The world enters the age of myth

Chapter 39 Decoding completed

Lu Yiming said solemnly: "The surveillance video... happened too suddenly, so of course there is no such thing... I was walking fine in a small alley today, and suddenly a few stray dogs ran out crazily. They seemed to have been greatly disturbed." I was so frightened. I quickly walked over and took a look, only to see black mist shrouding the alley, and then this old notebook appeared..."

"It's just a pity that after judgment, it is not a monster."

"Black mist?" Jin Lily glanced at the ceiling, as if she wanted to recall similar events from the information she had read in the past.

Lu Yiming emphasized his tone: "So what if it's an ordinary notebook? The information inside is the most critical! I have a very wonderful premonition that it is very important. I have a premonition."

"Look at the paper, it has turned yellow. It will take at least several decades for it to have this effect."

Seeing that Jin Lili didn't say anything, Lu Yiming said again: "You don't think I'm deliberately talking nonsense because I want to get credit, do you? There are only three people in my family, and the ferry tickets are already enough!"

"This kind of thing is very strange. There is no video and no evidence. If I report it directly to Dr. Ding, he will definitely not take it too seriously, but isn't it with you? If you are willing to help me cover it, there will be no problem."

"It's really important! You believe me!"

After thinking for a long time, Jin Lili felt a little helpless. She decided to indulge this new teammate: "Okay, okay, bring this notebook over tomorrow and I will send it up for you. Just say that this thing is very important. It was discovered from a sudden appearance of black this the saying?"

"But you have to know that the energy of every expert is valuable. If what is cracked is a diary written by a child, our entire team will be criticized, and I will not help you in the future."

Lu Yiming said happily: "Hey, Lily, you are the best, don't worry, you will definitely be praised!"

The next day, this notebook was delivered to the research institute. Since it was a guarantee made by front-line staff, it was still taken seriously even without evidence.

Soon some famous information experts were summoned to decipher the text above.

After three days, one of the language experts deciphered a very small amount of written records and deciphered a small part of the information.

But just this very small amount of information aroused the great attention of these professionals. He quickly raised the importance of this notebook from the original C level to the A level!

Level A means that the headquarters will mobilize most of the experts to join in the deciphering work!

The whole research was undercurrent, because the turmoil caused by a notebook had already begun, and many of the quarrels among them were naturally unknown to Lu Yiming. At least 80 experts from all over the country worked all night long, and the research team worked almost three shifts 24 hours a day, red-faced because of the details, just to decipher the notebook as soon as possible.

After about 6 days of overtime work, about 50% of the translation has been translated!

The contents inside...are shocking!

Soon, the headquarters held a highly confidential security meeting.

"Hello, members of the Supernatural Research Institute, the main content of this meeting is about this strange notebook that was suddenly discovered. The text in it has never appeared in this world. After deciphering it, we later found that it has nothing to do with our country. The ancient writing is somewhat similar, it is a kind of hieroglyphic writing, and its grammar is a bit like classical Chinese.”

"Because they have certain similarities, the deciphering is progressing fairly smoothly... The current deciphering progress is about 50%, and preliminary interpretation is already possible."

"Okay, without further ado, here is a rough translation of this diary. You can take a look."

Slide pictures appeared on the screen one after another, recording a series of deciphering information.

"...On June 28, the weather was sunny, a rare good day, and our team was ready to travel a little longer. My teacher, Mr. Gar, taught me a set of palm skills. Through this set of boxing and kicking skills, I have already Able to fight against some initial strange creatures."


"June 29th, very good news! Today, in a life and death crisis, I awakened my superpowers and became a member of the superpowers. But my superpowers are too weak. I only have some ability to control airflow. It’s completely inadequate to fight against the frequent outbreaks of supernatural phenomena around the world... Damn it, why didn’t I awaken those powerful special abilities?!”

"Maybe I should try to take those drugs to gain greater strength... I am now a superpower, and the chance of success may be higher. But Marianne dissuaded me. She said that after taking the drugs, it is very likely that Lose your mind and become part of the monster.”

"July 9th, cloudy."

"The days are getting shorter and shorter, the darkness is slowly lengthening, and the world is undergoing a great collapse. There are more and more murderous monsters."

"We heard a message on the radio that a large number of survivors in Yanghe will wait for us for 15 days. If we can't reach our destination after 15 days, they will leave this world on a ship. .”

"A lot has happened in the past few days, and I don't even have time to write a diary... More and more weird things are appearing in the world, and there are fewer and fewer survivors."

"July 11th... Yesterday I witnessed the death of Ms. Pialan. A ubiquitous shadow monster killed her. In just a short moment, she turned into a cold corpse... It was terrible. Oh, I was so cowardly that I was paralyzed on the spot at that moment."

"It would be nice if I was the one who died, Ms. Pialan...I'm sorry, a useless person like me should die in your place."

"This kind of shadow monster is very common. They have extremely strong attack capabilities. As long as they touch humans, they can quickly paralyze people and lose their ability to resist..."

"In particular, it cannot be killed, no means can kill these creatures hiding in the dark... I don't even know if it is a living thing."

"It will also try to cut off the light. Whether it is a flame or an electric light, it will suddenly go out... The most important thing is that it is just the easiest thing to prevent in this crisis of world destruction. As long as you protect the light, Then we can drive the opponent away..."

"According to the description in the radio, as time goes by, more and more strange phenomena will appear in our world. We must get to Yanghe as soon as possible!"

"As soon as possible, as soon as possible!"

The last two words in the original text were written with great strength. It was obvious that the original owner of this notebook was in a state of extreme panic. Even the handwriting is very illegible and there are many things that cannot be translated.

Obviously, this is a diary, but the strange information recorded in it is indeed incredible and has never appeared on earth.

"Whose diary is this?"

"Has something like this happened somewhere in our world?"

There was a buzz of discussion in the conference room, but it soon became quiet again.

The following written records are even more bizarre...

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