The world enters the age of myth

Chapter 90 The Last Survivor

As the Unkai officially set off, the female host on the TV program began to broadcast today's news to let the general public know the corresponding information: "... the Unkai Shelter is a super shelter that took eight years to build. .This is not just a giant ship, but a small city suspended above the ocean!"

"Its length reaches 3.1 kilometers, the maximum width is about 2 kilometers, and the height is 340 meters. It is divided into a hundred different areas. The specific functions are roughly as follows: Areas 1-10 are military areas, where various weapons are stored. Soldiers also train in these ten major areas; 11-30 areas are industrial bases and agricultural bases; 40-50 areas are supernatural research institutions and various laboratories; 50-95 areas are residential areas, and then The rest is a storage warehouse for important supplies."

"The residential area can accommodate a population of between 3,000-5,000 people. 10 districts are an administrative unit."

"There is also a small dock outside, where a 10,000-ton destroyer and five amphibious transport ships are docked."

"...The top floor of the shelter is a flat-top structure like an aircraft carrier. Assuming the weather improves in the future, the top deck area will be open to all citizens. If the sun is seen again in the future, some sports activities can be held on it , and can grow vegetables.”

This pie is quite well drawn. Although everyone knows that the next time we see the sun, we don’t know that we will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse, but we still yearn for it in our hearts.

The host added: "According to expert calculations, with the current material reserves, as long as no accidents occur, it will not be a problem to persist for ten years."

This sentence made the people feel more reassured, and the camera kept jumping: the material warehouse was indeed filled with rice, flour, luncheon meat, ham and other foods. In fact, civilians have no way of judging how long these things can last. They only know a lot.

In order to maintain the stable mood of the people, the news broadcast by the host has some exaggerated elements. For example, "the material reserve lasts for ten years. This is the most ideal situation. In actual operation, it cannot be so ideal. There will always be A lot of things are wasted, and there will always be some accidents.

However, the broadcast of these news contents has generally calmed down the people's minds, which is enough.

In fact, they need a piece of imaginary pie. Even if they can't eat this piece of pie, it's still good to fantasize about it. If you can't even live up to your fantasy, you might just give up on yourself the next minute and launch a zero-dollar shopping campaign.

In this way, half a day passed quickly. Driven by the adjustment of the engine and the force of the wind, the Yunhai Shelter successfully entered an original river channel and headed towards the depths of the ocean.

The current plateau area has not been completely flooded, so there are still terrain differences and rivers.

Based on the size of the Unkai's shelter, if it hadn't rained hard enough and the water was deep enough, this super ship might have run aground here and never been able to move again.

"It looks like it was basically successful. There is no debris in the main river, and there won't be any high-rise buildings suddenly touching the bottom of the shelter."

"Yes, as long as the wind direction does not change significantly, we can continue sailing in this direction for 130 hours."

Lu Yiming's mentality calmed down a little, and he chatted with his colleagues about his recent living conditions.

"Speaking of which, the current security situation is generally not bad. The community I manage is mostly young people, and most of them are thinking about what kind of job they want to find."

"There are also a small number of people who are relatively negative and play cards and mahjong all day long."

Another person shook his head and said: "There is nothing you can do if you are passive. Don't rush them, don't force them to work, just provide basic food. After a while, people will have to accept the reality. Let them play cards, anyway. These paupers have nothing to gamble with and it’s impossible to borrow money now.”

"The strange objects stored in the research institute haven't mutated, right?"

"Everyone is waiting patiently."

Lu Yiming felt a little emotional. During this period, no particularly serious supernatural disaster broke out, which saved a lot of trouble. According to scientists' speculation, it is very likely that the sharp decline in the number of life has caused the frequency of supernatural disasters to drop a lot. This phenomenon reflects that supernatural disasters are highly likely to be caused by life activities.

If there were no life, there would be no supernatural disasters in the entire world.

Through the thick glass windows, you can see that the entire city has been flooded, with only the roofs of some of the highest-rise buildings barely exposed.

You must know that the tallest building in Yunhai City is more than 400 meters high!

The searchlight of the Unkai continued to sweep around, drawing light paths one after another in the rain. There is not much difference between day and night. The overwhelming clouds cover everything, and the day is only slightly brighter than the night.

People must be vigilant 24 hours a day. If something weird comes close, the machine guns and torpedoes mounted on the barrel are no joke.

Suddenly, the observer in front blew a sharp whistle, and everyone became vigilant like a conditioned reflex.

"What happened?!" Ding Yuan, the general manager of the Yunhai, asked loudly.

"Report! I found a small number of survivors on the top of the tall building ahead! They are calling for rescue with flashlights!"

"Survivors? At this time, there are actually survivors alive?"

This discovery sent everyone in the room into an uproar.

Lu Yiming also picked up the telescope and looked carefully. About one kilometer away, at the tallest building, there were several small and faint light spots. The survivors above were waving their flashlights crazily.

Suddenly discovering a huge monster in a desperate situation, this group of people was naturally excited, as if they had found a life-saving straw, they kept shaking their flashlights and shouting at the top of their lungs.

It's a pity that a kilometer away is almost a natural chasm blocking their way out. Under such strong winds and waves, it was impossible to hear what they were shouting.

"Rescue, how to save?" Lu Yiming muttered to himself.

Everyone discussed for a while, but there was no particularly suitable rescue plan.

The tonnage of the Unkai shelter is too large, and the inertia is also very large. Driven by wind and water power, it is impossible to stop. If you change your route rashly, you might hit that building directly.

If some small ships are dispatched, they will probably be blown over by the strong wind. The current wind, rain and waves are so fierce that even the best swimmers will be drowned alive.

Larger ships have already been fixed in the dock, and their maneuverability is not as good as that of small ships, and they may directly hit the building.

In this case, how to rescue?

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