Everyone hurriedly ran towards the finish line, but they met members of the other team halfway. The other team found it interesting when they saw their hurried look, and some people even whistled.

"Hey, why are you running so fast? Do you know we are nearby and want to escape?"

"Hahaha, I know you cowards, stop running away, stand here and give us a good beating first."

"That's right, what kind of soldier do you think you are if you escape in the middle of battle?"

Seeing the other party's arrogance, Zuo Zili and the others were so angry that they had nowhere to vent their anger. How could they have time to waste time with them when they were in a hurry to get to the finish line?

So Zuo Zili's team all wanted to bypass each other and rush to the finish line first.

"Hey, don't you understand what I'm saying? I told you not to run away, why aren't you obedient?"

"People in the school still say that you are the second Feng Ze. Bah, how can you be compared with Marshal Feng Ze?"

"You cowards, do you dare to fight with us once?"

Zuo Zili was very anxious now and could only tell them helplessly and angrily.

"Han Bai, can you get out of the way first? Someone in our team has been logged out of the Yuan World. Now we have to hurry to the finish line so we can exit the Yuan World and see his condition."

The people in Han Bai's team were all wide-eyed when they heard this. Look at me, I think you don't know whether what they said is true or false.

"Really, I don't need to lie to you. Do you remember Sanda in our team? He was surrounded by a swarm and has been logged out. We are anxious to see his current situation."

Seeing the red and bulging veins in Sang Ye's eyes in the crowd, Han Bai and the pair believed him, so they all gave way silently.

Although we are in a hostile relationship now, we are all from the same school, so there is really no need to make any trouble at this juncture.

Zuo Zili nodded to them to express his gratitude, and Han Bai raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw Zuo Zili's obvious expression of gratitude.

This was the first time he received a thank you from Zuo Zili. He used to really think that he was the kind of person who would do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, but now he found that he was a little different from what he had imagined.

Others were a little confused when they saw the mysterious smile on Han Bai's face. They didn't know what the smile on Han Bai's face meant.

"Okay, let's hurry to the finish line. The team that reaches the finish line first will also be rewarded with points. Although we won't compete with them, we still have to grab the points."

Han Bai took off the military cap on his head and fiddled with it as he spoke. He smiled lazily and a little uninhibitedly, which directly touched the hearts of the girls in their team.

"Wow, our captain is so handsome!!!"

So their team also rushed towards the finish line.

In the end, it was Zuo Zili and his team who hurried and hurriedly arrived first. After all, life was at stake and speed was on the line. It is also said that teammates offer sacrifices to the sky, and their magic power is boundless.

As soon as he crossed the finish line, Sang Ye tore off his machine and logged out of the Yuan World. Others also logged out one after another, leaving Zuo Zili alone to calculate the points.

In fact, he also wanted to log off, but as the captain of the entire team, there were still many things that needed him.

So when Han Bai arrived, what he saw was a lonely man like him waiting for the instructor to calculate his points.

He raised his eyebrows, threw all the supplies on his body to the vice-captain and asked him to calculate the points alone while he walked in the direction of Zuo Zili.

"Hey, isn't this Captain Zuo Zili? Why is he alone? You are so pitiful when everyone else is offline."

As he spoke, he pretended to sympathize with him and patted his shoulder. Zuo Zili suppressed the corners of his mouth that were about to twitch. He knew that the person in front of him had always been a good actor, but now he felt more and more serious.

He smiled softly and seemed not to care about Han Bai's words. What makes Han Bai most angry is that Zuo Zili seems to be aloof, no matter what you say or do, he will always look at you like a child.

This made him feel very powerless. He wanted to be angry but couldn't. In fact, Han Bai especially wanted to know if he could still be this kind of gentle person to the world if he fell into the quagmire.

Han Bai gritted his teeth and walked away. He couldn't talk to such a person.

Zuo Zili was a little puzzled when he saw Han Bai like this. Why did this man run away just talking? It's really boring, I thought he could say something.

He and Han Bo had grown up together, and he also knew that Han Bo had always looked down on him, although he didn't know why. According to the past, Han Bai should have been very angry at this time. I don't know why he left so quickly today.

The instructor checked the points in front, and soon the results came out, so he announced the final result:

"Han Bai's team scored 11,227 points, and Zuo Zili's team scored..."

Han Bai couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he saw the huge gap in supplies on the two tables. He had finally defeated him once since he was a child.

Just then Zuo Zili suddenly took out an energy stone from his pocket

"Wait a minute, there's this."

The instructor took the energy stone in his hand and carefully looked at the purity of the energy stone. He found that it was a high-grade energy stone with very high purity.

"This is a high-level energy stone, but it's a pity that there is only one, and the points are still not enough."

The instructor shook his head regretfully as he said this. This was the first time that Zuo Zili's team had not won, so it should be a good memory for him.

"Wait a minute, I didn't say this is the only one."

The instructor looked at him with a complicated look. It would take at least a backpack of energy stones to even out the gap between their supplies. And when he just calculated the supplies, his storage backpack had already been emptied. No matter what his pockets were like It can't even hold a backpack of energy stones.

"This is how we found an energy stone mine inside. The quality of the energy stone is comparable to this one."

The instructor's eyes widened when he heard this, and his tone suddenly became urgent:

"Are you telling the truth? An energy stone mine?"

"Yes, that's right, it's an energy stone mine."

Zuo Zili nodded, and Han Bai and the others were also extremely surprised. A whole energy stone mine? Are you kidding me? But Zuo Zili didn't look like he was lying, so their victory just slipped away?

At this moment, the corners of Han Bai's raised mouth suddenly dropped, and the voices of others who wanted to cheer were stuffed into their stomachs again.

Han Bo looked at the young man in front of him angrily, wondering why victory was always on his side, and why was his luck so good?

Zuo Zili also noticed Han Bai inside. Seeing the young man staring at him with wide eyes made him want to laugh.

I always feel like there is a tail hanging down behind Han Bai. What's going on?

Han Bai also noticed Zuo Zili's gaze and moved it to him. He suddenly puffed up his chest again, still looking arrogant.

"Hmph, don't be too happy too soon, I will beat you one day!"

"Well, okay, okay, I believe you will beat me one day."

"Don't believe it, I can definitely get you down."

"Yeah, I believe you."

"If you look at me like that again, I'm going to hit you!"

"Okay, okay, I won't watch."


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