You can search "The Knights of the Ring's Wonderful Journey Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!This afternoon, the six true swordsmen, Mr. Yanma and Ralph all gathered together. The atmosphere was very depressed, and the sunspots walking around were also a lot more careful.

"In other words, can you be sure that the blood sacrifice cry has a way to deal with the sealed text?"

Hikoma Hikuba looked extremely solemn after hearing what Ralph told about the battle.

"I can't be sure. After all, all the news was learned from the demon Lu. Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that they want to attract our attention."

"Yes, you can't care about the investigation of the demon Lu, but I think there is credibility, because there are many fallen humans among the outsiders, they are different from ordinary outsiders, and the demon Lu may say this. "

After hearing this, Zhang Ru, who was sitting in the first seat, touched his chin and said.

After hearing what he said, Reunosuke said in surprise.

"His Royal Highness, that is to say, we must find a way to solve the blood sacrifice cry without sealing words."

"This is troublesome."

Gu Qianming next to him scratched his head and said with a headache.

"The power of blood sacrifice crying is difficult for us to deal with now."

"Yes, but it must be available, and we have no other choice."

"makes sense."

Mozi and Qinye nodded and said.

It's just that they obviously have fear in their hearts.

At this moment, Genta patted his head with a headache.

"Xiao Zhang, it seems difficult to solve it."

"Don’t be so pessimistic, at least the blood sacrifice cries will not appear for a while. The weakness of that guy is very obvious, that is, the human world will soon be short of water. The present world has been severely dehydrated for a few minutes in the last battle. The way to spend this time is our victory."

Zhang Ru recalled the details of the fight with the blood sacrifice cry, and said while speculating.

"Moreover, thinking about it the other way around, even if the seal text cannot solve the blood sacrifice crying, it doesn't mean it's useless. After all, that is a trick to deal with outsiders. The blood sacrifice crying cannot be unscathed. At that time, it will be our opportunity. "

"Yeah, it's your Royal Highness, it's because I waited too panic."

Ryunosuke suddenly realized.

Zhang Li smiled and continued.

"Regardless of whether this news is true or false, we must be vigilant. Nowadays, blood sacrifice crying should not appear in a short time. We first set the demon Lu as the first target. It just so happens that the ten viscera and the thin-skinned man next to him They are all human beings who have fallen into the outside world and need to solve them as soon as possible!"

Thanks to Ralph's news, Zhang Ru and the others determined their goals in advance. Although they don't know how the Blood Sacrifice Crying will resist the sealed text, they only need to completely erase one of the key factors.

"Also, during this period of time to intensify training, the enemy has run out of time for us."

"Yes!" x5

At the moment, the entire true swordsman has entered a state of intensive training.

Except for the time spent fighting with outsiders, they almost converted most of their time to training.

First, practice swordsmanship, then practice the power of words, and finally practice the actual combat. In the evening, there is a task of consulting classics and searching for information from outsiders. To make an image metaphor, the entire Zhiye family seems to have entered the state of preparing for the college entrance examination of the Celestial Dynasty.

In the past few days, the consumption of bamboo swords, rice paper, writing brushes, and ink has doubled. Everyone has a lot of energy and wants to improve their strength as much as possible in the remaining time to overcome the difficulties. .

Ralph is naturally one of them.Love 999 novel

Of course, he didn't care about swordsmanship training and the like, just practicing the power of words made him suffer.

No way, I haven't written Chinese characters for eighteen years. Fortunately, I have learned Japanese in the world of Demon Slayer and Inky Bullet, and I can write a little bit. This is not too unfamiliar.

Coupled with this tight schedule and strict teaching, he has a feeling of doing test papers before the college entrance examination.

But it's just a bit of psychological resistance. After eighteen years of rigorous training, there is no such thing as self-control.

Under this circumstance, his progress was so rapid that he was able to use the power of words at least initially, of course, he also taught the magic of the Lord of the Rings.

But Zhang Ru is well aware of the truth that greed is too much to chew. For true swordsmen, the most useful thing is the magical gossip bar, which is the method of making and using magic charms, and he is now at the critical moment of tracing the demon Lu. There is no time to practice.

"Your progress is very fast. It seems that it will not take long before you can apply the power of words to actual combat."

Zhang Ru looked at the writing brush floating above the table in front of Ralph, and said with a slight surprise.

As soon as the voice fell, the brush fell on the table instantly.

"Well, you are such a good teacher after all."

Ralph turned the magic pen in his hand and said with a smile.

It is also a coincidence that most of the magical tools used by the Lord of the Rings are magic pens, and among the spells he practiced, there are also spells such as the Eight Classics of the Lord of the Rings that use the words of the devil as a medium to cast. .

With this as a foundation, the power of practicing writing naturally has some advantages.

"I just don't know what your text power attribute is. Depending on the way you fight, it's probably the text of fire."

"I don't care about the so-called attributes. After all, the power of words is more about saving people and assisting than fighting, so I only need to practice deeply."

Ralph also understands that the power of words is the first to learn the content of healing. Healing the body of the wave is the primary goal, and you have to let it go in combat.

"Speaking of it, the two recent incidents involving the outsiders seem to be related to the demon Lu, have you tracked down anything?"

"No, the old man and the sunspots are still exploring, there should be results."

Zhangru shook his head without knowing it.

"Speaking of it, since I dealt with the crying of the blood sacrifice frontally, I realized that our strength was still too weak. For example, this time, without you, the demon Lu Lai's attack would not be solved so easily."

"You are welcome, after all, the Lord of the Rings, like you, belong to the Guardian."

"Yes, Genta also said yesterday that it's great to have you as a foreign aid. He also wants to invite you to sushi specifically, and wants to ask if you agree or not."

As soon as the voice fell, Ralph's practice stopped.

Zhang Ru noticed something was wrong and looked at Ralph.

"what happened?"

"What did you say?"

"Genta also wants to treat you to sushi."

"No, the previous sentence."

"Yesterday Genta also said that it's great to have you as a foreign aid."

"Yes, this is it, foreign aid!"

Ralph clapped his hands and looked very excited.

Zhang Ru looked at him and tilted his head, feeling a little strange.

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