Newcent Blue Island, St. John's.

The front headquarters of the Third Reich Air Force on the Blue Island in New Zealand was established here.

As the strength of the Eagle Army Air Force was greatly reduced, the Royal Air Force of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets was even more defeated. The Third Reich Air Force was temporarily in a safe state on New Zealand Island.

The arrival of a large number of heavy bombers made the Third Reich Air Force begin to switch from defense to offense.

Marshal Kesselring, deputy commander of the Third Reich Air Force and commander of the strategic bomber force, personally arrived at Newland Island and was fully responsible for the large-scale bombing operation on the mainland of the Eagle Kingdom.

On November 8th, Marshal Kesselring, deputy commander of the Three Reichs Air Force and commander of the strategic bomber force, convened the generals of the Imperial Air Force on Neufenland Island and above, to deploy the next operations.

"Everyone, the Imperial Air Force has mobilized a large number of troops to New Fenlan Island. The Eagle Sauce Country's attack on New Fenlan Island no longer poses much of a threat to us. Even, there is no moreThreaten us again. This allows us to switch from defense to offense in the next battle. Of course, the Imperial Air Force never just takes a beating without fighting back. The Eagle Country has been attacking us for so long. Naturally it will be our turn next!"Marshal Kesselring said.

All the generals of the Imperial Air Force couldn't help but get excited.

In the previous long-term air battles, although the Third Reich Air Force achieved great results, it also suffered heavy losses. Especially the Third Reich Air Force. The battle damage of the 1st aviation group was almost more than two-thirds.

This also made the generals and pilots of the Imperial Air Force hold back their anger.

Now, the Imperial Air Force can finally turn from defense to offense and launch an attack on the Eagle Country. Got it

"Currently, the Imperial Air Force has four fighter aviation groups assembled on New Fenlan Island. Moreover, there is an aviation cluster on standby in the country, which can reinforce New Zealand Blue Island at any time if necessary. Our strength here can completely resist the attack of the Eagle Army Air Force. As for bombers, four bomber wings have already arrived at New Zealand Island. In the next three days, four more bomber wings will arrive at New Zealand Island. Moreover, as the airport on New Zealand Island is completed, more bombers will arrive. The opportunity for the Imperial Air Force to launch a bombing campaign against the Eagle Country is ripe. Therefore, I decided to launch a bombing on the mainland of Eagle Country the day after tomorrow, that is, November 1st."Marshal Kesselring said,

"Yes, Your Majesty Marshal!"The generals nodded one after another.

Everyone has no objection to this, or it may be said that they have long wanted to launch an attack on Yingjiang Country.

"Everyone, go back and prepare. At that time, we will dispatch six bomber wings to launch strategic bombings against several states located in the northeastern part of the Eagle Country. For the fighter force, two fighter aviation groups will be dispatched to provide escort for the bomber force."Marshal Kesselring ordered

"Yes, Your Majesty Marshal!"The general replied.

The Third Reich Air Force assembled a large number of fighter planes on New Island, including a large number of bombers. This made both the Eagle Country and the Empire of the Sun Never Set feel a huge threat. The Empire of the Sun Never Sets Royal The Air Force has been defeated. Even though it knew that the threat of the Third Reich Air Force was huge, it was already powerless. It could only rely on the Eagle Army Air Force to resist. The

Eagle Army Air Force was also aware of the Third Reich's threat. Large-scale bombing is about to begin. Therefore, start actively deploying troops to prepare for the attack of the Third Reich Air Force

"Your Excellency, Commander, the offensive and defensive forces are now reversed. The Third Reich Air Force assembled thousands of bombers on New Zealand Island. These bombers are all heavy bombers. Its performance is only better than that of our B-17 heavy bomber and B-24 bomber. Next, it will be very difficult for us to withstand their bombing."General Carl Spaatz, Chief of Staff of the Army Air Force, looked serious.

"Now we have no other choice but to use our troops to cover up the water and earth." said General Henry Arnold.

"Order all troops to focus on strengthening the defense of the northeastern region. The air search radar must be turned on 24 hours a day. Once the Third Reich Air Force is discovered to be taking action, our fighter planes will immediately take off to intercept it. No matter what, we must do our best to resist the attack of the Third Reich Air Force. Only in this way can we maintain the safety of our industrial areas and enable us to persevere in this war."General Henry Arnold ordered

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander!"General Carl Spaatz replied.

Subsequently, General Henry Arnold's order was conveyed to all units of the Eagle Army Air Force. The entire Eagle Army Air Force's troops deployed in the northeast have entered the highest combat readiness state. The airport All the fighter planes parked inside are ready for combat. Once the order is given, they can immediately take off for combat.

But even so, the entire Eagle Army Air Force is still worried.

The Third Reich Air Force is really too powerful. The Eagle Country Army Air Force suffered heavy losses. So many pilots of the Eagle Country Army Air Force have already developed psychological shadows.

But what is coming will still come, and you can't avoid it.

November 1942 AD On March 1st, on New Zealand Island, the ground crews of the Third Reich Air Force had been busy since the early morning.

One after another, huge heavy bombers had begun to refuel and load ammunition.

These huge heavy bombers Bombers can carry bombs weighing several tons and bomb targets more than a thousand kilometers away. This time, these heavy bombers will drop bombs on the land of Eagle Country, letting the cowboys of Eagle Country know that What will be the consequences of being an enemy of the empire?

The season of hesitation has entered late autumn, and the dawn is very late.

It was not until 7 o'clock in the morning that Marshal Kesselring gave the order for the fighter planes to take off

"call out! call out! call out!"

One after another, HE-111 heavy bombers and HE-222 heavy bombers took off from various airports. Six wings of heavy bombers, a total of 720 aircraft.

Such a huge group of aircraft hovered over New Zealand Island, forming a After forming one by one, they began to fly to the southwest.

At the same time, the fighter units of the Third Reich Air Force also began to take off in large numbers.

TA-152 fighter jets and FW-190 fighter jets took off one after another., in order to To escort these bombers, the Imperial Air Force will dispatch two aviation groups this time, that is, 100 combat aircraft from ten fighter wings. Together with these bombers, they will enter the territory of Eagle Sauce Country._Fei

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