In the northeastern part of Eagle Country, there is a city called Albany.

This is not a big city, just a small city located inland, far from the coast.

However, it ensured that General Douglas MacArthur chose it as the location for his headquarters. The main reason why we chose this place was that it was far away from the coast and would not be hit by the naval gunfire of the Third Reich Navy.

Otherwise, it would be dangerous if the headquarters were placed in coastal areas. Once the Third Reich dispatched a large number of capital ships to launch a surprise attack, the entire headquarters could be destroyed with naval guns.

Admiral Douglas MacArthur was able to successfully escape from the Luzon colony back to the Eagle Country in the Pacific without being caught by the Japanese, so he was naturally very good at escaping.

In other words, he cherishes his life very much and will not risk his own life.

Despite losing the Luzon colony, General Douglas MacArthur was not punished and instead continued to be entrusted with important tasks.

In his view, this is a reflection of his personal ability. Before taking office, he even went to the White Palace to meet with Franklin in office and assured him that he would lead the army to resist the attack of the Third Reich and protect the security of the Eagle Country.

However, after the Third Reich's Northern Army Group's offensive began, he felt deeply worried.

"Oh, God! What does the Empire of the Sun Never Set do? Are they all idiots and trash? How could they be so bad, so bad?"General Douglas MacArthur couldn't help but curse.

The reason why he was so angry was entirely because of the poor performance of the Imperial Army on the battlefield.

Cape Breton Island and Prince Edward Island were controlled by the Imperial Army. Defensively. They deployed hundreds of thousands of people on the two islands respectively. But now, they were defeated by the Third Reich Army with a small number of troops.

Once Cape Breton Island and Prince Edward Island were defeated by the If the troops of the Three Empires occupied it, then the three armies deployed in the northern theater of the Eagle Country on the Nova Scotia Peninsula might be in danger. General

Douglas MacArthur even regretted it. He should not have succeeded if he had known better. The hero should not send troops to fight in the Maple Leaf Kingdom. In this case, he can also concentrate his troops to defend the northern part of the Eagle Country. Even if the Sun Never Sets Empire is defeated, they can still wait for work and deal with the attack of the Third Reich.

"Your Excellency, Commander, this is inevitable. After all, the current empire on which the sun never sets is no longer the original empire. After they lost their homeland, they were already struggling to survive. said Lt. Gen. Jacob Devers, chief of staff for the Northern Theater Command.

Gen. Douglas MacArthur nodded.

"Well, I am now considering whether to withdraw our people from the Nova Scotia Peninsula. Once the army of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets is defeated, our army will have to fight alone. The Third Reich is not that easy to mess with. With just three armies, there was no way they could be a match for the Third Reich. After all, General Eisenhower in the southern theater had been defeated by the Third Reich's inferior forces and was in a very embarrassed state." said General Douglas MacArthur.

"Your Excellency, Commander, if our troops retreat. It is absolutely impossible for the Empire on which the sun never sets to withstand the attacks of the Third Reich. Then, soon the war will burn on our land." said Lt. Gen. Jacob Devers.

"As early as the German bombs fell on our land, the flames of war were already burning on our land. However, it would be a bit unwilling to order the troops to retreat like this. It would be best if we could defend the enemy from outside the country."General Douglas MacArthur gritted his teeth and said.

If he can defeat the Third Reich Army on the Nova Scotia Peninsula, or in the Maple Leaf Kingdom. Even if he can withstand the attack of the Third Reich, this will be a great benefit to his reputation. It will be of great help.

If we retreat now, everything will be lost.

"Your Excellency, Commander, how about we send additional troops to the Maple Leaf Kingdom. We still have seven armies in our hands, with 2.8 million troops. Lieutenant General Jacob Devers suggested.

However, General Douglas MacArthur was also reluctant to send additional troops. If something unexpected happened, the main force in the northern theater would be trapped.

This made General Douglas MacArthur The general was caught in a dilemma.

Field Marshal Guderian, commander of Army Group North of the Third Reich, would not be in such a dilemma for General Douglas MacArthur.

After his plan was approved by the High Command of the Third Reich, and he also learned that Marshal Guderian was deeply moved when the Supreme Command had prepared two armies on the mainland and could reinforce the Northern Army Group at any time. He believed that with strong domestic support, their plan this time would be successful.

Therefore. , Marshal Guderian immediately ordered all troops to prepare.

At the same time, the 2nd Army and the 5th Army under the Third Reich's Northern Army Group had also obtained victory in the battles on Cape Breton Island and Prince Edward Island. A decisive victory was achieved.

The Imperial Army's troops deployed on these two islands have been completely defeated. Although they are still resisting, it is obvious that they will not be able to hold on for much longer.

Especially on Cape Breton Island. The Imperial Army on which the sun never sets had already suffered heavy losses in the face of shelling and bombing by the Third Reich Navy and large-scale bombing by the Third Reich Air Force. Due to the terrain of the island, these troops could only be deployed on Coastal areas. And these areas happened to be within the range of the naval gun fire of the Third Reich Navy.

This caused many Imperial Army troops to be killed by naval gun fire. As far as the morale of the troops was concerned, it was naturally also It caused a huge blow.

Under such circumstances, the time was ripe for the implementation of Marshal Guderian's plan.

On April 16, 1943, the attack of the Third Reich's Northern Army Group began again.

Two Marine Divisions, the 8th Army, the 11th Army, and the 2nd Armored Division under the 2nd Armored Army, under the cover of the navy, landed on Shediac. The sun never sets on the defenders deployed here. The army was easily defeated.

Subsequently, the Third Reich's Northern Army Group launched a massive attack on Monguton.

The entire army of the Eagle Country on the Nova Scotia Peninsula was surrounded.

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