At the end of November, the European continent has gradually entered the cold winter.

The temperature plummeted and snow fell.

However, for people on the European continent, this is a rare and beautiful time.

The war on the European continent has ceased, and the smell of gunfire has dissipated. The Third Reich had taken control of the entire European continent and its enemies had been defeated. As for the newly formed countries, they were united under the Iron Cross flag of the Third Reich.

The huge benefits gained from the war also brought tangible benefits to the people of the Third Reich. Food from the plains of Eastern Europe, beef and butter from the Empire on which the sun never sets, daily necessities from Gaul, etc., greatly improved the quality of life of the people of the Third Reich. This also made the people of the Third Reich more supportive of the empire's ruling Hess.

After all, many people still remember that before Hess came to power, they were living in a precarious situation and had nothing to eat.

But now, the unemployment rate in the Third Reich has dropped to a very low level. People's living standards have also been greatly improved. In addition, the Third Reich has become the most powerful country in Europe and even the world, and the people's self-esteem and self-confidence have also been enhanced. Everyone is naturally very satisfied with their current life.

Of course, it would be best if the war could be completely ended and no more death notices would be received.

But many people know that the Empire still has enemies that it has yet to defeat. The war will not end until they are defeated. This means that the Empire will continue to suffer losses and casualties.

Many people prayed to God, praying that the Third Reich could defeat those powerful enemies as soon as possible and win the final victory of the war. In this way, they can truly live a stable and peaceful life.

Bolin, Supreme Command.

The empire's ruler, Hess, is discussing the current war situation with the military's top brass.

There is no doubt that the Third Reich suffered great losses in its battle against the Eagle Country. Especially the Air Force and Navy carrier-based aircraft units suffered very heavy losses.

However, from the current point of view, these efforts are worth it. Because the losses of Eagle Sauce Country are even greater. This has given the Third Reich a considerable advantage in the coming war.

"Your Excellency, the Eagle Country Army Air Force has been severely damaged by the Imperial Air Force. So far, they have lost at least 12,000 combat aircraft. The pilot's losses were even greater. Faced with the empire's large-scale bombing, the Eagle Army Air Force could no longer bear it. Their resistance is getting smaller and smaller. In fact, the Imperial Air Force can only be stopped by ground anti-aircraft firepower. The Imperial Air Force is currently launching bombings on the northeastern cities of the Eagle Kingdom. The big cities have been basically destroyed, and the next step is to attack those valuable small and medium-sized cities. Especially those small and medium-sized cities with military industries. This will greatly weaken the war potential of the Eagle Sauce Country."Reich Air Force Commander Marshal Milch reported.

Although the Third Reich Air Force also suffered heavy losses, more than 2,000 fighters and bombers were shot down.

However, compared with the results they achieved, these losses were insignificant. Insignificant.

Moreover, as the losses of the Eagle Country Army Air Force are increasing, there are fewer and fewer elite pilots. The exchange ratio is also rising. This also means that in the next war, the number of elite pilots will be reduced. The Three Reichs Air Force will be able to kill more fighters of the Eagle Army Air Force at the minimum cost. The initiative and advantage on the battlefield have been completely controlled by the Third Reichs Air Force.

Hess nodded, very satisfied with the performance of the Air Force. satisfy

"The Air Force has lost so many fighter planes, has it been replenished?"Hess asked.

The number of fighter planes in the Third Reich Air Force is about 20,000.

"Your Excellency, the ruling has been added. Marshal Milch replied

"What about the Navy?"Hess then asked.

Deputy Commander of the Navy, Marshal Dönitz, quickly replied:"Your Excellency, the losses of the Navy's carrier-based aircraft units have also been replenished."

"Very good, gentlemen. We have established a foothold on New Zealand's Blue Island. Moreover, relying on the New Blue Island, they launched fierce bombings against the Eagle Country, and began to continuously attack the war potential of the Eagle Country. The advantages of this war have gradually begun to tilt towards us. So, can we move on to the next goal? asked Hess.

"Your Excellency, just hand over New Zealand Blue Island to the Air Force and Army. The navy can take a break and launch an attack on Guba Island."Marshal Dönitz said quickly.

In fact, after the Third Reich Air Force occupied the main force on New Zealand Island, the navy was already in a state of soy sauce in the North Atlantic. In the

Eagle Kingdom, the navy has been reluctant to go to sea. In the decisive battle with the Third Reich Navy, the role of the Third Reich Navy was very limited. Even the navy planned to go directly to the coastal waters of the Eagle Country and launch an attack on the coastal cities of the Eagle Country.

However, the Navy Although the Chinese Army Air Force suffered heavy losses, it still deployed a large number of combat aircraft on the eastern coast. At the same time, the Chinese naval aviation force also established a number of shore-based units. In addition, the Chinese navy's powerful surface fleet and Carrier-based aircraft units and the Third Reich Navy did not dare to act rashly for a while.

If they could launch an attack on Guba Island, thus posing a further threat to the Eagle Country and squeezing the survival space of the Eagle Country Navy. By then, the Eagle Country would I’m afraid the Navy of Jiang Kingdom won’t be able to hide anymore.

"Your Excellency, our bombers depart from New Zealand Island and can bomb the northern part of the Eagle Country. And once we capture Guba Island and deploy a large number of bombers on the island, we can launch bombings on the southern part of the Eagle Country. In this case, the main industrial areas in the eastern part of the Eagle Country will be destroyed by us. The war potential of Yingjiang Country will also be severely damaged. It will be easier for us to defeat them."Marshal Mirchi said

"However, the Air Force must also be prepared to pay heavy losses. Once the air force attacks from Guba Island, it will be intercepted by thousands of combat aircraft of the Eagle Army Air Force. You don't need to think about it to know that a fierce air battle will definitely break out again."Hess reminded.

Marshal Milch nodded:"Your Excellency, I know very well. However, in order for the empire to win this war, it is worth it no matter how heavy the air force suffers!"

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