On the aircraft carrier USS Essex, the flagship of the Eagle Navy aircraft carrier group, Admiral Chest Nimitz and Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Louis Defield both looked very, very ugly.

The powerful battleship formation was defeated easily. Moreover, it was still an unimaginable serious injury. This is undoubtedly an extremely heavy blow to the Navy of the Eagle Kingdom.

Before the naval battle began, they had confidently believed that even if they faced the powerful battleship fleet of the Third Reich Navy, they would be able to fight!

Even if it fails in the end, it will never make it easy for the Third Reich.

But I didn't expect that it would be such a result in the end.

The battleship formation of the Yingjiang Navy was completely defeated. Twelve capital ships were sunk or severely damaged, and the remaining three were also besieged and narrowly escaped death.

This puts the Eagle Navy at a very disadvantageous position in this battle. In fact, it was completely different from the battle plan they had made before. In this battle, the navy of the Eagle KingdomVery likely to lose

"Commander, what should we do now? Should carrier-based aircraft be launched to rescue the Indiana, Massachusetts and Alabama?" Lieutenant General Louis Defield asked.

"Taking off a carrier-based aircraft? We are less than two hundred kilometers away from the Indiana and other battleships. As soon as our carrier-based aircraft takes off, it will inevitably be detected by the air search radar on the battleship of the Third Reich Navy. At that time, our position will be exposed. The aircraft carrier formation of the Third Reich Navy is not showing up now. They will definitely seize this opportunity and dispatch fighter planes to attack us. Once our aircraft carrier formation is attacked or even severely damaged. Then we will completely lose in this naval battle, and there will be no chance of comeback. And once we are defeated, the Eagle Country will be completely finished."Admiral Chelst Nimitz is worried.

Although the Eagle Navy has suffered a big loss now. The current situation is also very unfavorable for them.

However, Admiral Chelst Nimitz I will still hope to find a chance to make a comeback, an opportunity for the Eagle Navy to regain its disadvantage and turn defeat into victory.

However, such an opportunity is not so easy to find. There is a high probability that the Eagle Navy will lose this time. But even so, Admiral Chest Nimitz did not give up. He knew that if he gave up, they would be completely ruined. The Eagle Country would also be completely ruined.

"Commander, if we don't rescue them, they will be dead. At that time, we will be under great pressure."Lieutenant General Louis Defield reminded.

It is unacceptable for soldiers of any country to refuse to save people. Even if Admiral Chelst Nimitz refused to rescue him, he would not have died even if he did not die. During the war, after the war is over, they will definitely be sent to a military court.

"But I can't put the entire aircraft carrier formation in just to save them. In that case, it would be truly irresponsible for Yingjiang Country."Admiral Chest Nimitz's attitude was very resolute.

Lieutenant General Louis Defield nodded. He knew what Admiral Chest Nimitz was thinking.

"It would be great if there was an option that had the best of both worlds."Lieutenant General Louis Defield said.

But the best of both worlds is not so easy to think of.

Suddenly, Admiral Chest Nimitz had an idea in his mind, and he seemed to have thought of some good idea.

"Lieutenant General, I have thought of a way. Although it may not necessarily succeed, it is somewhat risky. However, we really have no other way now. What's more, now that time is running out, we can't help but think of other solutions." Admiral Chelst Nimitz said

"any solution? Lieutenant General Louis Defield asked quickly

"Our aircraft carrier fleet consists of 12 Essex-class aircraft carriers and 22 Borg-class escort aircraft carriers. We can separate the 12 Essex class aircraft carriers and the Borg class escort carriers. Carrier-based aircraft were launched from 22 Borg-class escort aircraft carriers to rescue the USS Indiana and other battleships. At the same time, you can also launch an attack on the capital ships of the Third Reich Navy. In addition, it can also attract the aircraft carriers of the Third Reich Navy to launch an attack. Even if they are to protect their capital ships, they will definitely take off carrier-based aircraft. And this is our chance to find them. If you can find their location, even the general location. We can also immediately take off carrier-based aircraft from 12 Essex-class aircraft carriers and attack them!"Admiral Chest Nimitz said.

Lieutenant General Louis Defield's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Your Excellency, Commander, this is indeed a good idea and completely feasible. Maybe we can take this opportunity to regain our disadvantage and defeat the Third Reich Navy in one fell swoop!" said Lt. Gen. Louis Defield.

"So, let's start preparing our aircraft carrier formation. This time, we are really going to fight to the death with the Third Reich Navy. This is directly related to the life and death of the Navy, and also related to the future destiny of our country!" Admiral Chelst Nimitz said

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander!" Lieutenant General Louis Defield replied.

After Admiral Nimitz's order was issued, the Eagle Navy's aircraft carrier formation immediately made changes.

22 Borg-class escort aircraft carriers, protected by a group of cruisers and destroyers, turned northward Okay. At the same time, the carrier-based aircraft that had been prepared on the deck began to prepare for takeoff.

The other 12 Essex-class aircraft carriers were still heading east to increase the distance between them and the escorting aircraft carriers.

Although, There are only 12 Essex-class aircraft carriers. However, these 12 Essex-class aircraft carriers are undoubtedly the main force of the Eagle Navy's aircraft carrier formation.

Although there are as many as 22 Borg-class escort aircraft carriers, they carry The total number of carrier-based aircraft added up is only 528. The 12 Essex-class aircraft carriers carry a total of 1,200 carrier-based aircraft. Even if all these Borg-class aircraft carriers are lost, the Eagle Navy's The aircraft carrier formation is still capable of fighting.

What's more, the construction of those Borg-class aircraft carriers is also very easy. In the Yingjiang Country's shipyard, there are still 22 Borg-class aircraft carriers under intense modification, and they will soon be It can be commissioned. In fact, the Eagle Navy has already planned to start building the next level of escort aircraft carriers, namely the Casablanca-class aircraft carriers. Moreover, it is planning to build 25 ships at one time.

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