Faced with the problem that all crew members are missing, one of the answers is: the intelligent life on this ship encountered an unmatched super disaster in the Yang River!

This disaster happened so suddenly that all the people on the ship were killed without any resistance. Valuable items were looted, so people could not find more useful items on the ship, only some remaining garbage.

The expert who posted the post wrote: "If this guess is true, then this annihilation disaster is most likely caused by another intelligent life. If it is a super disaster caused by some weird creatures, the theory will not loot the ship of trophies.”

"That is... there are other civilizations in the Yang River. When they meet each other, conflicts will arise! The stronger one will plunder the weaker one!"

Lu Yiming's pupils shrank slightly. If this guess is true, knowing this news in advance is undoubtedly extremely important. It means that humans are exposed to the foreign policies of different civilizations.

The expert wrote in his conclusion: "Fortunately, we have pretty good technology, including nuclear weapons and various conventional weapons. For now, no living thing can withstand a frontal attack by a nuclear bomb."

"But everyone should know that the manufacturing and maintenance of nuclear bombs are very difficult and require strong industrial capabilities. Even maintenance is very difficult. If our world is really destroyed, only a small number of people will survive, which means it will be difficult to manufacture them again. When nuclear bombs are released, one will be used less than one, so nuclear weapons can only be used as strategic-level weapons."

"In addition...if there is a strange invasion, it is impossible to aim nuclear bombs at our own people. We still need to strengthen the construction of supernatural powers and cannot pin everything on nuclear bombs."

Seeing this, Lu Yiming nodded, agreeing with the point of view.

The second possible answer is relatively more optimistic.

The original residents of this boat found a safer place, so they moved collectively!

It was precisely because of the collective move that the ship was completely emptied, and all useful information was moved away in an orderly manner.

This is another great news!

If the civilization represented by ancient sailing ships can overcome many difficulties and find a new home, then humans with modern technology will most likely be able to find a new home in the "Yang River".

Then...a new human era begins!

"This guess seems optimistic, but it also makes sense."

With these two guesses, one bad and one good, before him, Lu Yiming also had mixed feelings and couldn't tell which guess was more correct.

One that looks overly dark…

The other one seemed a little too bright.

Deep down in his heart, of course he hopes to get a happy ending and live a stable life in a peaceful environment. Who wants to fight monsters all day long? Wouldn’t it be nice to lie in bed, play with your phone and watch TV?

However, in the end, we have to seek truth from facts. Scientists are working hard to find clues to find out which guess is more correct...

After browsing the forum carefully, most people still support the second view, because the ship is too clean, no large-scale blood stains were found, and there were no signs of damage due to fighting.

People still don't want to believe that these original residents can die without warning.

"Moving collectively, finding a new home in a parallel world..."

"Other worlds sound good too... Will there be a dinosaur world? Or other weird parallel worlds... Hmm."

Lu Yiming looked at the ceiling, his mind widened, and then he felt sleepy and fell asleep.

Three days later, Lu Yiming followed the destroyer back to the mainland.

When he set foot on this land again, a wonderful sense of security arose in his heart.

Back, finally back!

As terrestrial animals, humans always want to stand on land.

"No wonder humans worshiped Mother Earth in ancient times... No matter how big and stable the destroyer is, the sense of security cannot be compared with that on land."

The smell of salty sea water lingers on the tip of your nose, and birds fly in the sky near the harbor. Lu Yiming took the institute's exclusive bus back to East China City.

Since he was injured in this mission, he had a week's short vacation, and finally he could take a breath and have a good rest.

First thing first, I went to the military hospital to visit my old teammate Jin Lili. This poor girl is still in a coma, with tubes inserted into her head, and she doesn't know when she will wake up...

"She should be out of danger, right?"

Through a thick glass window, Lu Yiming asked Zhong Peng.

"There are no problems with all physical indicators. Fortunately, her superpowers have played a big role. If another person had their head cut off, it would be really difficult to survive. We don't have the hibernation technology of Eagle Country. Ah... I can only rely on myself to survive."

Zhong Peng grinned and replied: "Fortunately, I didn't go with you, otherwise I might have died..."

Recalling this incident, Lu Yiming also felt a sense of fear. If he hadn't defeated that powerful opponent, he might have suffered the same fate.

He shook his head slightly and asked again: "How is the public security environment in the city recently?"

At this point, Zhong Peng's face tightened: "It's just so-so. It's not particularly bad, but it's not good either. There are more and more road surface fractures, and many public facilities that could have been used normally have become in danger."

"This has caused all kinds of chaos in urban traffic and more and more traffic jams. Others are fine."

This shows that the collapse of the physics edifice is intensifying...

Lu Yiming shook his head. On his way to the hospital, he experienced a traffic jam. The reason was that the road suddenly cracked and groundwater spurted out from the road, forming a huge fountain.

Unexpected accidents like this are happening one after another around the world.

Fortunately, the outburst of paranormal activity is not serious, which makes order barely manageable.

Zhong Peng continued: "Experts explained on TV that the current geological activities are relatively frequent. They made up a whole set of geographical theories and attributed everything to the movement of the earth's plates."

"However, some rumors about the doomsday are still spreading in society. This kind of gossip is generated spontaneously and is difficult to ban. All online communication channels have been cut off, and artificial intelligence will automatically search for various keywords to block them. Without the Internet, the spread of various rumors is still controllable..."

As the number of insiders continues to expand, keeping secrets must become increasingly difficult.

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