The world enters the age of myth

Chapter 52 AI chess playing method

Lu Yiming gradually regained his composure and made a few gestures to the blond woman opposite, but the other party had no intention of paying attention.

His heart sank. If he could still struggle just by playing backgammon, there was really nothing he could do about Go. He has lived for more than twenty years and has never played Go. This is a big deal.

"This woman should be from the Eagle Kingdom. She ignored me at all. If an ordinary person encountered this situation, he would have panicked and wanted to communicate... It is definitely someone from the Eagle Kingdom who is behind it!"

"The other party used a special strange thing to pull my spirit or soul into this strange world..."

"Can I still use my superpowers..."

He carefully extended his thoughts to the surroundings, but unfortunately, there was nothing else nearby except some terracotta warriors and horses made of clay.

"Superpower...can be used!" Lu Yiming sensed some metal on the road.

The bronze swords slung around the waists of a large number of terracotta warriors behind them contain a large amount of metal components and can be levitated with super powers.

After careful sensing, the weight of these simple knives is about 5 kilograms.

I feel a little lucky in my heart. His current super power, which is about 8 kilograms, can levitate these bronze knives.

But Lu Yiming didn't dare to act rashly at all, because the rules just introduced stated that attacking the opponent rashly or destroying the chessboard would be directly regarded as a failure in chess, and his head might fly up in the next second.

He took a deep breath to calm his rapidly beating heart, and then licked his dry lips.

"Jin Lili lost her head at chess, so her head was chopped off for no reason... Hey, that's probably the reason. She definitely doesn't know how to play chess."

So, what should I do?

A dead end that is difficult to crack.

A huge crisis enveloped Lu Yiming's mind.

"Lily won't necessarily die even if her head is chopped off... She has a certain amount of regeneration ability, but I don't have the super power of regeneration."

If his head is chopped off, he will definitely die!

[The chess game... begins! 】

The old voice echoed in my ears.

The terracotta warriors and horses surrounding them remained motionless, as if they were all dead objects.

There is no room for thinking too much, so the first part begins. By guessing odd and even numbers, we will decide who holds the black stone and who holds the white stone.

Lu Yiming was lucky enough to play black stones, which was the advantage of playing chess first.

The moment it was his turn, a countdown rang in his heart.


Before the countdown ends, if he does not make a move, he will jump directly to the opponent's turn, and the opponent can make an extra move for nothing.

At the moment when the last second was about to end, Lu Yiming suddenly thought of a way to move the chess piece to the center of the chessboard, which was the Tianyuan position.

A smile appeared on the blonde woman's face again. Playing the middle game, do you think it's backgammon?

The person who will be the first to be sent to Tianyuan is definitely a novice who can't even cook anymore. He is not even as good as a novice. At most, he can be regarded as an egg, the kind that breaks into pieces at the touch of a touch.

She placed a white stone in the lower left corner.


The countdown in his ears started again. Lu Yiming broke into a cold sweat and kept thinking.

He doesn't know how to play Go, so he can only find ways to find loopholes in the mechanism of this weird thing.

"The current phenomenon is caused by a certain kind of strange thing... Where is the loophole in its rules?"

The use of tricks usually requires a special method, which is difficult to completely control. Moreover, using treacherous objects is often accompanied by huge risks, and may even backfire on oneself. It is for these reasons that treacherous objects with a higher safety level can be regarded as truly strategic materials.

He believed that there should be a loophole in the current inexplicable life-and-death game of Go, but it was just not found for a while.

He glanced at the terracotta warriors and horses standing behind him with different expressions.

"The first security hole, if I win the opponent in chess, then the opponent will also be beheaded..."

"But the opponent is obviously well prepared. She may be a real professional player with superb chess skills. There is no way I can beat her."

Think again, think carefully...

"The second loophole is that cutting off the head does not necessarily lead to true death... Hey, this loophole is completely useless."

Seeing that the countdown was about to end, Lu Yiming followed the opponent's chess playing method and placed one of his own black stones in the upper right corner of the chessboard, where the chessboard was symmetrical.

This is a method that I came up with in a short period of time.

There was once a question on the Internet: If you put coins on a round table, you put one and I put one. The coins cannot be stacked or stood up. In the end, the person who cannot put coins on the table loses. .

So, who loses and wins in the end?

The answer is: The person who puts the coin first wins.

In an ideal situation, the person who puts the coin first only needs to place the first coin in the center of the table circle, and after the opponent places it, always place the coin at the opponent's symmetrical point.

Of course, Go is not that simple, and it is much more complicated than this little game.

Lu Yiming knew that this method of playing symmetrical chess would most likely not help him win. Otherwise, the winning rules of Go would have been cracked by humans long ago, instead of just being cracked by some brilliant artificial intelligence in recent years.

However, this way of playing chess will not lead to a disadvantage at least in a short period of time, and it can also make the opponent be more careful and not make a move in a second or two.

He had to buy some time and try to figure out a way.

"Imitation chess?"

The blond woman was stunned for a moment and glanced at Lu Yiming suspiciously, feeling a little suspicious in her heart.

Being able to think of this move in such a short time, she couldn't be sure that the other party must be a rookie.

After thinking carefully for a while, she started playing chess in the safest way. After all, if you really lose, you will lose your own life, so it doesn't matter if you play it safe.

Lu Yiming swallowed, his mind racing. The situation on the chessboard has been in a stalemate, and soon a long entangled dragon formed. The situation was so complicated that a beginner like Lu Yiming could not handle it at all.

He couldn't even figure out which side had the advantage and which side was at a disadvantage... Anyway, there was a high probability that he was at a disadvantage.

At this moment, Lu Yiming suddenly sensed a thought that had been left on his phone, and his heart suddenly started beating wildly!

"Haha, there's a way!"

This thought still remains in the mobile phone, maintaining a vague connection with the main body... although the connection is very weak, extremely weak.

"If this mind can find a software for playing Go, maybe I can use AI to defeat my opponent!"

"Compared to the current artificial intelligence that specializes in playing Go, you are nothing! There should be such software in the research institute."

There is no doubt that artificial intelligence has conquered most chess sports, including Go.

When he was in junior high school, he used chess software to bully old men on the Internet. As long as the software's chess-playing steps are copied on the Internet platform, almost no one can beat it. Even international-level masters cannot defeat the computer with their brainpower.

However, this kind of boring pretentious behavior becomes a bit boring after playing it a few times.

Now it comes in handy!

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