At 1 pm on November 28, the Third Reich Marine Division, under the cover of the 4th Navy Battleship Group, the 2nd Light Cruiser Group, and the 3rd Destroyer Group, successfully Landing in Cienfuegos.

Although the governor of Guba, Baptiste, has ordered the army to strengthen the defense of the coastal areas of Guba Island. However, the combat effectiveness of Guba's army was inherently poor. Facing the fierce bombardment of the Third Reich Navy and the bombing by carrier-based aircraft, it was simply impossible to withstand it.

So much so that their defenses were as if they were made of paper and were easily broken through.

The 2nd Marine Division of the Third Reich captured Cienfuegos. And actively prepare to launch an attack on Havana, the capital of Gubar Island, from here.

Two hours later, the 1st Marine Division of the Third Reich successfully landed at the port of Lagar.

So far, the four divisions dispatched by the Third Reich Marine Corps have successfully landed on Guba Island.

Although the four Marine Divisions add up to only more than 60,000 people. Compared with the 200,000 people of the Guba Army, it is undoubtedly much less. However, in terms of combat effectiveness, the vulnerable Guba Army is naturally far from comparable to the Third Reich Marine Corps.

If the Yingjiang Kingdom does not dispatch reinforcements in time to reinforce Guba Island, Guba Island will fall into the hands of the Third Reich in a short time. The Third Reich could then copy the New Zealand Blue Island model and launch a large-scale bombing campaign against the Eagle Country. At that time, Yingjiang Country will suffer an extremely heavy blow. It is even more delusional to want to withstand the attack of the Third Reich again.

Of course, for the Third Reich Navy, capturing Guba Island and then using it as a base to launch an attack on the mainland of the Eagle Country was just one purpose. Another purpose was to force the Navy of the Eagle Kingdom to go to sea for a decisive battle with the Navy of the Third Reich.

When Guba Island was about to fall into the hands of the Third Reich, it was naturally impossible for the Eagle Sauce Country to sit idly by.

There is a high probability that the Eagle Navy will choose to fight to the death and go to sea for a decisive battle with the Third Reich Navy. The Third Reich Navy has also been cruising in the waters east of the Greater Andres Islands, waiting for a decisive battle with the Eagle Navy.

Only by completely defeating and annihilating the Navy of the Kingdom of Eagle, can the Third Reich Navy gain control of the sea in the Atlantic, and be able to dispatch a large number of troops to the mainland of the Kingdom of Eagle without being threatened, and launch an attack on the mainland of the Kingdom of Eagle. attack.

Therefore, the first stage of Hess's New World combat plan was to eliminate the Eagle Navy and seize control of the Atlantic Ocean. This battle is directly related to whether the second phase can be implemented.

Moreover, the Yuan generals of the Third Reich Navy have long been eager to defeat the Eagle Navy in one fell swoop and achieve greater feats. In particular, Navy Commander Redel Yuan is still counting on winning this battle to be promoted and become the first Imperial Marshal from the Navy.

On the evening of November 28, on the aircraft carrier Qi Bolin, the flagship of the Imperial Navy, in the Atlantic Ocean, Marshal Raeder and Chief of Staff Marshal Albrecht were studying the next combat deployment.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the navy has successfully landed on Guba Island. And, the current progress is going very smoothly. Various marine divisions not only occupied coastal cities but also actively prepared to expand the occupied areas. The combat effectiveness of the army on Guba Island is very poor and they are simply vulnerable. Even without the assistance of the army, our Marine Corps can capture the entire Guba Island."Marshal Albrecht said

"Indeed, our Marines alone could have captured Kubar Island. However, this is a prerequisite without the intervention of the Eagle Sauce Country. The Eagle Country will not stand idly by this time. They will definitely send troops to land on Guba Island. According to the intelligence received, the Eagle Army is already gathering towards the Florida Peninsula. It is expected that it will soon cross the Florida Strait and land on Guba Island."Marshal Redl said

"Yingjiang Country is going to send troops to land on Guba Island? Aren't they afraid of being intercepted by our fleet? By then, their army will be buried in the sea."Marshal Albrecht said.

Marshal Redl nodded:"It is indeed possible. Therefore, the navy of the Eagle Country should also be dispatched. If their navy attacks, we will have a decisive battle. Then, we will not be able to block the Strait of Florida for the time being. The army of Yingjiang Country can take the opportunity to land on Guba Island."

"Your Excellency, Commander, then we must be prepared for a decisive battle with the Navy of the Eagle Country!"Marshal Albrecht couldn't help but get excited.

The Third Reich Navy has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. Now, this opportunity has finally come.

"Yes, we must seize this opportunity and decide the outcome in one battle!"Marshal Redel's eyes were also full of determination.

"Your Excellency, Commander, shall we recall the 4th Battleship Group?"Albrecht asked.

The strength of the Eagle Kingdom Navy is quite strong. Under such circumstances, if the Third Reich Navy wants to defeat them, it will naturally have to do its best. 8 of the 4th Battle Cruiser Formation A P-class battleship is also a very powerful force.

Marshal Redel thought for a moment, then shook his head:"There is no need to recall the 4th battleship formation, 2nd light cruiser formation and 4th destroyer formation. Let them hide in the southern waters of Guba Island and wait for orders. Once they discovered that the Eagle Country was beginning to cross the Strait of Florida, they immediately rushed out and killed the Eagle Country's transport fleet. Send all the Eagle Sauce National Army to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish!"

"Your Excellency, Commander, if this is the case, it may be difficult for our main fleet to deal with the Navy of the Eagle Country."Marshal Albrecht said.

Marshal Redl shook his head:"No, we still have a huge advantage. The DM guided missile cruiser formation has arrived and they will participate in this attack. In this case, we can severely damage or even kill 12 battleships of the Eagle Navy at the beginning of the war. Even if there is an accident, as long as more than six of their capital ships can be killed. Then, our navy will have an absolute advantage in the decisive battle."

Marshal Albrecht nodded:"In this case, our advantage will be even greater. Our main fleet can kill the main fleet of the Eagle Navy. Our aircraft carrier formation is even more capable of crushing them. We will definitely win this battle!"

The top brass of the Third Reich Navy are full of confidence in winning this battle.

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