The last person to arrive did not line up, he walked straight past the line, and the moment he stepped back, Shia suddenly shivered and looked directly at him!

The appearance of that man is the same as that of a human being, but it is obvious that he only belongs to "metahuman". He wears a large number of clocks and looks like a maintenance worker, but he also wears a gorgeous and exaggerated golden robe. , wearing a strange mask with only one eye and a dart on its head!

The shape of his head resembles that of a bad boy nicknamed "The Saw Man of Light".

Perhaps the human god will take it for granted that he is a human being, just like bipedal creatures can exist as metahumans!

As a "legendary saint" who can travel through the timeline, Shia was born with the wishes of countless civilizations in the Fourth Age. Therefore, in terms of time sensitivity, even in the Sixth Age, Shia dared to say that she was at least Can be ranked in the first echelon.

Of course, if there are demigods of time, they should be excluded early.

But now, the last person to come in seems to be a "demigod of time"!

No one around could hear it. Every time that person's footsteps fell, there seemed to be a heavy echo. It was a sound that belonged exclusively to time. The so-called time is originally a process or event used by life to describe the movement of matter. A parameter of the process of occurrence. It is a phenomenon that cannot be touched, cannot be seen, and cannot be accurately heard.

The time that people see is also their own life and their own death.

It is the decay of matter and the rebirth of all things. Time exists every moment. Only gods can stand at a higher level and see the essence of time from a bird's-eye view. It is like a river mixed with all living beings. In other words, Did everything create time?

The beings in the abyss of time have lost their future and past. They "exist" in a state that "does not exist" no matter how the world observes it. This is a very strange state, so the saints once waited for The place where it lies is called the "Abyss of Time".

Movement, change, sequence, cycle, perception, and even illusion.

These are all external manifestations of time, and may even be its essence.

And every action of this "visitor" seemed to be stepping into a new branch of time, and Shia immediately averted her eyes.

It wasn't that she was afraid that something terrible would happen if she continued to watch, but that those time branches were like water splashes in a river. They were just splashed and then immediately calmed down and disappeared. To be honest, Shia was a little dazzled.

"This guy actually controls his own time power very well. He even restrained the time and space here to prevent any changes in the timeline here!"

Until this person walked past Shia, he paused and glanced at Shia in surprise.


"I see, in the distant Fourth Age, there is someone who is just like me but stronger than me. It's you!"

Shia was a little confused and pointed at herself: "Who is better than you? Me?"

"How do you know I'm from the Fourth Age?"

When he spoke, the flow of time around him seemed to slow down, infinitely close to stopping, but it was only ineffective for the two of them.

The saint of time made an exaggerated tone, made exaggerated movements, and raised his golden robe like a big cloak:

"Of course it's you. All time is under the observation of the God of Time, and I am his spokesperson and saint!"

“When I walk on the earth, no matter where I am, it’s like God is physically present in the entire universe!”

"As for me saying that you are better than me, that is of course. I know your origin. From the time I saw you, there is no secret in the timeline, not to mention that the time of the Fourth Age has been connected with the Sixth Age, and As the savior imagined by the beings of the Fourth Age, you have the powerful ability to travel through time and space."

"You may not realize how powerful this ability is."

The saint of time touched his chin and suddenly said: "Let me introduce myself. I am one of the saints of the time god. My race is a fantasy demon, that is, a fantasy demon. In many stories in the world, we are a kind of people who can control the mind at will. Demons exist, but in fact, phantoms come from the universe and are an extremely rare race that only appear after the death of stars!”

"By the way, do you have a job now? I can introduce you to one who can work on an equal footing with the gods every day. The working hours are not long, the benefits are very good, and there are holidays!"

Shia: "No, I want to join the fictional church. And doesn't Time God have no church?"

The Time Saint made a surprised voice: "Ah, you actually know that the God of Time does not have a church?! Yes, the God of Time does not need a church, because time is everywhere, and everyone is afraid of time, even gods. So true!”

"Of course, most of the gods don't have churches, but the God of Time has fewer workers!"

The Time Saint sighed: "Ah! The God of Fiction, yes, he also has certain time-related abilities. After all, he leads the rescue work in the Fourth Age. Isn't it that the fictional timeline is more in line with your wishes? That’s right, after all, you are also from a fictional timeline.”

"If there are no rules and regulations, you can travel however you want. This is really enviable!"

"Even the wish card in my hand was won from his game."

The Saint of Time raised the wish card in his hand, and his smile could not be concealed at all!

Apparently, he was one of the five people who won the card game that just ended!

"Originally, I was thinking about how to fight if I faced the God of Silver Trees, the God of Man, or Bishop Reva. At that time, I could only restart time, infinitely restart, and then tell them, 'I'm here to negotiate terms.'"

"No need now!"

Xia: "What are you doing here?"

Time Saint: "What am I doing here? Your question is very good, since you asked it sincerely."

"Isn't this obvious!"

Time Saint spread his hands: "Remember my declaration just now? I walk on the earth, no matter where I am, it's like God himself! I'm here to rent those civilizations and participate in this civilization competition."

"Anything can be rented, whether it's civilization, the dead gods, or even everything in the abandoned timelines! Those who can't participate independently can choose any dead civilization from here to sponsor."

"Of course the sponsorship fee is not high! As we all know, our universe collects The place with the highest medical expenses is the hospital! But even a black-hearted doctor like the God of War would not charge too high medical fees for ordinary passers-by like the dog-headed man. The high fees mainly depend on who is receiving the treatment. After all, hospitals often hold various activities such as "cut one knife and get one knife free", "cut large intestine at 80% off, cut small intestine at half price"! "

Xia was very surprised: "But this matter has just begun!"

"Yes, the God of Time has already observed this in the 'future', although this 'future' is not very long in the future. After all, the God of Time, my Lord, is always in the 'now'!"

After the Saint of Time finished speaking, he looked at Xia's thoughtful face and suddenly whispered: "Do you want to know the winning numbers, numbers, and scores of any welfare lottery activities on any planet in the next issue?"

"I can even make it impossible for them to tamper with the future. I only need to make a small observation, and the numbers I see are the numbers that will inevitably happen!"

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