The world enters the age of myth

Chapter 76 Rescue Operation

The devastating torrential rain, combined with the endless emergence of strange creatures, made Lu Yiming really doubtful as to how many remaining humans could hold on for how long...

He squinted his eyes and looked ahead. The pouring rain was like countless hanging whips, lashing hard at the glass windows of the ship. This resulted in poor visibility, and it was difficult to see clearly things more than ten meters away.

A soldier sighed and said, "If it rains harder, we will have no way to get out and will have to hide in the shelter. It is said that a huge waterfall hanging from the sky has appeared in the Baekdo-myeon area. It is really scary." .”

"The survivors over there... there should be no survivors."

"Captain, we are close to our destination!" the soldier standing nearby said suddenly, "In that community... I don't know if the rescue target who lived there is still alive."

Lu Yiming's eyes narrowed, "Let's go, let's... set off!"

Liu Qingshan, 42 years old, is a famous physicist and materials scientist. He spent the first half of his life on high-energy batteries and made many achievements. He is known as one of the outstanding physicists of the 22nd century.

But in the eyes of the Western ruling class, Liu Qingshan's skin color meant that he could never be one of their own, so they hid the truth about the entire world from him.

The reason is very simple. In the face of a world-destroying disaster, the number of survivors is limited. Even their own people are not enough. How can they tolerate a yellow-skinned person in their eyes?

Therefore, a few weeks before the disaster broke out, Liu Qingshan's research institute was suddenly closed down, and his original university dismissed him for an inexplicable reason...

Liu Qingshan was driven back to the country confused and resentful.

Of course, the research conditions in China have improved a lot now, so there is no need to stay abroad. It's not impossible to find a vocational teacher and work with peace of mind, and you don't have to face discrimination. He can be considered a giant in the industry, and there is no way he will lose his job.

But it was strange that he had repeatedly encountered obstacles when looking for a job. Domestic laboratories were also closed in large numbers, and all his old colleagues could no longer be contacted, which puzzled him.

In fact, this kind of high-end talent has a place for survival in the Xia Kingdom, but he came back too late, and the S-class disaster broke out too early. Without adequate preparation, he would be gone in just a short while. Forgotten...

Until today, Professor Huang in the research institute suddenly remembered this, so he asked Lu Yiming and the others to try to rescue him.

If the person is really dead, there is nothing we can do...this is all life!

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, showing no signs of stopping.

Liu Qingshan's house is on the top floor of the entire residential building. The floors below were almost flooded. More and more survivors realized that the flood might not stop and ran to the top floor to survive as long as they could. how long.

A group of crazy thugs broke down the security door and occupied their house for two days.

The most important thing is that this group of crazy thugs not only robbed things, but also played with his daughter in front of him. The despicability of human nature is clearly revealed at this moment. Everyone is going to die anyway, so it is better to play something more exciting before death.

"Beasts! You beasts!"

Liu Qingshan's forehead was throbbing with veins. If he hadn't been tightly tied up all over, he would have wanted to rush up and take a bite of the opponent's flesh and blood, even if he was stabbed to death!

"Old thing, you scream! You scream again! Do you hear your daughter's miserable scream? How delightful!"

But the situation at this moment is too desperate. The whole world is almost submerged by floods, and most of the remaining people have turned into crazy beasts. Hearing his daughter's cries, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but shed tears.

After that, commit suicide together, yes... commit suicide!

This is already the best choice...


Suddenly, he heard a burst of gunfire.

The little gangster guarding the door had a bloody hole in his head, and his brains were splattered everywhere. After hearing the gunshot, the man lying on his daughter trembled violently and quickly found a bunker to hide.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of burly men in uniforms rushed in from outside the room, holding rifle butts and swatting all these thugs to the ground.

Bullets are precious and difficult to produce. Faced with this group of thugs who have no fighting power, save what you can. A soldier can knock someone down in one second if he shoots them.

"Are you Professor Liu Qingshan?" Lu Yiming asked.

Liu Qingshan nodded subconsciously.

Lu Yiming glanced at it and put a piece of clothing on the girl. I've seen a lot of this kind of thing in recent times, so it's not surprising.

He casually controlled a flying knife, drew a ray of silver light, and stabbed the culprit's eye socket accurately.

"Ah!" A scream like a slaughtering pig echoed in the room.

The flying knife levitated in the air and automatically accelerated, making Liu Qingshan slightly dumbfounded. He swallowed involuntarily. The trajectory equation of the flying knife popped up in my mind, and everything in front of me completely violated physics.

But reality has really happened.

Then he realized that his great revenge had been avenged. When he saw the thugs rolling on the ground, he felt a surge of rage in his heart. He rushed forward crazily and kicked the opponent more than a dozen times.

"Let you do it! Let you do it!"

Then he hugged his daughter and burst into tears uncontrollably.

His wife had been thrown into the flood by these thugs, and only one daughter survived.

The reason why he is still alive is because these thugs want to severely humiliate this former intellectual...

I lost hope and felt as if I had aged dozens of years all of a sudden.

"Mr. Liu, the hope of survival has not been completely shattered. I hope you can muster the courage to live well."

Lu Yiming looked at the decadent professor and persuaded: "Our shelters currently have a total of 150,000 people, and the population is still increasing. There are more than 200 shelters across the country. If everyone unites, There is still hope for rebuilding civilization.”

"Go to the shelter and contribute your knowledge, and you will be treated well. For the sake of your daughter, you should also think about it. And the world is no longer the same as before. It shows a side that has never been seen before. Supernatural phenomena have become very strange. Only by living can we explore the original appearance of the world."

I don't know which sentence touched the heartstrings of this middle-aged man. He wiped away his tears, nodded blankly, and then began to meticulously organize the manuscript and the information in the computer.

Only his trembling hands showed that the middle-aged man was not at peace in his heart.

" did you do the flying knife just now?" He asked curiously.

"A little special super power. After you return to the shelter, there will be someone to explain to you what exactly happened in this world."

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