The world enters the age of myth

Chapter 19 Division of Super Powers

"First point... what is a supernatural phenomenon? As the name suggests, events that go beyond the laws of nature and beyond normal logic are supernatural phenomena!"

"Second point, why do supernatural phenomena occur? We currently think of it as a logical loophole created in the process of changing the physical rules of the universe."

The bald middle-aged man on the screen was spitting and introducing the latest theoretical results.

Professor Huang Mingming is a well-known person in Yunhai City Research Institute, who is responsible for giving theoretical classes to the staff.

His lectures were quite interesting and passionate.

"What is a logic vulnerability? To give a simple example, everyone has played computer games, right? There may be some BUGs in the game, and the more the game is updated, the more BUGs are generated!"

"Therefore, certain hackers can use these vulnerabilities to give themselves greater authority, for example, modifying game data. Everyone has played with modifiers, right? The characters they control can far exceed the normal standard, or directly Skip some levels and go to the next level.”

"The same goes for superpowers, which can bypass normal logic and achieve predetermined results."

"According to our research, the physical rules of the universe are slowly changing. Someone or an object inadvertently triggered a loophole in the rules of the universe in some way, and thus formed their own superpowers."

This was the first time Lu Yiming had heard of these things, it was still quite new.

Professor Huang's great achievements have spread throughout the institute. He was one of the first researchers of paranormal phenomena. He has been studying this for seven or eight years. He is keen on various human experiments and has violated disciplines several times. He has been exposed to paranormal events first-hand as an ordinary person. material.

In the end, apart from a severe criticism, there was no big punishment!

The reason is...Professor Huang is really a true genius and has made many outstanding contributions in theory.

Geniuses always have some privileges.

At this point, Professor Huang slammed the table: "...So we should study these supernatural events with a scientific attitude, instead of randomly fabricating a god and then blindly believing that it is the god who created us. God created everything!"

"Some people even think that some spiritual energy has revived and brought out the things in the novel."

"Do you think this statement is ridiculous? It's very ridiculous! All the things you can't understand are attributed to the so-called 'gods'. This is a kind of laziness and a primitive way of thinking. Only primitive people can do this. think!"

"But now this trend has emerged. Faced with things that cannot be explained, many people will subconsciously rely on the so-called gods."

"In short, we must create a new theoretical system to explain these things. I named it, the supernatural theoretical system."

"This theoretical system needs to be discussed and studied by everyone..."

When it came to the specific theoretical structure, the rest of the people were drowsy, but Lu Yiming himself listened with interest and even took some notes.

Because he himself is very lacking in knowledge in this area, and everyone has curiosity.

As if he felt that he was going too far, Professor Huang on the screen retracted the topic: "Getting back to the topic, regarding the classification of human superpowers, they can be divided into three major categories."

"The first is the superhuman system, which is to enhance one's physical strength in some way and obtain special effects such as regeneration, strength, and great strength. This category is the most common and the most hidden. There are many people with superhuman abilities, but They don’t know it. We can’t find them either.”

"The second is the natural system, which can control water, fire, or control the movement of metal, electric current, etc. This category is also relatively common, but it is often very weak. Some people control flames and burn themselves, and some people want to control electric current. As a result, I was electrocuted to death... Such cases exist..."

"It's actually not funny, because superpowers are an external manifestation of the loopholes in the universe. It is an objective existence. As long as your body is still a human body, you are not immune just because you are the controller."

"The third category is the spiritual system, also known as the psychic system. Its abilities include telepathy, mental manipulation, prophecy, etc. This category has the smallest number of people."

"But people with this kind of ability shouldn't be too happy, because according to our statistics, improper exploration of psychic abilities is likely to lead to one's own madness..."

"It's like using loopholes to modify a game. If the modification is not good, the game will crash. Human beings are products of the universe. No one knows what the loopholes in the universe mean. Maybe if they are used too much, people will crash."

Lu Yiming frowned. He didn't know which category he belonged to. It might be the natural type or the spiritual type.

This division seems a bit rough...

"...On the contrary, various monsters can derive more types of superpowers, such as time system and space system. But don't be too envious. According to the DNA testing of some monsters, some monsters have human genetic components."

"We speculate that some people's superpowers are so strong that they lose control and turn themselves into monsters."

"Some monsters can speak a small amount of human language and possess some human common sense. We strongly suspect that they are humans who have gone crazy and mutated."

A photo was played on the screen. Lu Yiming's pupils shrank slightly. This thing had dense eyes... It was the octopus monster he saw in the stairwell.

"This is the latest collection of strange biological specimens. According to DNA testing, there are a total of 21 genes of different organisms. It is like the Stitch Monster has kneaded many organisms together, and one of them is human genes. It can speak, and passes through Dialogue spreads curses. Of course only one or two words are said unconsciously, not necessarily thoughts of its own."

Lu Yiming licked his dry lips and sat motionless.

Professor Huang took a sip of water and said, "Ahem, it seems that I went a bit far.

"All in all, most people's superpowers have limits. Why... because I just said that superpowers appear because you accidentally touch the loopholes in the universe... How big are the loopholes that you unintentionally control? What about the power? You are not real hackers, you are just relying on instinct and using this power indiscriminately."

"We scientists...have not yet found a way to use this power."

"So how do you enhance your superpowers?"

Professor Huang paused and said: "According to big data statistics, people with more severe mood swings have stronger superpowers. In other words, if you are crazy, you are also stronger."

"When facing the threat of death, superpowers will occasionally be greatly enhanced."

"But the reliability of this method is not very's just an accidental phenomenon."

A video of someone being forced into the water appeared on the screen. This was a way of stimulating one's own emotional fluctuations by approaching death to achieve the purpose of enhancing superpowers.

Lu Yiming's scalp felt numb when he saw it. There were indeed more lunatics in the world than he thought. He certainly couldn't do this himself.

"However, this willing experimenter eventually went crazy... and is still being treated in a lunatic asylum. We are currently unable to figure out why he is crazy." Professor Huang sighed: "So we can only settle for the next best thing. Look into slightly gentler approaches.”

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