At three o'clock in the morning on September 5th, the airports in the northeastern part of Eagle Country and the eastern part of Maple Leaf Country were all brightly lit. A large number of combat aircraft are parked at the airport. Ground crews are refueling these combat aircraft, attaching ammunition, and making final preparations before takeoff.

The pilots, on the other hand, were eating, going to the toilet, and solving physiological problems. Afterwards, they had to go to the conference room to listen to the battle briefing and clarify the combat mission this time.

In order to destroy the airport on New Zealand Island, the Eagle Army Air Force tried its best.

The entire Army Air Force dispatched more than a thousand P-47 fighter jets and P-51 fighter jets to escort 600 B-17 heavy bombers, B-24 bombers and B-25 medium bombers. ,

In addition, the Royal Navy of the Sun Never Sets Empire will also invest more than two hundred Spitfire fighters and hundreds of Lancaster heavy bombers in this attack.

Both the Eagle Country and the Sun Never Set Empire hope that they can destroy the Third Reich's airport on New Fenlan Island in one fell swoop and wipe out the combat power of the Third Reich Air Force stationed on New Fenlan Island. It is temporarily impossible to send troops to land on New Fenlan Island. When it comes time to pull out this nail, you can only rely on air power.

As for the Eagle Navy, it continues to hide offshore and accumulate strength under the protection of shore-based aircraft.

With a large number of warships in service, this will continue to increase the strength of the Eagle Navy. Thus gradually gaining the strength to challenge the Third Reich Navy. Especially after the Royal Navy of the Empire on which the sun never sets was easily destroyed by the Third Reich Navy, the Navy of the Eagle Kingdom was even more cautious, for fear of ending up in the same fate.

You know, if the Eagle Navy cannot defeat the Third Reich Navy in the future decisive battle, then they will never have a chance again. This is equivalent to a one-shot deal, which can only succeed but cannot fail.

Therefore, before the decisive battle, it is naturally necessary to enhance the strength of the navy as much as possible to ensure that the navy can win the decisive battle in the future. This is undoubtedly the most important thing for the Eagle Navy.

Therefore, the current battle can only be completed by the Army Air Force.

"Your Excellency, Commander, all units are ready."

At 5 o'clock in the morning, an Army Air Force general reported to General Henry Arnold.

General Henry Arnold nodded:"Order all units to take off on time in one hour!"

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander!"The general immediately conveyed the order.

At this time, the 1st Aviation Group of the Third Reich Air Force was also going all out on Neufenland Island.

After stationed at Neufenland Island, the pilots of the 1st Aviation Group were very Knowing their mission. Therefore, every pilot is always nervous.

The ground staff have already made all preparations before taking off to ensure that when receiving the take-off order, all fighters can fly in the shortest possible time. Take off within time.

At the same time, the Third Reich also built a large radar station on New York and deployed the empire's latest generation of large-scale air search radar. The detection range has reached 400 kilometers.

This means that the Eagle The Third Reich's large-scale air search radars could detect the Jianbuluo Reich's fighter planes as soon as they took off from the airport. The

Third Reich Navy's aircraft carrier formation has also been staying in the sea not far from Neufenland Island.. Once New Fenlan Island is attacked, reinforcements can be made to New Fenlan Island at any time to ensure that the Third Reich can firmly control New Fenlan Island and the security of the island’s airport. The

Third Reich Navy is still waiting for New Zealand The airport on Fenlan Island has been completed and put into use. In this way, the navy can be freed from the waters around New Fenlan Island and start working on the next target.

Even when the Eagle Country Army Air Force and Naval Air Force are fully capable After the heavy damage, the Third Reich Navy launched a direct attack on the mainland of the Eagle Kingdom. In other words, it is entirely possible to directly raid the naval base of the Eagle Kingdom. At six o'clock in the morning, the Army Air Force of the Eagle Kingdom and Japan The fallen Royal Air Force fighter planes took off from the airport one after another.

As soon as these fighter planes took off, the air search radar deployed by the Third Reich on Neufenland Island immediately detected them.

"According to reports, the air search radar discovered that a large number of enemy fighters were taking off."The radar soldier immediately reported

"Pay attention to surveillance and immediately notify all airports to prepare for the enemy. Also, notify the Navy of the news."The officer at the radar station ordered

"Yes, sir!"The radar soldier replied.

Because the heavy bombers and medium bombers of the Eagle Kingdom all take off from the airport in the northeast of the Eagle Kingdom, the distance is far away and they are already beyond the detection of the air search radar. Therefore, the air search radar temporarily Undetectable.

But even so, the unusual actions of the Eagle Army Air Force and the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets have already made the 1st Aviation Group of the Third Reich Air Force react as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Woo! Woo!"

The shrill air defense sirens sounded over the airport again, and the pilots rushed to their respective fighters.

These fighters had already been filled with fuel and ammunition, and were ready to take off at any time.

At the same time, the air defense troops also entered one after another. Position. Anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns were pointed at the sky, waiting for the enemy to appear.

When the air search radar detected the fighter planes of the Eagle Army Air Force and the Sun Never Sets Imperial Air Force, they began to fly toward New York. When Blue Island attacked, General Ulrich, the commander of the 1st Aircraft Group of the Third Reich Air Force, immediately issued an order for all fighter planes to take off to meet the enemy.

New Blue Island was too close to the enemy. If the planes stayed at the airport, , it’s too dangerous. Instead of doing this, it’s better to take off all the troops to meet the enemy. The defense of the airport is left to the air defense force.

"call out! call out! call out!"

One after another, FW-190 fighter jets and TA-152 fighter jets were taxiing in the sky and rushing towards the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the air search radar detected a large number of bombers flying towards New Zealand Island.

This made The situation faced by the 1st Air Group of the Third Reich Air Force has become even more critical.

"snort! What a generous act! With so many fighter jets and bombers dispatched, do you want to defeat us in one fell swoop? Send a telegram to the Navy and ask them to send carrier-based aircraft to assist in the battle. This time, we must repel the attacks from the Eagle Sauce Country and the Sun Never Sets Empire. Otherwise, we will never be able to gain a foothold on New Zealand Island!"Admiral Ulrich issued the order.

Faced with the massive attacks of the Eagle Kingdom and the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, the Third Reich Air Force was not afraid, but faced the difficulties._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading -Collect, recommend, share!,

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