The Wonderful Journey of the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 249 This development is not right

You can search "The Knights of the Ring's Wonderful Journey Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Ralph couldn't help being a little surprised, who had the ability to mobilize so much firepower to encircle him, and he was in a metropolis like Gotham.

And for the moment, the opponents are all elite troops, well-trained, and even have sniper rifles, but to Ralph, this is nothing.

It only took him a while to find the position of the sniper and destroy the sniper rifle.

Of course, when he saw the black and yellow mask, he was still surprised.

"The death knell?"

Yes, one of the well-known villains in the DC world, but Ralph is not the man in the comics, but the man in a live-action TV series.


The death knell was not afraid, but looked at Ralph with interest and spoke Japanese.

"No, Chinese."

"Oh, I don't want to go to that place. After all, it's not a good place for mercenaries."

The death knell dropped the severed sniper rifle and took out his own pistol.

The only one left had a fierce look.

"But it doesn't matter, goodbye, boy."

"Wait, can you ask a few questions?"

Ralph asked suddenly.

But the death knell didn't mean to talk. With a wave of his hand, a dozen ninjas armed with modern weapons came to him.

"Sorry, no."

The order was given coldly, and a dozen ninjas were scattered in a half-moon shape, and at the same time they raised their guns at him.

The death knell has been foreseen, and he will be severely injured by bullets.


"Da da da!" "Da da da!" "Da da da!"

The pitch-black muzzle burst out with dazzling sparks, blasting out of the chamber, swaying the smoke of gunpowder, and rushing towards Ralph. The powerful kinetic energy would instantly tear the human body and splash the blood.

It was originally like this.


A low growl sounded, followed by the sound of bullets hitting steel.

The sacred light pierced the night of the harbor, illuminating the surprised one eye of the death knell.


The golden knight wearing a wolf-shaped helmet remained motionless under the muzzle. The bullet hit the armor, but there was no trace of it.

One after another hot bullet shells fell on the ground, and in a short while, more than a dozen firearms were used up.

At this moment, Ralph moved.

He instantly came to the two ninjas, fisted out with both punches, causing waves of air.


After the sore fracture of the tooth, two blood flowers splashed on the shoulders of the two ninjas. Immediately after that, the long sword was unsheathed, directly breaking the hands of the other two ninjas.

At this moment, the other talents reacted and quickly withdrew, taking out the pistol and the long sword behind them.

But it's too late, and since it's done, there is no need to leave room.

The Breath of Flame, One Type Shiranui!

The hot breath suddenly broke out at this moment, and the sleeping beast showed its minions.

In just a moment, the death knell lost the trace of Ralph.The whole novel network

Immediately afterwards, the sound of broken bones, the cracking of steel, and the sound of heavy objects rang out in the warehouse one after another. The silhouettes were beaten up and hit the ground heavily. Without exception, their hands and feet were twisted at weird angles. Therefore, even if he receives treatment quickly, he can only be disabled for the rest of his life.



For a time, the entire port became a purgatory.

There is only one exception.

As early as a second before Ralph's action, the death knell had already moved backwards.

At the same time, his pistol fired at Ralph precisely and then hid under a container.

He was already extremely annoyed now, and at the same time, angry at his mysterious partner, he decided that if he went back, he must increase the price of that guy.

The intelligence is completely wrong.

However, at this moment, a sword light whizzed past, directly cutting the container in half.

"Tell me, who is the one who asked you to kill me?"

"Sorry, this is a trade secret."

The death knell started the action neatly. As a leader in the Assassin League, he has also undergone genetic modification, has a strong self-healing ability, and all physical abilities are far beyond ordinary people.He is cruel and cunning, coupled with a 90% brain rate, making him one of the most powerful tacticians and assassins in the world.

His brain began to think quickly, combining the information given by the mysterious partner to find a way to break the current situation.


A smoke bomb exploded, and the pale smoke enveloped his figure.

Taking this opportunity, he quickly retreated, and several grenade was thrown out. At the same time, he pressed a button on his arm, and the invisible sound wave spread towards the surroundings.

Boom-boom-boom -!

A violent explosion rose, but it did not stop Ralph in the slightest.

He broke through the barrier of the explosion in an instant, and when the death knell retreated, he reached out and grabbed his neck.

If it had been before, facing this master assassin, he would naturally not be so relaxed, but since a new breakthrough in the breathing method, his strength has risen to a higher level, and he can easily see the flaws in the death knell method , With the strength of the armor, it is enough to easily subdue it.

"I have no time to play with you, tell me who hired you!"

A trace of cold flashed in Ralph’s eyes. Although he was not going to kill the death knell, he did not hesitate to use some methods of torture. After all, a person with strong self-healing ability would not be injured even if he was injured. Isn't it?

"Uh... I said, I said."

The death knell felt the power that began to suffocate himself, and the burning sensation from the armor, like a flame, could not help but say aloud, as if asking for forgiveness.

But at this moment, Ralph threw him directly, then suddenly turned around, and the Fanglang sword was unsheathed.


Two fierce attacks were blocked. Ralph frowned when he looked at the two humanoid creatures with a pair of bat wings in front of him. What made him notice was that the two creatures were carrying A pale mask.

[This guy is the blood of Racheles, Ray, be careful.

"I know, there seem to be traces of human modification."

Ralph kicked the two monsters flying casually. The corner of his eye looked behind him, only to find that there was no death knell, but he didn't have time to care about it. The most important thing was to concentrate on these two Hora.


The death knell quickly evacuated from the port, watching the fierce fighting in the port, he silently took out a small detonator.

This was a hand he had prepared in advance. According to his plan, as long as Ralph was caught, he would directly detonate the entire port, but now it has become an opportunity for him to retreat.

However, as soon as he took out the alarm, a black bat dart suddenly shot into his hand, knocking off the detonator.

"What is your purpose in Gotham, death knell!"

A slightly hoarse voice sounded in the gloom, and the Dark Knight descended from the sky and landed in front of the death knell.

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