Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 305: Fubao: The baby is not happy!

Fu Bao, who was held by Mrs. Xu, saw this poem, and saw the inscription at the back of the poem. The first reaction was, Cou was shameless!

This poem is clearly the author of Li Taibai, and it is about Concubine Yang Guifei in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

But now, the inscription is inscribed as a gift to the Nine Daughters of the Yun Family, and the owner of the poem has become the Jiuxiao Family.

The ghost of the Nine Heavens!

This is so obvious that it is better than plagiarism!

Wait, who is this layman? Actually know Li Bai's poems, travel through compatriots!

At this moment, Fu Bao was excited.

But soon, Fubao was not excited.

Because her third sister-in-law is more excited than her.

"Mother, sister-in-law, second sister-in-law, this is a time-honored brand in Beijing, Yunshang!"

"Look at that poem, it's still written by Emperor Taizu!"

Hearing what his third wife said, Fubao really couldn't get excited anymore.

Emperor Taizu was a traverser, she had known it a long time ago. Therefore, this **** Jiu Xiao Jie is really unattractive at all.

Sure enough, men traveled through this virtue, copying books and poems, and with good luck, they also rebelled by the way, becoming the emperor by themselves and getting 72 concubines in the Sangongsixyuan.

Look at this as a gift to the Nine Daughters of the Yun Family. What does this mean?

Fu Bao looked at the plaque, raised his finger, and said, "Nine, nine..."

"Oh, Xiao Fubao is amazing, and he knows nine!"

As Fubao spoke, Wang really caught her attention and explained: "This Yun family's nine daughters are the ninth-ranked woman from the Yun family in Liangzhou Prefecture. They are said to be the confidante of Emperor Taizu. It is a pity that when Emperor Taizu arrived on the 9th Five-Year Plan, this Miss Yun Jiu was jealous of her beauty, and her soul died early."

Fubao listened with gusto, senior's gossip.

Unfortunately, her third sister-in-law only knows this.

And the truth of the fact, I'm afraid it's definitely more than that.

When she gets older, uh, haha ​​there is another melon to eat.

Fu Bao squinted his eyes and looked at the sign of Yunshang.

No, how could the old signboard in the capital reach Anshun County?

Even if it is an expansion, you should go to the city with flowers, and the lowest city should be the city of a mansion!

It's a pity that Fubao couldn't tell his conjecture.

"Go in and have a look!"

Mrs. Xu spoke, and first took a step towards the Yunshang shop.

Once, Mrs. Xu was also a native of Beijing, and she knew a lot about the rouge gouache shop in Yunshang. Of course, she was also a guest of Yunshang.

After so many years, seeing Yun Chang goodbye, Mrs. Xu's mood was not as calm as she saw.

The decoration of the shop is very exquisite.

An elegant fan-shaped screen is horizontally in front of the door, and on both sides are display cabinets with various rouge gouaches.

In the shop, there were only two people.

Yun Shi in white clothes and her little maid Tsing Yi in Tsing Yi.

That's right, this rouge gouache shop is exactly Yun's handwriting.

In fact, she had already planted this deal in Anshun County long before she contacted Xu Laosan.

Seeing Mrs. Xu and others coming in, Yun immediately greeted her personally.

"This lady, what do you need?"

"Should I see it for myself, or do I need to tell you something?"

Yun Shi naturally recognized Mrs. Xu.

To be precise, she knew the appearance of everyone in the Xu family. Everyone has a little understanding of their temperaments.

Seeing Mrs. Xu and others at this moment, Yun's heart was also greatly moved, especially when he saw Wang's, Yun's heart was really upset.

Wang's appearance is not to be said to be stunning, but Wang's appearance is at least first-class.

The Zhou family and Li family also looked very upright.

If the two dress up carefully, their appearance and color may not be much worse than those of the ladies and Xiaojiabiyu.

When Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Xu were choosing their daughter-in-law, they actually valued the appearance.

Although the sons don't want to choose, as long as they can live their lives well.

But this father and mother, who doesn't know their own baby?

If one could marry a beautiful and beautiful daughter-in-law, who would be willing to marry a normal-looking wife? Moreover, the family environment of the old Xu family is not very bad. Marrying a daughter-in-law is naturally picking and picking. The appearance of the daughter-in-law and the maiden conduct of the daughter-in-law are all looked at.

If not, why should Xu Lao Da and Xu Lao Er marry such a pleased daughter-in-law?

"Let me see for myself first!"

Old Mrs. Xu glanced at Yun, only to think that the girl was really handsome, so she looked away.

It was Fubao who sniffed gently when he approached Yun's.

Something is wrong!

There was a familiar smell on this woman. Although it was very weak, she had definitely smelled it on someone before.

Who is it?

Fu Bao squinted his eyes, and soon thought of whose body the smell was similar to.

Her third brother!

Xu Laosan always had such a smell on his body.

It is like Moxiang, but it is not pure Moxiang, the kind of smell that can't be said.

Is it because this woman, like her third brother, has been exposed to pen and ink for a long time, or is the smell on her body coming from her third brother?

Although Fubao's nose is very clever, it is impossible to draw conclusions at this moment.

However, after making this discovery, Fubao had a special idea to observe this woman. And this observation really made her confirm her guess.

The woman's gaze always hovered over her mother and her third sister-in-law, and her eldest sister-in-law and second sister-in-law almost rarely paid attention to her.

In this case, [51 fiction] is enough to explain the truth.

This woman has had contact with her third brother.

Yunshang, according to her third sister-in-law, this is a time-honored brand in Beijing, but it is newly opened in Anshun County.

So, where was this woman before she came to Anshun County?

Her third brother was preparing for the exam in Fucheng.

In other words, this woman had probably been in Fucheng before, and had been in contact with her third brother for a long time, and she was in close contact, so she got the smell of her third brother.

Coming from the capital, she had been in contact with her third brother, she was still a beautiful woman.

Is this a beauty trick?

Seeing that his third sister-in-law was quickly attracted by the rows of rouge gouache, and didn't know that someone was hitting her man's idea, Fu Bao was a little bit upset.

Their family is obviously a happy and harmonious family, but now, all of them are doing things, it's too much!

The baby is not happy!

Fu Bao looked at Yun, and his heart began to break into pieces.

To be precise, Fubao's broken thoughts is to turn on the curse mode.

Then, an accident happened!

This shop is obviously just renovated.

Moreover, it was a job that was completed in a hurry. A wooden rivet on the shelf of the container seemed to be overwhelmed, and suddenly it broke, and then triggered a chain reaction.

The shelf of the container facing Yun's collapsed.

The falling wooden boards smashed the small porcelain bottles containing various rouge and gouache, and the broken porcelain flew and spattered randomly.

Unfortunately, Yun's was recruited!

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