June 1, 1943 AD, located in the central Libyan Desert of North Africa.

Although, Libia is still a colony of the Kingdom of Caesar. But as the Third Reich's demand for oil increased. Most of the shares in the oil development company jointly owned by the two countries have fallen into the hands of the Third Reich. The Third Reich naturally intensified its resource exploration in Libya. There are many actions hidden behind secret exploration.

The Third Reich's nuclear research institute took this opportunity to establish a nuclear test site in the desert deep in Libya. Under the arrangements of the Military Intelligence Bureau, this nuclear test site is currently very safe and the outside world does not know about it.

After a torturous flight, Hess, the ruler of the Third Reich, and a number of high-level government and military officials had secretly arrived at the nuclear test site. However, many people were kept in the dark and had no idea what was going on. I don’t even know the reason why Hess summoned so many people here with great fanfare.

After all, the Third Reich now dominates the world. But managing this huge country is not that easy. None of these high-ranking officials in the empire are in trouble!

Now that so many high-level officials have gathered in the desert of North Africa, it will inevitably make everyone think wildly. Some people even worry that Hess is planning to eliminate dissidents in the desert and kill them here.

"Your Excellency, we have one hour left before we can start!"Professor Oppenheimer said to Hess

"Well, prepare according to your plan!"Hess nodded.

Some people who knew Professor Oppenheimer guessed Hess's intention.

"Your Excellency, has that plan been successful?"Marshal Bromberg asked

"Yes, we are about to witness a miracle. We have invested huge sums of money, assembled a large number of scientists, and spent a lot of resources on a scientific research plan that is about to succeed. This will make our country invincible in the world from now on. No country will be able to defeat us anymore!"Hess looked very happy with a smile on his face.

"That's really great!"Marshal Bromberg said.

Others came to their senses, especially those who didn't know about this project, and began to ask around.

And the people gathered here today are all high-level officials of the empire. With them level, they naturally knew about the plan. Therefore, Hess did not stop it, but asked someone to introduce the plan to them.

When everyone learned that the empire had been conducting research on a super bomb project, and it was almost successful. , this made everyone very excited.

The current military strength of the Third Reich is well-deserved to be the best in the world. The former enemies have been defeated by the Third Reich one after another. However, the war did not That's the end. The Third Reich naturally needs more powerful super weapons. What's more, this kind of terrifying weapon is naturally better in the hands of the Third Reich than in the hands of other enemies.

One hour The time passed quickly, and the project team has completed all the preparation work.

"Your Excellency, although the nuclear explosion device is twenty kilometers away from us. However, for safety reasons, everyone still has to enter the bunker. Lead sheets were installed in the bunker to contain radioactive materials. In addition, there is specialized protective equipment."Professor Oppenheimer said

"good!"Hess nodded.

This was the first time in his two lives that he had the opportunity to witness a nuclear test. Of course, what he saw on TV and computers does not count.

At this time, it is natural to listen to the opinions of experts.

Although they are separated At such a distance, the dose of nuclear radiation would not be too great. However, it is better to be careful.

Afterwards, Hess and the senior officials of the Third Reich all entered a specially made underground bunker. Each of them was also issued with special protective gear. Eyepieces, and necessary protective equipment.

In the desert 20 kilometers away from here, on a high platform more than 20 meters high, a huge nuclear explosion device has been installed. Around this nuclear explosion device, there are also There are some things specially used to test the effect of nuclear explosions.

There are abandoned locomotives, trucks, tanks, and live cattle and sheep.

These things are the witnesses of the first nuclear explosion in human history.

"Your Excellency, please press the button of the nuclear explosive device!"Professor Oppenheimer suggested

"good!"Hess naturally did his part.

The nuclear explosive device's start button was equipped with a radio device, which could detonate it even if it was twenty kilometers away. Being able to press the first nuclear explosive device's start button with his own hands was a great achievement for Hess. , is also a rare honor.

Of course, he didn’t know whether he would be considered the devil who released the devil from Pandora’s box in the future.

Hess didn’t care about this.

Under the gaze of everyone, Hess pressed Pressed down the radio button


In the blink of an eye, there was a roar like shaking the earth in the distance, and a dazzling fireball burst out in the distant sky. In the sky, it was as if a second sun suddenly appeared. It was so dazzling.

A black mushroom cloud shot straight into the sky.

The shock wave generated by the explosion of the nuclear explosive device swept around.

The items placed around the nuclear explosive device were all affected.

Live cattle and sheep were instantly It burned into coke. Even the abandoned locomotives, tanks and trucks were blown over as if they were hit by a hurricane. The surrounding sand grains formed a sandstorm under the action of the shock wave. The sky was full of yellow sand, Flying everywhere.

And the senior officials of the Third Reich hiding in the bunker were also stunned at the moment.

Although they had imagined that the power of the super bomb that the Third Reich spent a lot of money on research would definitely be It was very big.

However, they never expected that it would be such a scene

"Oh, God! Is this really a weapon that humans can create? This is simply a miracle. No, it is a weapon that only demons can possess!"An old scientist said tremblingly.

"What on earth did we do? Have we let the devil out of Pandora's box?"Professor Einstein looked even more annoyed and regretful. Now, he probably regrets joining this project team.

And the top military officials of the Third Reich all had their eyes shining.

Such a terrifying weapon , is still in the hands of the Third Reich, which is naturally the best. This will become the trump card in the hands of the Third Reich!

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