There is a Wall Behind the Shadow

Chapter Three Hundred and Nineteen

With the second wave of hot water, Yu Nianbing brought in Song Shiyue's towels and clean clothes.

This wave of hot water is actually a bit slower than usual.But Song Shiyue still thinks...a bit fast.But she also knew that even a few hours later, she would still feel too fast.Without it, I feel ashamed, I just want to escape.

In any case, with the wrapped towel, the tub does not have to be moved to the door a third time.

Song Shiyue breathed a sigh of relief, not knowing how Yu Nianbing's complicated mood was gained after seeing the bath tub again.

However, Song Shiyue didn't let go for too long with this tone. After finishing the third wave of washing and starting to put on clothes, she held her own... and hung up again in this tone.

If it’s an oolong without the front, this is just an ordinary delivery of clothes...


Song Shiyue didn't dare to think any more, and quickly put a small piece of fabric on her body.

The salt that Zhuang Jiachuan gave to the salted fish was just right, and the fish head soup stewed by Ning Chuyang was also just right. The braised fish made by Yu Nianbing was still up to standard...

Everything is so harmonious.

Except for the mood of some people.

However, it is the closest relatives, lovers, who cannot be held accountable, nor will they explain every little mood of oneself.What's more, two people who like each other but are not together for many reasons and speculations.

The embarrassment and fear in Song Shiyue's heart, Yu Nianbing's suspicion and worry, ended up quietly with the table of dishes, and no one took the initiative to mention it.This is something that the camera failed to record, and every small fluctuation in mood is known only to them.They think that if no one mentions it or goes into details, things will pass like this.It's like many subtle moments before, buried in my heart.

But one day, every moment that has been carefully hidden will get the opportunity to be put on the table.Looking back then, who was the fool?

However, some people still have a chance to look back, but some bears can't.

The changes of the fish in the river, the bear’s attitude, the cold weather, there is always insufficient food, like enemies of the same kind...

In the high fever, Mu Xingzhou thought too much, too much, but the current predicament is like a fog of fog, and there is no way out.

It burned badly, and the next day I woke up in the morning unconsciously, listening to the rain outside seemed to be much smaller than the previous day, and Mu Xingzhou couldn't get up at all.It's not that I don't want to, but I can't.

His head was dizzy with fever, and every joint on his body was sore and soft. It was almost a sitting up that made him almost fall back.And Wang Daming, who was able to spit out a few words about him the night before, didn't even open his eyes.

Mu Xingzhou sat for a while, thought about it with the only remaining unburnt mind, and then moved to Wang Daming, who had already fallen asleep and rolled to the side.

Just like that, at such a short distance, Mu Xingzhou almost felt out of breath, and calmed down for a while, and only then accumulated a little strength and stretched out his hand to probe Wang Daming's breath with his back facing him.

It's hot, but there are still.

Mu Xingzhou withdrew his hand, no longer had any strength to continue sitting, so he fell back on his back.

Just now, as someone of the same kind, I was a little bit afraid of being alone at the end.But what's the point? Whether it is Wang Daming or himself, he is alive now, but it is just a little breather.

Mu Xingzhou lay on his back, looking at the dark top of the cave.The two bears not far away have moved, and it should be time to get up every day.These two bears are also very social animals when they are outside. It's okay to wake up almost every day.Thinking of this, Mu Xingzhou's mind wandered, it was time, he actually started to think about such meaningless things.

Store grain, of course it is fresh and delicious.It is estimated that these hungry bears don’t know something like viruses. They can’t understand that if they eat them like this, they may also get some cold viruses...

Forget it, so be it.

What's the point of hard work? The end is not the end with Wang Daming who has been lying down these days.

Mu Xingzhou burned into his dizzy mind, and only a few sporadic thoughts were left in a daze, and then simply relied on his body that could no longer hold it, and closed his eyes like this.

Then, unexpectedly... just fell asleep.

Mu Xingzhou thought that when he woke up again, he would wake up with pain in the bear's paw or bear's mouth.I just didn't expect that he was woken up by a face slap.

The thing that was smashed was a bit heavy with mud, and the force of the throw was not light. Mu Xingzhou, who was awakened by the pain, felt that the half of his face that was smashed might have been swollen.

Stretching out his sore hand, he took the weed-like thing from his face, and the vines shaved Mu Xingzhou's face pain.

There was light coming in from the entrance of the cave, which was still like the day, but even when there was light, Mu Xingzhou couldn't recognize what this weed was.

Just when Mu Xingzhou tried to think about why the bear smashed himself with his mind that might have been completely confused, whether he was urging him to go to work, he heard crunching chewing sounds nearby.

There was a cold behind Mu Xingzhou, almost stiffly turning around with the little strength that remained.

Fortunately... it's not something strange, it's just that Wang Daming is...grazing?

"You... do you know what it is, you just eat..." Mu Xingzhou opened his mouth, his sore throat, and his hoarse voice made him have to pause before he said everything.

Wang Daming did not stop chewing, but rolled his eyelids upwards, glanced at Mu Xingzhou, and then stretched out his hand toward Mu Xingzhou.

Not to mention, Wang Daming's eye-lifting action was slow, with many white eyes and dead fish eyes, which made Mu Xingzhou couldn't help thinking of things like the living dead.Although it only takes a slight turn in his mind to realize that Wang Daming should only be so slow when he burns uncomfortably with himself, but Mu Xingzhou still feels a little uncomfortable.

