You can search for the "Lord of the Ring Knight's Wonderful Journey Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Damian is an extraordinary child. His father is Batman, and his mother and grandfather are also the heads of the Assassin Organization with a long history.

From a young age, he has experienced training beyond ordinary imagination. At the age of four, he can climb the mountains of Interlaken, he can enter the control center of the North American Air Defense Command at the age of five, and he can even defeat the top mercenary at the age of eight.

However, he also had someone he admired, his father. Although he had lived with his grandfather Lei Xiaogu until he was eight years old, his grandfather often described to him how great his father was.

Affected by this factor, he is extremely proud of his father.

But after coming to Gotham City, he felt that the situation was different from what he thought. First, his father Bruce clearly had a contradiction with his grandfather, his father-in-law, and did not approve of his ideas. The most important thing was to come here. After that, he always felt that the father paid less attention to him than Nightwing and Relfdo.

Forget about Nightwing, he has been with his father for more than ten years, and Ralph, this strange guy has just arrived in Gotham, and he doesn't even speak English.

Of course, this is not the point. Although Damian doesn’t want to admit it, in fact, he also wants to go out to watch movies with Bruce, go shopping in the amusement park, eat picnics, etc., just because of his arrogant attributes. These thoughts are deeply buried in my heart.

However, this idea has always existed.

"What do you think?"

Sitting on his bed, Damian murmured.

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and Damian got up to open the door and found that Alfred was standing outside with the tray.

"Master Damian, the cheese just baked, I think you will need some.

"American or louver?"


"It sounds pretty good."

Damian reached for the tray, put it on the table, picked up a piece of cheese and ate it.

"Didn't you send it to the Bat Cave?"

"Master doesn't eat these things at night. His degree of self-discipline is terrible. I prepared this for you. I prepared shrimp pies for him."

"It just so happens that I'm going to the Batcave and take him there by the way."

After hearing this, Damian took the cheese and walked out the door, exerting the qualities that an assassin should have, and jumping from the second floor with a tray effortlessly.

Watching this scene, Alfred shook his head.

"I said it, don't jump around in the house."

When Damian came to the bat cave, he found that his father was wearing equipment and seemed to be going out. He put the tray on the workbench next to him and ran over.

"Going out on patrol? I'll change my uniform."

"No, there are some things in the Justice League that I need to deal with, and I will probably be back tomorrow."

"Ok, won't you try the shrimp pie prepared by Penivals for you?"

"It's never too late to come back to eat."

Just as he was talking, Batman boarded the Bat Fighter and flew out of the Bat Cave through the upper passage.

Seeing this scene, Damian couldn't help but curled his lips.

"Very disappointed? Because he didn't eat the shrimp pie you brought?"

At this moment, Ralph came to Damian.

Damian turned around and retorted to the man in the white coat:

"Do you think I am a naive little kid?" Seven Realms Novel Network

"From your appearance, I have good reason to think so."

"Oh, that's all your knowledge, then"

Damian curled his mouth in disdain, turned around and picked up a piece of shrimp pie from the table, chewing it in anger.

No matter how mature, he is only a child under ten years old.

"Well, I actually envy you."

"Do you want to say something in your next sentence? You are an orphan, but I have at least one father or something? Forget it, there is no market for this kind of third-rate TV series."

Damian spit out.

When Ralph heard this, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Well, you are right. Although it is very old-fashioned, it is not wrong to say that I am an orphan now. Of course, I said that this is not for sensationalism, but just a little emotional."

"Sounds interesting."

Damian frowned and said.

"My experience is a bit illusory, you can listen to it as a story. Before the age of twenty-two, I was a college student about to graduate, but in an accident, I came to the Middle Ages."

"Wow, Hollywood's third-rate screenwriter level, even the story is too vulgar."

"So what I said, it sounds a little illusory, I became a baby in the Middle Ages, and then grew up there for eighteen years, that is, there, I became the Lord of the Rings, the so-called Lord of the Rings, and yours These superheroes are somewhat similar, except that we are facing the cannibal Hora."

Ralph seemed to fall into the memory.

"Since then, I have always felt panic. In just a moment, I lost everything. I still need to survive in the crisis-ridden Middle Ages. I must also be alert to monster attacks. I have also desperately wanted to find my home. The method, but in the end nothing was gained, and even the final result was attacked by people as demons."

"Well, I withdrew the foreword, the story level is still eye-catching, but your story is really bad."

"I'm not talking about these things to make you complain. At least you still have your father and mother, even if the relationship between them can write a best-selling novel, and do you want to improve your relationship with your father? Very simple , Find a time to let him take you to where you want to go to play."

Ralph spoke his thoughts.

After Damian heard it, he seemed to dismissively, just ate the shrimp pie there for himself.

"So, the Batman family are all Tsundere, you and your father carved out of the same mold, anyway, I proposed it to you, you can do it yourself."

Ralph stretched and was about to leave.

At this moment, Damian said.

"You and him... Is there any result of the things my father pursued?"

"No, according to the investigation in the lunatic asylum some time ago, it can only be determined that most of them have become Hora, but they have not been able to find their movements."

"Then look for it again."

Damian stuffed the last bite of the shrimp pie into his mouth and turned to the bat car body parked in the bat cave.

Seeing this, Ralph instantly understood what the bear kid wanted to do.

"Your father won't agree."

"In special times, when my father is away, Gotham is my place."

Obviously, Ralph could not stop Damian's determination. He opened the car door and sat on the main driver, his face was filled with uncontrollable excitement.

"Moreover, a new guy appeared recently. He seems to have integrated the Gang of Gotham. My father didn't have the energy to look after him because of the news of Hora. It just happens that I am free now.

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