of billionaires, will have a rank in the Palace of King Jiang."

Xu Gaoyi said that Lu Xiaohao had first-level and second-level treatment in the Jiangwang Mansion. In fact, there are elements of his exaggeration.

In Xu Gaoyi's view, Lu Xiaohao's background may be very unusual, but it is already exaggerated to have a first-level treatment in the Jiangwang Mansion, and second-level treatment is basically impossible.

After all, some big bosses themselves, or some big bosses with amazing backgrounds, how can they be treated in the Jiang Palace?

Being able to be level three or above is great enough.

If they are like this, what can their children be?

In the eyes of Prince Jiang’s Mansion, there are only successful people who have achieved fame, and there is no concept of rich second generation at all.

"That's it."

Mai Xiaohui looked like she had suddenly realized it, and the others also looked like she had gained insight.

Xu Gaoyi squinted his eyes slightly, a little airy, he knows more than others, especially in front of his wife and children. It is naturally a very fulfilling thing to be able to show his insights.

"Oh, I was thinking before that if Lu Xiaohao's treatment in the Jiang Palace is high enough, he can help us apply for a discount and save a lot of money. Now it seems that I think too much."

Mai Xiaohui smiled bitterly.

"Never mind the discount. For customers who go to Jiangwangfu to spend, it can be said that more than 99.99% of people are not eligible for a discount."

Xu Gaoyi smiled and shook his head.

Even a big man like Cheng Gongxing didn't have the right to discount in the Jiangwang Mansion, and it was even more impossible for Lu Xiaohao.

The entire Donghai City is so big, how many people have the third-level treatment or more in Jiangwangfu?

The atmosphere in the car was lively, chatting all kinds of gossip, Xu Jiaojiao didn't understand what the adults were talking about, and was completely uninterested. She had already leaned on the chair and slept screaming.

After an hour, all the talents arrived at the Jiangwang Mansion.

Fang Shuting took out the mirror to check whether the makeup on her face had any flowers. Seeing that there were no flowers, she opened the door and got out of the car.

Lu Xiaohao was not as troublesome as a woman, and got out of the car lazily.

Xu Gaoyi's family came a little earlier than them and was waiting for them not far away.

After everyone converged, they went to the Jiangwang Mansion.

It can be seen that Fang Shuting and Mai Xiaohui both have a little excitement and little expectation.

After all, the reputation of Prince Jiang's Mansion is thunderous and anyone who comes here for the first time will be a little curious.

Xu Gaoyi walked in the forefront, carrying his hands on his back, with a leisurely expression, pretending to come often, familiar with the road.

In front of the children, he, the head of the family, certainly looks a little bit different.

Although he hasn't been here several times, he must be full of momentum and pretend to be frequent.

Soon, the group stepped into the gate of Prince Jiang's Mansion.

In the lobby of the Prince Jiang’s Mansion, there are many beautiful young ladies wearing emcee costumes, all of them tall and beautiful, almost all of them are pretty high-quality beauties.

When they saw Xu Gaoyi and his party approaching, a beautiful reception lady was immediately ready to come forward.

However, she was stopped by one person before she took two steps.


The little sister was puzzled in her eyes, and looked at her boss a little strangely.

"I am here to receive them, and you are busy with others."

Manager Song shook his head slightly, then tidyed up his clothes, then speeded up his pace, smiling forward.

The reception lady was a little surprised, but his manager personally went to the reception?

This is quite a rare thing in their Jiangwang Mansion. Only the guests with the third-level treatment or above will be received by the lobby manager in person.Regardless of the large facade of their Jiangwang Mansion, in fact, sometimes a whole day, there may not be a third-level guest.

Because the number of guests receiving the three-level treatment is so rare, there are not many in Donghai City.

It's impossible for them to have this kind of guests in the Jiang Palace every day.

The reception lady looked at the group of people again, with some curiosity in her eyes.

It was strange that she remembered the list of the three-level treatment of Prince Jiang's Mansion very clearly, because there were only a few people in total, and she couldn't remember it wrong.

There doesn't seem to be a third-level customer in the group?

Not to mention the third-level treatment... I guess there are no customers with the second-level treatment.

Being able to serve as a reception in the lobby of the King’s Mansion requires a variety of rigid requirements. UBM Qiangji is one of them.They must remember these customer lists very clearly.

First-class customers and non-class customers can ignore it, just receive them normally.

But second-tier customers or third-tier customers have completely different treatment and require special treatment.

Especially the third-level customers, with distinguished status, are always received by the lobby manager.

As for Level 4 or Level 5, such characters are completely out of reach, and they don't even have permission to read the list and related materials.Only a few senior lobby managers can view the information list of level 4 or level 5 customers.

It was the meal right now. There were a lot of customers coming to the Jiang Palace, but Manager Song completely ignored the others, and quickly stepped forward in three and two steps, and went straight to Xu Gaoyi and his party.

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