"You seem to be saying...that's it." Jin Lili nodded.

Thinking back to when I was in school, there were always such vulnerable groups in every class. They were silent and often the targets of bullying.

This phenomenon is really strange.

Lu Yiming continued: "At that time, I was quite shy. I basically didn't talk to girls and kept a neutral attitude toward my female deskmate. Anyway, I didn't exclude her like others, and I didn't talk to her much. I usually borrowed an eraser, Asking about homework, that's all we have."

"As you know, we have had one person per table since high school. In addition, the management is strict, and we don't dare to have puppy love or anything like that."

Lu Yiming stopped here, not wanting to say any more.

"What happened next?" Jin Lili asked impatiently. She loved listening to other people's gossip.

"Later, after graduation... nothing happened."

Lu Yiming smiled and recalled the last class meeting before graduation.

The teacher talked about insignificant things, and the classmates kept discussing the future. They were excited about a long vacation.

Everyone is thinking about which school they can get into and what they will do this summer.

Lu Yiming suddenly found that the mirror in the hand of the girl at the same table reflected her face, which was very calm. The backlight shone through her hanging hair, and she seemed to be stunned.

"...It took me a while to realize that she was secretly looking at me. Because the principle of a mirror is like this. When you see me, I also see you."

"Then I stared at her for a while and smiled. She blushed slightly, smiled, and turned away..."

Lu Yiming spread his hands, indicating that the whole story was over.

"That's the last bit of story that happened between us."

"It's gone like this? What kind of story is this?" Jin Lili was not satisfied.

"Yes, no more... not everything has a beginning and an end. After graduation, everyone went their separate ways and never spoke or met again. Naturally, we can't get in touch with each other." Lu Yiming He shook his head and said, "It's a very small thing, right?"

But I don’t know why, at this moment, I remembered this little thing inexplicably.

Just a little thing really.

Even if the two parties had a little affection for each other at that time, it was just the throbbing of adolescence. In more than twenty years of life, this matter was as small as dust. Life is a long road, and I don’t know how many things I will miss.

But at this moment, it jumped out of my mind, flashing like a diamond, proving that it was the regret I had experienced.

As the sun sets, there is nothing left.

It's gone before it even begins.

Lu Yiming's eyes were sore. Even though he had somewhat forgotten what his former deskmate looked like, he just remembered that she grew up earlier and was very good-looking, and almost forgot everything else.

For a while, there was silence in the air.

Zhong Peng drank himself a sip of wine and sat in the cab in a daze.

"What about you?" Lu Yiming tried his best to smile and asked Jin Lili: "We both said it, now it's your turn! Don't think about hiding it. If you have anything interesting, just tell it."

"I..." Probably because of drinking a little wine, Jin Lili's face was slightly red and her head was dizzy.

"When I was in junior high school, I seemed to have molested a little boy."

"It seems like? What do you mean it seems like..." Zhong Peng shouted in a low voice: "Why do you all have opposite-sex deskmates? Did the teacher do it on purpose? Are you making up a story?"

Jin Lili explained: "Please, some teachers specifically arrange for men and women to sit at the same table, but you didn't get your turn. It's no wonder that you have a psychological defect. It turns out that you lacked contact with the opposite sex since you were a child."

"Is there such a teacher?"

"Of course. The school I went to is different from yours."

Zhong Peng immediately shut up. He was born in Bai Fumei and went to an aristocratic school. It is true that they are different from ordinary people.

"...You know, boys generally develop slower than girls. This classmate, when he was in junior high school, still looked like a child, with big eyes, deep double eyelids, and very tender skin. He is easily shy. So during a class, I secretly held his hand."

Lu Yiming showed an interested look: "Lily, is this how you were in junior high school?!"

Jin Lili ignored him: "My skin felt like an electric shock. It felt strange. Maybe this is the attraction of opposite sexes in adolescence. Of course, I just wanted to tease the little boy, and I had no other intention."

"Then what?"

"Sure enough, his face turned red very quickly, like an inflated red balloon, which would burst when pricked with a needle."

Jin Lili blushed a little when she said this, and she was a little confused as to why she was talking about this: "Then I seemed to have found a novel toy, and I would grab his hand if I had anything to do."

"Of course, I also feel an inexplicable pleasure in my heart. It's even more exciting when the teacher tries to tease him when he passes by."

"You must have a masochistic mentality!" Lu Yiming couldn't help complaining: "You are specifically looking for some excitement to pursue pleasure. It turns out that you had a masochistic tendency when you were a child, and this has nothing to do with the spiritual attacks of strange beings. In fact, it is What’s hidden in your heart.”

Jin Lili simply ignored him: "... Later, this became a norm, or a tacit habit. Usually during class, he would put his hands on the bench or on his thighs, and I would go there after a while. I held his hand, scratched his palms, and even poked his thighs. This relationship lasted until one day before the summer vacation, when I suddenly discovered that the teasing seemed a bit harsh, and his crotch was wet. Blockbuster..."


"When I later learned what it was, I didn't dare to tease him anymore. Some boys who look innocent on the outside are really evil deep down."


There was a cheerful laughter in the cab of the truck, and Lu Yiming laughed so hard that tears flowed down his face.

A girl told a colorful story, which always felt strange. But it was Jin Lili who said it, which was a bit surprising. She originally had this kind of personality that was a bit like a boy, especially in front of familiar friends.

In addition, she was dressed more masculinely, so both Lu Yiming and Zhong Peng regarded her as a boy.

Jin Lili also smiled. She was a little embarrassed and couldn't help but wiped her eyes. But as she wiped, she suddenly found that she couldn't stop.

"So you've been like this since you were a child..."

But after the laughter stopped, the atmosphere quickly became silent, and the laughter turned into unstoppable silence.

Everything is just a memory. Whether good or bad, boys or girls, everything in the past is gone.

Watch the sunset in the video again.

The old era will eventually end, and a new era is about to begin...

I hope we can live happily...live well.

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