The Wonderful Journey of the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 665, reversing the power of life and death

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" -!"

Reelf shouted, but the god did not respond, her now has only one - resurrection Huangquan.

Seeing that the god disappeared in front of his eyes, Reelv turned back to the bishop.

However, the bishop didn't see the figure, but the surrounded by his words.

"So what are you going to do next? If you let go, I will solve all the human beings in this world. If you want to stop the nine tails, you must kill the gods, hahahaha ····· "

The situation becomes very urgent.

Reself can't look for bishops, and Zhang opened the bat and follow the god.


God lifted his hands, Huangquan's body floated in front of her, she closed their eyes, just like sleeping. I have no helves, as if I have to endure any huge pain, the raging spiritual force broke out from her body.

The powerful spiritual force condenses into a corpse, and the nine huge tails have been extended from her, and they are like a spirit of spirit.


Reelf fell to the ground, he saw this scene. He suddenly felt bad, but he had to stop it before.

"Don't come over! ······ I can control yourself!"

Reell still wants something, but in the next second, he saw the shocking scene - Huangquan's blood, as if the time is inverting, and slowly returning to the body with the wound on her.

A shake seems to come from ancient vicissitudes, constantly emerging from the god.

Born with death.

The ultimate analogy of life.

Whether it is the current Reell or the world's exemption, even if Hora, which can't kill, there is also an instant to escape death.

However, all this is reversed in the hands of the god.

The majestic vitality is from Huangquan's body, as if the sun is generally shining.

"This is the forbidden force of nine tails, reversing the power of life and death, sorry, no matter what, I want to let Huangquan live for it. ······ Please forgive me this self-contrary to the extreme idea."

That's right, I'm clear, I will wait for myself to wait for myself.

But she doesn't care, even if she is only a person in Huangquan.

The wounds on Huangquan have been repaired, and the body of death is also rejuvenated.

God understands, it is successful.

"Huangquan is pleased to be Ä, go!"

I am talking about, I will push the hand and push Huangquan to Leff.

Reself saw the armor and took Yellow Springs.

"Hey, I am happy!"

"Quick! Nine tails ······ Can't hold it!"

With the painful snoring, a larger spiritual force broke out from the gods, the nine tails behind, and the straight horizon, the damaged church was turned into a dark.

Seeing this scene, Reself was shocked.

Just just, he saw it clearly, the tail was in touch with the wall, and the wall was dissipated.

That's right, just like the solid sublimation, it is not to be devastated by strength, but naturally decomposition, disappearing, no matter what is masonry, glass or the soil on the ground.

"Is this the ability of nine tails?"

The mind is flying, and Reelf quickly withdrew the church, but the moment of evacuation, he also found the lion king leaning on the corner, and took it back.

There is no way, Huangquan has no power to fight again, and he can't summon the armor with Huangquan. There is no way to fight against God.

Just ran out of the church, Reelf heard a dragon, looked up, Emma rode Cuikas and came back in time. Seeing his moments, Emma raised his hand shot.

Reself also had a spirit of rhinoceros, raising the magic rings, letting the silk ride, hiejie, and let Emma pull.


"Well, but God became the nine tail."

Reelf said to Emma, ​​and the moment of Cuikas, Cuikas suddenly rose, just at this time, a tail whisper and was flashed by him.

Now, this unmanned island has a scene of the Hollywood monster movie - nine huge tails are expanded to the church, and the bending covers the entire island.

Then, as if the earthquake is general, one is like a flood giant behemoth, and go straight to the sky.

Up to a few tens of meters, the tail of a hundred meters.

Just like the nine lamas in the fire came to the real world, but this nine tail flux is black.

Reell saw through good vision, the head of the nine tail, that constantly struggling figure.

It is a happy.

However, I haven't waited for him to react, and I accelerated the nine tails, rushed to the sky, disappearing in their vision.


I was lying on the ground, I didn't know when I opened my eyes and I saw this scene.

"Is it coming to my head? Is it her? It's really ·······································

The surrounding curse members did not know what they did, and they helped them.

"At the moment, what should we do next?"

"What should I do? In this game, we have been out. ······

After the weakness, I can't hold it, I can't hold it. If she is injured, if I don't treat it, I will be killed.

The Earl is naturally clear, and everyone will greeten all people plan to leave the scene.

As at this time, a spike suddenly hit the count of the count.


This hit is too sudden, the count does not even guard, and the needle that can be sealed, and the needle that has passed directly through his throat. Even if he is not a matter, it can only cover the neck and fell.


Heavy eyes widened.

The people next to them also reacted, and picked up the source of weapons to align the spike.

But it is, but it is like a ventering attack.


Hey -!

"Breast -!"


In a few seconds, the sound of screaming, roaring, and blood splashing sound is resounding the audience.

The residual curse member is killed.

"It's a thrilling, if it is not in advance and the jade algae, it will be dead this time. ····"

At the moment, the three-way river with bad smiles is playing with the spikes in the hand, as if there is a sense of heart.

"Sanshui River ···· Looks, I have to be resolved by you ... ·····

"Sorry, after all, you haven't used it, but your eyes have some collection value, this is the case."

It is said that the three-way river throws out the spikes in the moment.

However, the moment suddenly lifted a gun, at the same time, the left hand moved out of a smoke bomb.


The pungent smoke shrouded their position.

"Terrible woman, but it is just a sleepy beast. ··································································

I got the head, and the three-way river looked at the moment that had disappeared, helplessly shook his head.

Then the butterfly and fly over the past.

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