The Third Reich's Southern Army Group will be the first army to attack the mainland of the Eagle Kingdom. This will also mean that after the Southern Army Group lands, it will be fully encircled and suppressed by the Eagle Army's army.

This undoubtedly means huge pressure for them.

But once it succeeds, it will be a huge honor

"Our enemy is not weak. But I believe that we are the strongest. This time, we will definitely be able to successfully land and let the Eagle Country know that their attempt to resist stubbornly is simply a delusion! The final victory must belong to us!"Marshal Rommel said

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander!"A group of marshals and generals responded one after another.

"This time we attack the homeland of Eagle Country, we also need the navy and air force to provide us with support."Marshal Rommel looked at General William Machar, commander of the 4th Navy Battleship Group, and General Guntrudel, commander of the 3rd Air Force Battle Group.

In order to cooperate with this attack on the Eagle Country, the Imperial Air Force specially formed three A battle group is a force composed of multiple aviation groups.

"Marshal, please rest assured that the Navy will ensure the security of the entire Strait of Florida and the eastern waters of Mexico Bay in the future. Moreover, sufficient fire support will be provided to the landing troops during the landing. In addition, the 3rd Aircraft Carrier Group will also provide air support."General William Machar said.

Marshal Rommel nodded. He was very satisfied with the full support of the navy.

"Your Excellency, Marshal, the Imperial Air Force will ensure air superiority on the battlefield. The Eagle Country Army Air Force has been severely damaged by us. Although they built many field airports near the Florida Peninsula. But in our previous reconnaissance, the locations of these field airports were already clear. After the attack begins, we will launch a surprise attack to destroy their air search radars, blow up their airports, and ensure air superiority on the battlefield. Moreover, a large number of fighter planes will be dispatched to provide air support for the landing troops!"General Guntrudel said.

Marshal Rommel nodded to express his gratitude. The Imperial Air Force paid a great price in its attack on the Eagle Kingdom. But these losses were also very worthwhile. The

Eagle Army Air Force , were completely destroyed by the Imperial Air Force. The number of fighter planes shot down by the Imperial Air Force alone exceeded 15,000. The number of pilots killed in action was countless. It can be said that although the

Eagle Army Air Force is still It still exists. However, the combat effectiveness is no longer what it used to be. It is even more delusional for them to prevent the Imperial Air Force from seizing air supremacy on the battlefield.

Once the air supremacy is controlled by the Imperial Air Force, it will be coupled with the naval gunfire support and the support of carrier-based aircraft. The defense forces of the Eagle Kingdom will be attacked by the powerful firepower of the Empire. Even if they have built a defense line in the coastal area and claim to be an impenetrable Atlantic barrier, the final result will be that they will be easily broken through by the landing troops of the Third Reich.

"The Marine Corps will be the first troops to land. After the Marine Corps has established a solid beachhead, the main force of the Army will land. Therefore, the Marine Corps will be under great pressure in this battle. Or even pay a lot of losses. General Rommel reminded

"Your Excellency, Marshal, the Marine Corps is ready!"General Xavier, deputy commander of the Marine Corps and commander of the 1st Marine Division, replied.

The Marine Corps has always been a professional force for landing operations. Since its establishment, they have been destined to face the enemy's artillery fire and hail of bullets. Landing on the beach. This has caused the losses of the Marine Corps to remain high.

However, if sufficient fire support can be obtained, the losses of the Marine Corps will undoubtedly be much smaller.

In addition, the Third Reich Helicopters were developed that can carry out vertical landings. When landing on the beach, they can also receive fire support from armed helicopters. This tactic of converting plane landings into three-dimensional landings increased the attack power of the Marine Corps of the Third Reich. A lot. Battle losses can also be effectively reduced.

Marshal Rommel nodded. He knew that all the units under the Third Reich's Southern Army Group had made relevant preparations. In the next attack , they will show their strong strength.

It is not easy for the Eagle Sauce Country to resist the attack of the Third Reich's Army Group South.

After the date of the attack was determined, the troops under the Third Reich's Army Group South quickly began to Making final preparations.

The Third Reich assembled troops on Guba Island with great fanfare, and fighter planes continued to fly over the Florida Peninsula for reconnaissance. This undoubtedly aroused the vigilance of the Eagle Country.

George Marshall, Chief of Staff of the Army of the Eagle Country, The general even rushed to Atlanta in person to meet with General Dwight Eisenhower, commander of the Southern Theater Command of the Eagle Kingdom.

Facing the attack of the Third Reich, the Eagle Army divided its huge army into multiple theaters, namely the Southern Theater Command. , Eastern Theater, Northern Theater, Western Theater and Central Theater. The

Southern Theater of Defense includes Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama, with a total of four million troops.

"Your Excellency, Chief of Staff, welcome to Atlanta. However, I personally have always believed that Orlando is more suitable as the headquarters of the Southern Theater Command than Atlanta."General George Marshall got off the plane, and General Dwight Eisenhower complained to him. General George Marshall couldn't help but frowned:"General Eisenhower, Orlando is located on the Florida Peninsula. Once it is attacked, If the Third Reich attacks, it will be very dangerous there. It would not be appropriate to place the theater headquarters there. It will put you and your command members in danger"

"That way, I can get closer to the battlefield and react faster!" said Gen. Dwight Eisenhower.

"Okay, no more need to talk about this question. Putting the headquarters of the Southern Theater Command in Atlanta, which is safer, is what the ruling Excellency wants." said Gen. George Marshall.

"All right!"General Dwight Eisenhower said with some helplessness.

General Dwight Eisenhower was a confidant of Franklin's administration and won the trust of Franklin's administration. Otherwise, he would not have been in power in a short time. In just over a year, he was promoted from major general to general, and also served as theater commander.

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