However, Wang Daming's action was obviously to beg for, but it made Mu Xingzhou think of the day when he was first caught in the bear cave.

So... will this be... a herb?

Even if you don’t even go upstream to find the reason why the fish has become smaller, the bear who can't understand the gestures can find medicine for trauma, and can he have a fever?

Mu Xingzhou didn't believe it.


This situation is not worse now, is it.

There was no water to wash, but the soil was shaken off, and the grass rubbed on the clothes was dirty, and the entrance was very bitter and smelled of earth.It was that Mu Xingzhou had been hungry for a few days, and even the grass was plucked and eaten. The smell still made him almost vomit out in one mouthful.

However, he did not.

He thought that if he could survive, he would turn his head back, and he would go to the place where the team was originally divided to find Feng Qianqian.Whether those people are dead or alive... he wants to go.If he is still alive, he will definitely try his best to make up for the mistake he made before, enough for him to regret his lifelong decision, and treat Feng Qianqian well and never give up on her again.If... Then he will also guard her, live next to her grave, and take her back.

It can only be said that fortunately, Mu Xingzhou didn’t take him as a spiritual pillar to speak to himself, otherwise Starnet now has a hard time giving him pinky thumbs and a little sympathy to the audience. Pooh on him.

Where did I go in the morning, now that life is not as good as death is to share weal and woe, without Song Shiyue, is this to go back to see the pile of bones?

When a person is desperate, he will always find himself a little hope of survival.As for whether that hope is reasonable, whether it should be, or whether it can really be there, at that time, it can actually be ignored for the time being.This is a kind of self-help that magnifies goals and feelings, and Mu Xingzhou instinctively uses it well.

At least this bitter and muddy thing he didn't spit out.Even because it was impossible to tell if it was a medicinal herb, and what part of the medicinal herb's effect was, I didn't even give up the grass roots of the muddy smell, and tried to swallow it.

After trying hard to eat in Muxingzhou for a long time, Wang Daming took his open hand back. He seemed to feel that he had no hope, and he concentrated on his share.

Before half of the grass in Muxingzhou was eaten, Wang Daming had already eaten it there.

Not only because Wang Daming ate first, he ate bigger mouthfuls.It was because... the mass that hit Mu Xingzhou's face was indeed much larger than Wang Daming's.

This point, Mu Xingzhou also discovered.It's just that he doesn't have the energy at the moment to tell whether this is the labor cost that the bear paid him or just split it with the claws.

Seeing Wang Daming's greed and desire that hunger had not completely eliminated, Mu Xingzhou accelerated the speed of stuffing grass into his mouth.

No matter what kind of grass it is, it is still a fruit. Even poisonous weeds are nothing but the bears.

The high fever left the two of them weak and indirectly avoided a fight.

After the bear threw the grass and watched them finish eating, he went out.

This is a rare opportunity for both bears to go out.

Mu Xingzhou waited for a while, got up hard, helped the wall of the cave and walked to the entrance of the cave. It was no longer raining outside.

Here, there is only a little distance from the river, but if you are lucky...

Mu Xingzhou took one step towards freedom, and then another step.

Behind him was a quiet cave, without the slightest movement from Wang Daming.

The Dao did not seek each other, and Mu Xingzhou did not look back.

After a while, Wang Daming, with his eyes closed, heard the roar of the bear outside, and smiled on his face that was so thin that it was out of shape.

However, after a while, Mu Xingzhou came in, but there was no bloody smell on his body, and it didn't look like he had been beaten by a bear.

Wang Daming raised his eyelids, a little curious, but finally let go of each other's dry throats to save saliva.

Mu Xingzhou sat down at the entrance of the cave. He didn't give Wang Daming any extra look, but he was very thankful.Fortunately, my body was really too sour and too weak, and it took a long time to move out of the cave not far, so I had to rest on the spot.Jomona didn't know if he heard the movement or just looked back. The bear didn't guess that he was going to run, but thought he was out of the hole, so he didn't do anything when he saw that he was walking back.

It still doesn't work... this hungry, sick body.

I don't know if this high fever just passed away, or it really benefited from the big pile of grass that the bear got back. At night, Mu Xingzhou felt that the temperature was slowly dropping.In the evening, Mu Xingzhou, who was thinking of getting better, took the initiative to approach the bear again for warmth, and Wang Daming did the same.

By the next day, Mu Xingzhou had stopped burning anyway, and Wang Daming seemed to be much better.

Bear, going out.

This time it was shouting, urging the two to go out together.

When Muxingzhou didn't start fishing, the two bears took turns out.After fishing, I brought them every day except yesterday.

It's just... even going out together, bears are rarely so early and so urging.

Wang Daming still wanted to lay down on the ground, but Mu Xingzhou, who was already better, got up obediently.

He always felt that maybe... today will be a little different.

The wings of the butterfly, since Ning Chuyang asked Feng Qianqian a few days ago that she would replace Zhuang Jiachuan and Yu Nianbing and follow Song Shiyue to go out with Song Shiyue, Feng Qianqian seemed to say that "Okay" without hesitation and hesitation. "When I started to fan.

Ning Chuyang followed, absent-mindedly, went the wrong way, and found the fish...

Song Shiyue was happily caught, unable to stop, caught one after another...

The cogs of fate, creakingly spinning, finally pulled, this last link.

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