The Wonderful Journey of the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 101 Ralph's [Tooth Wolf·Dark]

You can search "The Knights of the Ring's Wonderful Journey Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The Lord of the Rings has fought against the darkness since its birth.

Not only the darkness of human nature, the darkness of Hora, but also their own darkness.

The brave who killed the demon king will eventually become the demon king. This is not empty talk.

Many of the knights who have seen too much Yin Me and experienced countless fierce battles will lose their hearts in the darkness, fall into the darkness and become the dark knights.

They lost all humanity and completely cut off the light in their hearts.

Ralph has been invaded by Hora's inner world, and the darkness in his heart has long been magnified countless times under Hora's lure.

If you are caught off guard, you might just fall into the dark.

However, this Hora missed one thing.


A thunderous roar sounded, and the black fog that occupied the entire space began to fluctuate fiercely. They swirled clockwise like a vortex, constantly rushing toward the center of the vortex, the place of the Gargoyle.

After only a few seconds, the darkness disappeared, leaving only the tooth wolf, which was almost completely black.

At this moment, countless black runes shot out from Yalang's eyes, condensing a human-shaped body in midair, and slammed heavily on the ground.

"How is it possible, how is this done?"

At this moment, Hora has lost the grace and calmness he had before, and an unwilling look flooded his face.

"Why didn't you fall into the darkness, and, what exactly is this posture?"

"You are right. I have encountered human betrayal and seen their dirty side. To be honest, the option of killing them all was seriously considered, but I felt very ridiculous when I calmed down."

Consciousness returned to the body, and the crimson eyes became more red.

Raising his hand, the tip of the sword pointed at Hora.


Holding her chest, Hora stood up and questioned.

"It's simple, because I am also human."

Holding the hilt in both hands, Ralph said categorically.

Yes, because they are humans, they understand humans.

It is meaningless to distinguish between humans by simple darkness and light.

Coming into this world, he not only saw the darkness for the cursed son, but also saw people like Matsuzaki who had a bright heart.

If you lose your persistence and fall into the darkness just because of the darkness of human nature, that is the most ridiculous, because you will become the existence you hate most.

"I accepted all of this. The darkness in my heart has not been eliminated. It still exists in my heart. Human beings have made progress by facing their own shortcomings squarely. They have completely accepted the darkness of my heart and gained new strength!"

Black and gold are intertwined, similar to the appearance of Fanglang·Dark in the fifth season of Fanglang, but compared to Fanglang·Dark formed by Fanglang·xiang based on Fanglang, the new form is closer to the third part. The tooth wolf that has lost its light.

What is even more eye-catching is the Fanglang Sword. The original wide blade is much smaller than before, but on both sides of the blade, two new sharp blades appeared. The current Fanglang Sword is not so much Sword, to a posture more similar to the upper half of a halberd.

Hora, who saw this scene before him, felt even more angry.

He clearly felt that the armor was still soul steel, and his current posture was that the soul steel responded to the fluctuations of Ralf's soul, creating a new form.

[Arab·Dark] belongs to him alone!

"Asshole, how could such a thing--!"

The plan fails completely, and there is no need to struggle anymore, just use your full strength.

The human appearance was completely shattered, and an eight-meter-long monster appeared under the night sky.

It looks like an evil dragon, but has a pair of jet black wings.


The evil dragon screamed from the sky, spreading its wings, and its entire body rushed forward, and the strong airflow spread towards the surroundings. With just one blow, it destroyed all the surrounding buildings more than ten meters away.

"Is that his body? It's big enough."

[I recognize this guy, Lei, his name is Rufael, he is Hora who likes to make Lord of the Rings Knight and Lord of the Rings fall. He has the blood of the Devil Dragon, and has some relationship with Horagrin. Be careful, His strength is far beyond ordinary Hora!

Zaruba also spoke now.Niuniu Chinese Network

His tone seemed a little solemn.

"I know, just so, I don't have time to pester him anymore."

During the speech, Lufael had already launched an attack.

Countless dark feathers turned into the strongest sword, rushing towards Ralph, the scope was beyond imagination, almost covering the entire Tiantong Mansion, there was no room for escape.

Looking at this scene, Ralph didn't mean to dodge, his hands opened, and black arrogance erupted from behind.

A pair of huge bat wings spread out from behind him.

"It really has wings."

Slightly ridiculed, his wings were lifted off the ground in an instant.

Facing the sky full of wings, face straight up.

Then, a surprising scene happened.

Ralph's figure turned into an afterimage. Without seeing how he moved, he instantly stepped over the obstacle of the wings and passed Rufael's body.


A long and narrow wound appeared on Rufael's shoulder, and dark blood sprayed from the wound.


A cry of pain came from Lufei's mouth, his amber eyes widened, and he stared at the black gold knight who stretched his bat wings in the sky.

But this is only the beginning.

The black and gold knight was like a flash of light at the moment, shuttled back and forth around Lufei, a long and deep wound appeared on Lufei's body, and feathers stained with black blood fell from the sky.

A miserable roar resounded across the sky,

"Interestingly, the speed is four times faster. It seems that this form has maximized the speed?"

[Well, but the overall defense of the armor has been significantly reduced, so I will pay attention to it and don't harden the enemy's attack.

"It's no longer necessary, solve him as soon as possible."

With wings and flaps, the knight rose again and came to the sky directly above Luphael.

A bright moon was in the sky, against the backdrop of the moonlight, Ralph spread his wings in the sky like a huge bat.

"How could it be, how could it be like this!"

Rufael made an unbelievable voice, and he also spread his wings high and rushed straight towards Ralph.

At the same time, all the black feathers in his body burst out, and under his control they turned into sharp arrows bursting out.

Seeing all this, Ralph didn't move, just raised the Fanglang sword in his hand.


After a crisp sound, the Fanged Wolf Sword in Ralph's hand has changed.

The side blades on both sides stretched out, and the middle blade shrank.

After undergoing a simple and magical transformation, the Yalang Sword transformed into a half-human high bow, with a bowstring formed by magic connecting the two ends of the bow.

Ralph grabbed the bowstring, pulled a full moon in an instant, and aimed at Lufael, who was rushing rapidly below.

In the center of the bow, golden light condenses in the center.


A bright moon is in the sky.

The golden arrow fell from the sky and collided with the black dragon from the ground.

ps: After writing this chapter, I felt a little bit wrong. Later, I thought, although it was still a snap, but it seemed a bit of a big trick next door.

The new plug-in is still Yalang·Dark, but some are different, it can be seen as a highly agile adc.

In addition, regarding the question raised by the book friends about what Ralph insists on in the comment area, please answer the question. The Dark Knight is not just that the armor has changed a layer of color, but that the heart has completely lost the bottom line. The dark knights This is the best example. Harago personally killed his teacher Dahe, the black knight in the flames betrayed and actually worked for his enemy Mandoza, the black knight in vl killed his wife after falling, even if he was In the face of his son, he did not stay behind. These examples suffice to show how terrible it is to fall into the darkness. If Ralph falls into the darkness, he might start a massacre on humans with his mentality.

Also, regarding the issue of updates, two changes a day during the holidays and one tonight, but because of sleepiness, tomorrow's two changes will be later, but the two changes are correct.

Thanks for the reward of blood like kendo!!!

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