The world enters the age of myth

Chapter 83 The overall condition of the shelter

Hearing this, there was a buzz of discussion in the conference room. This news means that everyone outside has lost their chance of survival.

Lu Yiming clenched his fist, and after several seconds, he slowly released it.

There is no way, human power is limited. Compared with the vast disaster, it is like an ant struggling to survive in the waves. At present, humans are still several light years away from controlling the weather. There is nothing we can do.

There are some things, as long as you try your best, you will have a clear conscience.

Ding Yuan was silent for a while, and after everyone had finished discussing, he continued: "The next step is about the current population distribution in the shelter. It is necessary to inform everyone of the real situation... to give everyone a preliminary impression. and the kinds of problems we face.”

This inside information was so important that everyone listened attentively.

"Our shelter was originally rated to carry a population of 100,000 people. Due to the operation of rescuing survivors for more than a month, it was forcibly loaded with about 156,000 people, which was 56% overloaded..."

"Now that the rescue operation has taken place, you don't have to regret anything. The extra population will dilute per capita resources to a certain extent."

"The skills data of various industries are still being compiled. The extra population will require more employment opportunities. But everyone must know that just relying on fixed positions in shelters, doctors, cleaners, administrative staff, maintenance teams, etc. , these require professional skills, it is difficult to arrange everyone into it, and the entire plan will be more difficult to formulate..."

"The proportion of men is about 47%, and the proportion of women is slightly higher, reaching 53%. The average age is relatively young, 29.2 years old. The number of minors under the age of 18 is about 20,000."

"The fertility of the population is good, but under the current environment, we do not encourage childbirth, nor do we forcibly prohibit childbirth... There is currently a shortage of milk powder reserves, and there are almost no public facilities for young children such as kindergartens."

"There are some doctors in the hospital, but there is a shortage of manpower and there are not enough doctors and nurses. The number of delivery beds is about 60. There are still some pregnant women among the people we rescued, and they will probably be used soon."

Lu Yiming frowned. The reason why there are more women than men is because in a doomsday disaster, the perpetrators are more likely to be men. Women often choose to hide and not participate in those violent activities.

Therefore, most of the thugs shot by the rescue team were men, but more women were rescued.

Lu Yiming doesn't know whether any good people have been wronged or whether bad people have been let in. Everyone just relies on their subjective ability to distinguish between good and bad people. In this situation now, the boundary between good and bad is very blurred, and sometimes it’s just a matter of thought.

These data gave him a general idea of ​​the shelter.

Ding Yuan continued: "Everyone, population is a burden and a kind of wealth. The most important thing is how to make good use of these people."

"We hope to establish a normal order social system, including teaching, medical care, production, scientific research, etc... Although it is impossible to achieve a large society like before, as long as this set of internal cycles is perfected, the people in our shelter can Order can be restored to normal, and turmoil will not be caused by the smallest thing."

"The consequences of the collapse of social order are very serious. I believe everyone has experienced it in the past few months."

"In order to solve this problem, the best way is to increase the employment rate so that everyone can become rich and live a better life. We are designing a new economic system and strive to allow more than 90% of adults to have jobs and the unemployment rate to be as low as possible Let’s keep it below 10%.”

"But the current fixed positions in the research institute, based on rough statistics, can only provide jobs for a population of 70,000 people."

Next, an old man with gray hair spoke. This old man should be an official in charge of human resources, focusing on the job policies to be implemented next.

There are many production lines prepared in advance in the shelter, including anhydrous cultivation, cell-based synthetic meat culture, power maintenance, logistics and transportation, as well as some high-end positions inherited from the Supernatural Research Center.

In fact, after learning that the doomsday disaster was about to break out, more than half of the institute's energy was devoted to building these production lines. Without a strong industry, it would be impossible to survive for a long time just relying on material reserves.

In addition, there are countless middle and low-end positions, including soldiers, patrollers, maintenance workers, cleaners, garbage collectors, doctors, nurses, teachers, government workers, plus some production room positions, which can almost be arranged Most people.

The next tens of thousands of people cannot be arranged and can only be solved by relying on some private economies or individual entrepreneurship.

The key is how this economic system should be established. Even if there is a general direction, there are still countless small details.

How will the newly established government collect taxes, how will prices be determined, how will people be encouraged to start businesses, and how will business loans be granted? The various details in between can give various experts headaches for months... Before we think it through thoroughly, we still have to use the rationing system. .

Although the rationing system also has various drawbacks, it is fortunately stable and will not lead to major chaos.

Jin Lili, who was sitting next to her, said: "So the current idea is just a very rough idea."

"If new currency is really issued in the future, the big box of things we have stored up will be able to be sold... Sigh, I don't know if I should say lucky or unfortunate. At least... we can still live a good life?"

Lu Yiming agreed: "When currency circulates, everyone's life will be better. Not only do we have some personal reserves, but many other people should also have more or less. With currency, these materials will be Transactions can be very smooth, and everyone’s life can be better. Sigh... I hope it can be done as soon as possible!"

Next, Ding Yuan continued to speak: "Girls and sir, the first phase of the rescue activity is over. No matter what, we must work hard for a better tomorrow. For all our relatives and for ourselves."

"Next, let me introduce the situation of the entire world."

"Fortunately, there are more than two hundred super shelters similar to ours across the country. They can also communicate with each other through radio. One of the shelters has sunk due to an accident, and the remaining All are alive and well..."

"Our Yunhai City is a very large city with relatively strong economic strength, so the shelters are already of the largest size. The shelters in other cities are probably only half of ours, or even smaller."

"According to estimates, the total surviving population in the country is probably between 15 million and 20 million..."

"This disaster affects the whole world, whether it's deserts or plateaus. Powerful big countries can build more shelters... As for small countries, I don't know yet..."

"For now, the heavy rain will not stop, it will only get worse."

"The only way to survive is to enter that white ocean, which is the Yang River!"

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