The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Vol 3 Chapter 6: I don't allow the first

"what happened?!"

At the top of the mountain in the distance, the leaders of the other three teams who had been prepared looked at each other in dismay. With their strength, they were in a trance for a moment. At the beginning of the battle, they had performed many deductions.

Everyone agreed that the powerful eighth-order on the Elan side would definitely choose to intercept when the knights were invincible.

Although the individual differences are great, the role of the Knights is that they can gather the strength of all people. In this case, one person will fight against the entire Knights, even if it is the eighth rank, to defeat the entire Knights, it will take some effort. cost.

And in this process, the other three teams can wait for the opportunity to launch, whether it is to annihilate the rest of the people or interfere with the eighth-order, it can be determined according to the situation. This battle is over.

But no one thought that the powerful Knights of Expedition would be defeated in the first charge, not from a head-on collision from a more powerful Transcendent, but a team that had never been seen before.

"How is this possible?" As the choir who cooperated with the Knights of Expedition the most, Zendaya knew about the glorious history of the Knights of Expedition, but it was precisely because of this that what happened in front of her made her so rude.

"Go down and help immediately!" Zendaya, the leader of the choir, was still absent, but Gloria had already reacted first, because at this moment a red light flashed in the distance, and Maria's brilliant knife light had covered the entire area. Fight the knights.

The strength of the Knights of the Battle is reflected in the cohesion of the overall strength. Everyone is integrated. No matter which one of them is fighting, it is equivalent to fighting against everyone. This is somewhat similar to the hardened state of the Demon Hunter. When this state exists, the Knights are It is indestructible, but after being defeated and dismantled, it will be much more difficult to condense it again in a short period of time.

At this time, if an extremely powerful superhuman breaks into the formation, it may cause a one-sided massacre, so seeing Maria's participation, Gloria's face will change greatly. If they don't If you take action in time, if you delay for a while, the battle knights of the Oracle Church will probably become history here.

The weapons in Maria's hands were one long and one short, butted together from the tail. At this moment, her figure was spinning, and in the blood-red sword light like a dream, the lower-strength combat knights collapsed at the touch.

There were screams from the crowd.

She did not forcibly destroy everyone's bodies, because the strength of the knights did not come from themselves, but from the strange armor on their bodies, so Maria's strategy was very simple.

When his knife light swept across the crowd, no one noticed the abnormality at first, but after a while, everyone realized that the blood in the body seemed to be drawn out uncontrollably, and with the loss of blood, they and the expedition knights The balance maintained by the armor was also instantly broken.

Feeling all this, Brolin's face as the leader was ashen, because he knew that in this case, it would be difficult for the Knights to unite again, and the enemy on the opposite side would definitely not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Sure enough, he heard a mocking voice coming from the dark armor on the opposite side.

"You are finished!"

At this time, the three teams in the distance had just launched an attack, but before their actions were over, Maria, who had drawn a lot of blood from the knights of the battle, had already crossed the battlefield. Staggered, the blood of the sky was injected into it, and after a short charge, it was chopped out.

"Stop her!" The leader of the saints, Gloria, gave an order. Among all the teams, the choir had the weakest defense, but just as the leader of the ascetic order, Milk, led everyone to fight back, Maria's As soon as the knife light turned, it actually collided with the ascetic monks.


The space was torn apart, and a slender figure with black hair appeared where the choir was.

"Who is she?" This question arose in everyone's heart.

Teresa's expression was indifferent. Although she appeared suddenly, it was only a moment, and Zendaya and the others responded.

Although the defense of the choir is weak, they are not at all unprepared for this situation. Teresa's intrusion seems to have inspired some kind of power, and the pupils of all the members turned pure white, and then, they gathered together. The spiritual force of the joint launched a strangulation to Teresa in the center.

The knights of the expedition are aimed at the body, then the choir is aimed at the spirit. Physical wounds are easy to recover, but mental shocks are difficult to defend.

But in the face of this kind of mental shock that could hurt the ancient gods, the expression on Teresa's face did not change, her eyes became empty, and her voice was full of mechanical sense.

"I'm just a blank machine."

On her hands, various complex runes appeared, and these lines spread until the wrists disappeared under the sleeves. Then, the spiritual cycle was activated, and in Zendaya's surprised eyes, explosions and The fire engulfed everyone.

The strength is not enough, the runes come together.

"Eighth-order, why does Ellen still have an eighth-order?!" The saint Gloria in the distance exclaimed, and Teresa's sudden explosion revealed her strength.

"It's the eighth level of contract creation!"

The sudden appearance of the Dragon Hunting Knights interrupted everyone's plans, and at this time, Teresa's outbreak made everyone aware of the danger.

Therefore, without any hesitation, Saint Gloria threw the flag in her hand, and the pure light swayed, and then three other flags were also jumped at the same time in other places on the battlefield.

The light on the flag bloomed, shrouding everyone together, the space vibrated, and it felt as if a planet was about to descend on everyone.

Stab it!

Amidst the rapidly spinning flags, the space was torn apart, and everyone saw the towering churches and palaces, and their eyes gradually drew closer. Under the throne, a figure wearing a golden mask stood there.

"It's the Sun Judge, is he coming here?" April was surprised during the battle, but then he saw the Sun Judge with the golden mask open his hands, and then the cracked space expanded. , expanding rapidly in their direction.

"He is not coming to but to bring us to the church kingdom of God."

This is the real plan of the Oracle Church, to use the four extraordinary institutions to attract everyone's attention, and then after the battle, complete the battlefield transfer, take everyone away in one go, according to the speed of space annexation, at most three or two breaths and then everything will be completely over.

But at this moment, a figure blocked the path of space engulfment.

It's Villamonte.

"Want to take everyone?" Villamonte chuckled.

"I won't allow it." After he finished speaking, he folded his hands together, and even forcibly sealed the torn space completely.

At this moment, the battle in the field stopped for a moment, but the next moment, Saint Gloria and others changed their faces wildly, because they recognized the identity of Villamonte.

"Creator, Villamonte!"

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