The Third Reich mobilized slave-state troops on a large scale and shipped them to the North American continent to participate in the war. This gradually relieved the Third Reich's military disadvantage on the North American continent.

And this is definitely not good news for Eagle Sauce Country.

It was already difficult enough for them to deal with the Third Reich's three army groups and 4.5 million troops. In fact, a very heavy price has been paid in the war.

Now, a large number of slave countries of the Third Reich have intervened in this war, which has put the whole country of Eagle Sauce in a huge crisis. Even the top brass of the Eagle Country, especially the military generals, did not think they could really withstand the Third Reich's attack. As for those ordinary people, although many people were deceived by the Eagle Country government and became armed cowboys, constantly launching attacks on the troops of the Third Reich. However, more people have realized that Yingjiang Country may fail in this battle.

This caused many people in the Eagle Country to panic and began to look for a way out.

We don't want them to be buried with the Yingjiang Kingdom after its demise.

This is also because Eagle Sauce Country is originally a country of immigrants, and the history of the country is too short. As a result, many people lack identification with the Eagle Country. When the Yingjiang country was strong, they were proud to be Yingjiang people. However, when the Yingjiang Country is facing a disaster, they will abandon the Yingjiang Country and find their own way out.

Human nature is what it is, and there’s nothing more to say about it.

Facing the threat of the Third Reich, this time the Eagle Country has really reached the final moment of life and death.

On the evening of May 10, 1943, Franklin, the leader of the Eagle Kingdom, summoned the top officials of the cabinet and military, and even the commanders of several war zones, all gathered in the underground conference room of the White Palace.

All the people present at the meeting had serious expressions. They have realized that it may be difficult for Yingjiang Country to escape this disaster.

"Your Excellencies, gentlemen. According to the intelligence we currently have, the Third Reich is already vigorously mobilizing many slave states. And those servant countries are also very enthusiastic and very active. Preliminary statistics show that those slave countries will dispatch more than 12 million troops to participate in the attack on us. This will be a very big threat to us. We have to deal with it properly. Otherwise, we are very likely to lose completely in this war!"Donovan, Director of the Intelligence Coordination Bureau, said.

In order to obtain this information, the intelligence personnel of the Intelligence Coordination Bureau paid a great price.

Especially as the Eagle Country is in the war, the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable.. This caused many of the intelligence personnel to waver. There were also many intelligence personnel who betrayed the Eagle Country. This not only greatly weakened the Eagle Country's ability to obtain intelligence. It also caused the Eagle Country to lose control of the country. Overseas intelligence agencies have suffered a fatal blow. In particular, many intelligence networks established in Europe have been destroyed. This means that it will be increasingly difficult for the Eagle Country to obtain intelligence from Europe in the future.

Eagle Sauce After hearing this information, the senior officials of the national cabinet and the military became even more ugly. Many people's faces were as gloomy as water. Everyone can feel that the current Eagle Country seems to be approaching the end of its life. The end

"Everyone, now the Third Reich is determined to destroy us! They even did not hesitate to mobilize a large number of armies from slave countries for this purpose. It can be seen that their evil intentions are very serious. In order to induce those slave countries to join the war, they even publicly stated that they would divide our territory into small pieces to reward those slave countries that had made meritorious service and contributions during the war. Those Germans are so despicable!"Franklin couldn't help cursing.

The senior officials of Yingjiang Country also looked indignant. But most of them were helpless.

Yingjiang Country is indeed a chosen country. It has a unique geographical environment. But , when they cannot keep these resources, it is no longer wealth for them, but a disaster.

Now, the method adopted by the Third Reich is to use the Eagle Country to lure other slave countries and tempt them to The Eagle Country launches an attack

"Gentlemen, what do we do now?" Governor Franklin asked

"Your Excellency, I think this may not be entirely a bad thing for us. The Third Reich mobilized a large number of armies from slave countries to participate in the war. To some extent, it was also because they were unwilling to invest too many troops. Therefore, the troops of those slave countries were used as cannon fodder. If our army can severely damage the armies of those slave countries on the battlefield. It will definitely cause a huge blow to the morale of the armies of those slave countries. It will even affect the troops of the Third Reich. In this case, maybe we can still hold the battle line. Maybe, we can reverse the situation bit by bit." said General Douglas MacArthur, commander of the Northern Theater.

Although the performance of the Northern Theater in this battle was a mess. However, General Douglas MacArthur still regarded himself as a famous general.

"snort! General MacArthur, you underestimate the slave states of the Third Reich. Based on their performance on the battlefields of the Eastern European plains. Among those slave countries, there are still some countries whose armies are very powerful in combat effectiveness. For example, the army of the Kingdom of Caesar, the army of the Kingdom of Hungary, the army of the Fenlan Kingdom and the army of Slovak. The total number of troops dispatched by these countries alone is as high as 5.4 million. In addition, the Damao and Ermao countries supported by the Third Reich will also send a total of two million troops to participate in the war. The Slavs have always been fearless in fighting. Although their combat effectiveness is relatively weak, they are also not easy to deal with. As for other countries, they may be cannon fodder. However, once the number of cannon fodder is too large, it will also cause us a lot of trouble. For example, those armed cowboys we mobilized may not be of much use."General Hugh Drum, the commander of the Eastern Theater Command, snorted coldly and retorted directly. The three armies in the Eastern Theater Theater were forcibly assigned to the Northern Theater Command, which has always made General Hugh Drum resentful.

"Alas, do we really have no chance this time?"Prime Minister Cordell Hull sighed.

Other senior officials of the Eagle Sauce Country also looked desperate. Everyone may think that this time the Eagle Sauce Country will be doomed, and there will be no chance again.

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