There is a Wall Behind the Shadow

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Two

Not to mention that Wang Daming, the audience on Starnet, was surprised at Mu Xingzhou's choice.

It was when Wang Daming's words were occasionally used in Xiongdong Muxingzhou before, some viewers also guessed that the ancient castle Muxingzhou should be too self-knowing to go. What is the use of the preset line of the program group? Is it possible to turn back?

Of course, just think about it.After all, it is impossible for Mu Xingzhou to know the current situation of Feng Qianqian and the others. Two months' time, enough time for him to leave, the three-and-two team completely collapsed.Going back is meaningless.

But unexpectedly, Mu Xingzhou really thought so.

It is really embarrassing to lose the preciousness.

The audience who opened the sky eyes can sigh, but Wang Daming is left only angry.

"If you don't want to live, what would you run? What is the difference between being eaten by a bear and starving to death while walking back?"

"When you go back and see them all dead, don't you feel that your back is cold? You don't have to live anymore, what do you want to do when you die?"

"Going forward is the old castle, such a big castle, there must be food and meat, and warm beds, big quilts, wind-shielded rooms, and there is a fart when I look back, and I have nothing to eat!"

"Are you sick or your brain broken? You forgot your brain in the bear cave and didn't bring it out? Didn't you eat enough grass or worms?"

Wang Daming's anger, like a flowing river, did not get more response from Mu Xingzhou.

When Wang Daming was shivering and furious, he almost lost his voice with a dumb voice. Only when he felt that he was resting almost tight, did Mu Xingzhou tighten his straw clothes and stood up.

"Yes, I'm sick, and my brain is broken." Mu Xingzhou's tone was a little cold, but he didn't want to continue to irritate Wang Daming, who seemed to be more abnormal than himself. He took a deep breath and said slowly, "I don't want to Go to the castle, I want to go back. Let’s say goodbye here, and have a good journey."

After that, Mu Xingzhou pulled the straw clothes tightly and stepped back slowly.

The seemingly humble and polite steps contained Mu Xingzhou's vigilance and defense.

Mu Xingzhou had never thought of killing a donkey, but he didn't know what the donkey thought.

After all... If the donkey thinks that he can't be a fellow traveler, maybe he can be a food reserve...

Hunger, cold, and long-term exercise, the two of them are at the end of the battle. Mu Xingzhou knows that Wang Daming's bottom line is unfathomable, but after giving birth to such a defense, it still makes his heart cold.

Wang Daming, who was still being shocked and angered, didn't know that in the eyes of Mu Xingzhou, he was already a character who could provoke cannibalism at any time.

In the past two months of getting along, Wang Daming also has some understanding of Mu Xingzhou's persistence.Although those weird and thankless persistence, such as fishing for bears, did not make much sense to Wang Daming, but... Wang Daming also knew that once Mu Xingzhou persisted like this, his own words would be useless.

What is the situation of the way home? Everyone has come all the way, and Mu Xingzhou will not know.

Stupid love!

Wang Daming scolded angrily in his heart, and then began to think about the current situation.

They are almost a third or so of the program group's preset route, and the road to the castle will be twice as long as they look back.

Zhao Da and the others continued to walk forward, the incubator would not leave anything.But step back...

Wang Daming thought of three incubators that they hadn't gotten in the back, sinking into the ground, collapsed on the hillside, and flooded in the river bottom.

So many days have passed, and the best time to eat has passed, but the food in the incubator changes slowly, dozens of times the amount stored in the refrigerator... As long as you can get it, you can still eat it inside.

The fragrant rice may also carry warm chicken legs, ribs, lion head...

In just a few seconds, Wang Daming's mind has automatically matched more than ten box lunch styles.

Yes, I couldn't get it when I came here.

But now, what if...

the most important is……

Wang Daming looked at Mu Xingzhou, who had walked silently for a certain distance, and in terms of catching bugs, Mu Xingzhou was still good at it.Can I really walk the two-thirds of the route preset by the program group and reach the castle by myself...

If Zhao Da and the others have arrived at the castle, they are only one person, can they really get in and get a share...

Wang Daming, who had just scolded Mu Xingzhou for wanting to eat, began to hesitate in his heart.

Fortunately, he doesn't have to make a choice now.

Why don't you say goodbye here? Obviously, a night camp can be reached in less than half an hour. Even if you want to go to the castle, you have to get your clothes and get some quilts!

Wang Daming once again murmured at Mu Xingzhou's brain that was eaten by the bear, and then hurried over to the person who was already drifting away.

When Mu Xingzhou and the others fled from the bear, Song Shiyue and the others ate grilled lamb chops.

The lamb chops were marinated over an open flame and generously wiped over with cumin and chili powder. They were skewed off when they were sizzling, and they were cut into strips by Song Shiyue. The bone-in meat fell on everyone's plate.

The meat fat and seasoning mixed with the aroma stimulated by the open flame, fell on the plate and rushed in front of everyone's faces.Even if he was reserved like Yu Nianbing, it was just a little lighter.

The mutton that was almost hot was torn off from the bones, and just chewed it, and people would not want to spit it out anymore.

The lambskin that was roasted until the crispy rattles between the teeth, and then the tender lamb full of gravy inside, mixed with the seasoning only a small strip, it makes people salivate, even if it has just been scalded, it stops. Can't help the temptation to take another bite.

Several people ate their heads and ate hard, so anxious that the dog crawled around under the table, grabbed the trousers, and bit the shoe.

On weekdays, I still don’t think that when I started with this whole piece of mutton, I realized that it was really gluttonous, too gluttonous.I can eat eggs almost every day, fish from time to time, and goose occasionally, but in the end, it is really big meat, a feast of fat, and a must-have for winter!

