The journey that followed became very eerie.

Sigmund has been brooding along the way because of Juana's words, and others have tacitly accepted him as the core of the team, although they have not said it explicitly.

No matter what choice Juana made, everyone would glance at Sigmon subconsciously. It wasn't until Sigmund nodded in approval that everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Strength is the last word.

However, Sigmon didn't have the freedom to integrate into the team at the beginning. Fortunately, after killing the Shadow Ape, there were no powerful monsters left in the entire infected area.

Everyone cooperated normally, and the sweeping of the entire area was completed before dark.

"It was the shadow ape that communicated with the power in the void, allowing Xie Yi to invade reality. Now that he is dead, this connection is cut off. It won't take long for the entire area to return to normal."

Juana concluded.

To be honest, although she is not very strong in frontal combat, she is outstanding in the overall situation, the formulation of team plans and assistance.

Such a person is more suitable as a team leader than Sigmon.

Of course, Sigmund did not have the idea of ​​replacing Juana because of his strength.

He just came out this time just at the right time, running in the fighting ability he has at this stage. And got the opportunity to contact other extraordinary people, and the goal was achieved.

"I'll drive the carriage."

Everyone returned to the place where the carriages were parked according to the original road, and Litton took the initiative to open the mouth and said, at this time the sun was falling, if the speed was fast enough, they should be able to return to the town before dark.

Juana nodded and checked Laura's injury again. With her assistance and Laura's amazing physique, the penetrating injury on her thigh no longer affected her normal activities.

Laura's luck is really good enough. If she deviates by a few centimeters and her bones are broken by the shadow ape, I am afraid she will lie on the bed for a while.

The carriage was speeding, and when everyone returned to the town, the town was still busy.

Back at the hotel, everyone went back to the room, briefly groomed, cleaned the blood on their bodies, and came to Juana's room after dinner.

The next step is to distribute rewards according to the performance in this task.

Because the strengthening materials on the Shadow Ape were obtained by Sigmon alone, removing this part, the overall reward of the task is not divided into everyone's heads.

On this issue, Juana is indeed very fair, and she did not take sides because of Sigmon's strength, but rather distributed it according to her performance in battle.

Litton was the best, Sigmund was just average.

Sigmund had no problem with this.

It was too late after the money was distributed, and he didn't plan to leave overnight. He simply said hello and returned to his room.

The disguise on his face had lasted all day, which made Sigmon really uncomfortable, but in order to hide his identity, he did not remove these disguise.

Taking off his jacket and wearing only the white shirt inside, Sigmon lay on the bed and recalled his combat performance throughout the day as usual.

The sky became dark, and the town that had been busy all day slowly became quiet.

Blowing out the oil lamp, Sigmon leaned back against the wall and slowly closed his eyes.

Just then, he heard footsteps coming from the corridor.

His footsteps were soft and quietly stopped at his door.

After a while, with a soft sound, the door was opened from the outside.

Sigmund closed his eyes and did not move.

He knew that the person who opened the door had entered his room and was slowly approaching him.

One step, two steps.

Suddenly he opened his eyes in the dark.

The room was dark, but it didn't affect Sigmon's sight in the slightest.

Then he saw it.

A tall girl was slowly unbuttoning her burqa.


The large robe slipped from the other's shoulder, and the snow-white ketone body was exposed in front of Sigmon's eyes.


Sigmund felt his throat tighten, and the huntress' figure really had nothing to say.

The bones are well-proportioned and the muscles full. Some scars can be seen vaguely on the shoulders, chest, lower abdomen and thighs.

But these scars not only will not destroy her beauty, but instead give the girl a different kind of wild charm.

"Thank you for saving me today."

The girl's white feet touched the wooden floor, and she jumped lightly to Sigmund's bed.

Reason tells Sigmon that boys should learn to protect themselves outside, but at this moment his body is very honest.

"Mr. Henrik, you should have mastered local hardening..." Slowly leaning down, Claire approached Sigmon's face.

"Can I try?"

Sigmund didn't speak, and at this moment he thought any words were superfluous.

Of course, so are the clothes.

(one two three four, two two three four)

While doing exercises, Sigmon's thoughts flew away.

If he hadn't appeared in that extraordinary gathering, it's possible that Claire had obtained the plant goat spinal fluid.

In this case…

It was also Claire who mastered local hardening.

God, it's no wonder the ancients had an idiom called the copper head and the iron wall.

Where is the head? What is the wall? b?

A female witcher who masters local's scary.

Silent all night, working hard.

The next morning Claire was walking against the wall.

After a night of work, Sigmund woke up feeling refreshed and relaxed.

"Participate in more similar activities. If you control them well, the chaos value will not increase."

By the time he went downstairs to eat, Claire and Litton had left the hotel and ordered enough steak, fried eggs, bread and milk for three people, and Sigmund ate alone by the window.

Excessive energy consumption requires a good nourishment.

Halfway through the meal, a fragrant wind hit, and a graceful figure appeared in front of him.

"I thought you were gone."

Sigmund looked up at Juana, lowered his head and continued to enjoy his breakfast.

Without fighting, Juana wore a little makeup today, a silk women's hat on her head, and a corset dress that was on trend.


I have to admit that Juana's facial features are exquisite and beautiful, but facing this woman, Sigmon did not have the same thoughts as when facing Claire. UU Reading

The superhumans of the Star Contract are proficient in the properties of various herbs, and each of them is a master of pharmacy, and in this respect it happens to be Sigmon's shortcoming.

He can resist powerful physical damage, and his mental resistance is also extremely good, but he is only inferior in poison and potion.

It is not difficult to see the means of this woman from the previous mission.

So if it was Juana who touched his room last night.


wc...Is it better to puncture it and not let it go, or to talk about it later?

"Some people's skills have been learned by the whole hotel last night." Juana's eyes wandered, and she glanced at Sigmon with a charming look.

what's the situation?

Is this woman trying to flirt with me?


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