Zhuang Jiachuan felt that if he gave him a chance, he would definitely be able to chew the bones until the dog didn't chew. If he worked hard, he might still bite the bone marrow.

But under the table, he stood up with his legs on his feet, and the dog, whose hair was almost arching to his chest, was obviously unlikely to give him this opportunity.

Hum, I usually like to go around Song Shiyue when I have something to eat. When I am looking for something to eat, I remember who I am looking for... It's a bit fast.

Of course, it was not too clean, so he reluctantly left some flesh stars on the bone and stuffed it into the dog's mouth.

The dog finally grabbed the bone and happily touched Zhuang Jiachuan's chest with his head, and ate it under the table.

The friendly little gesture made Zhuang Jiachuan, who was still a little distressed about the flesh stars, reluctantly a little smooth.

But soon, everyone handed over the bones in their hands, and the dog... didn't remember who Zhuang Jiachuan was, and only gnawed at Song Shiyue's bones at his feet.

The large lamb ribs full of meat and the roast potatoes on the baking tray, almost everyone ate two or three whole, it is so beautiful that you can't forget the joy of that time for a few days.

A few days after returning to the fish and goose eggs, just when Mu Xingzhou and Wang Daming finally returned to the preset route of the program group, Song Shiyue took out the miscellaneous and goat head from the incubator, and cut it smoothly. Four lamb hooves, another lamb leg was taken, more than half of the upper lamb was removed and left in the incubator, the lamb bone and the remaining leg meat attached to it came out and chopped.

Seeing that the sky is getting colder again, everyone has lost a lot of weight since they were on the Wilderness Star.It's winter, and the roast lamb is eaten, so how can we lack lamb soup?

The mood of the audience is also complicated.

Because there is no official data reference, when Mu Xingzhou and Wang Daming strayed from under the bear's paw a few days ago, they began to worry about whether the roasted lamb on Song Shiyue would be like this and would lead people away.After all, everyone was walking crookedly along the pre-set route of the program group. Who knows what crooked will turn out to be.

Fortunately not.

However, the audience also did not expect that Mu Xingzhou and Wang Daming actually walked for several days before returning to the preset route of the program group, and they stopped at the camp of Song Shiyue, the nearest camp.

So there is no need to worry about the smell of roasted whole lamb attracting people to the audience, and they continue to worry about whether these two people will be attracted by the smell of lamb soup.

In fact, it is somewhat eccentric.One party is starving to death, and one party is drinking lamb soup.

It's just that the hearts of the people are biased, and the audience was not forced to make the initial choice.It was Song Shiyue and the others, how they worked so hard to lay down these family business, they have been witnessing and even practicing.

Thanks to Yao's new technology, when Song Shiyue's sheep started hoarding grass to raise fat, they also brought them back in the game one after another.Not to mention anything else, just calculate the pace based on the actual distance. It takes that far to see the sheep, which is enough for most ordinary people to suffocate.Although you don’t have to walk day and night like Wilderness Stars, Song Shiyue, even though the scenery is still changing, you can have some little eggs on the road. Even though the sheep is really brought back, Yao will give you some when the price of mutton is rising. Come here by express lamb... But, it's really tiring, one or two hours a day, it's really the limit of pace for ordinary people.People who can eat mutton with Song Shiyue before winter are all persevering people.

With Yao's new technology, the people outside the wilderness can no longer just look at the hardship of Song Shiyue and the others in their family business.In household equipment, a hard day is a while, and it is already so tired.On the Wilderness Star, that is a really bad natural environment, and you have to travel day and can it be cheap, and people who have abandoned them!

People's hearts are always biased. After experiencing a synchronized wilderness survival game, their hearts have completely grown to the side...

Long stewed lamb bones and lamb hooves in a thick soup, pour lamb and lamb into it and cook.The split sheep's head set up another pot and cooked it by itself.The two pots gurgled incense together. The campsite had the same origin as roast lamb, but it had a different aroma.

Just because Nianbing watched the fire, when Song Shiyue moved Xinchai into the kitchen, Mu Xingzhou and Wang Daming also ushered in the overnight camp that was only half a day away from them.

The room turned over, the missing part of the bedding, the opened suitcase in the bathroom...

In the dark sky at dusk, Mu Xingzhou hurriedly walked around the houses, rummaging for them, and then sitting in the chaotic bathroom, sighing like a smile or cry or cry.

Wang Daming, who pulled a bed that had long been cold and moldy to the point of dryness and was wrapped in bedding, took a long look into the bathroom.

I heard a bunch of strange sounds from Mu Xingzhou.

Wang Daming leaned closer and listened carefully. Most of the ambiguity was mixed with a few sentences "alive, alive, must be alive!" "It's great... I must go forward!" "Go to the castle, I want to Go to the castle!"

Neuropathy... Wang Daming frowned and began to consider whether it was more difficult to get on the road with a neuropath or it would be more difficult to walk forward alone.

At this point, the audience realized that Mu Xingzhou really would not have the opportunity to drink lamb soup.

This camp where Muxingzhou once passed by, and the camp where Song Shiyue took things away, the disappeared bedding, and the open changing box in the bathroom, although it may be Zhao Da and the others' return, but for the current Muxing For Zhou, he would definitely be more willing to believe that Feng Qianqian was still alive.

In fact, some psychology audiences have analyzed it a few days ago. Mu Xingzhou’s sudden dedication to Feng Qianqian is not so much that he discovered that the love is more important and more profound than he originally estimated. It is a goal that must be found for oneself in a painful and desperate situation.It's just a goal beautified in the subconscious to increase the motivation and possibility of living... it's just.

But now, Mu Xingzhou had misunderstood Feng Qianqian and they were going forward to the castle.And if he went to the old castle now, Song Shiyue and the others' camp would fall further and further, and there would be no chance to meet them again.

However, so, also... well...

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