In a valley, a large number of armed cowboys from the Eagle Country are gathering here.

Each of them wore windbreakers, cowboy hats, and pistols at their waists. Many people even carried rifles on their backs.

In the open space in the distance, there are even two 75mm field guns.

It can be seen that this group of armed cowboys is not only powerful, but also has sophisticated weapons and equipment. As for combat effectiveness, there is naturally nothing to say.

Of course, this is actually not just one group of armed cowboys, but a combination of several groups of armed cowboys. This brings the number of armed cowboys here to thousands.

"We've got this figured out, folks. In the Carlinville warehouse, supplies for the winter are piling up. Not only are there a lot of cold-proof clothing, but there are also a lot of food, cans, fuel, etc. There are also a lot of weapons and equipment. If we can capture it, we'll do it. There is no problem in spending this winter safely. You can even take this opportunity to grow stronger."A bearded cowboy looked excited.

His name is Quincy. Although he is over fifty years old

, his body is still very strong and his horse skills are very good. The armed cowboys he leads are also hundreds of miles away. The biggest one

"With such an important material warehouse, how could the Third Reich's defense be poor?"Another cowboy leader frowned. His name was Kader, and he was over sixty years old. However, he did not choose to live out his old age, but continued to fight with a group of old cowboys who were also over fifty.

"According to the information heard, there are only three infantry companies stationed there. Moreover, only one company was German. Another company was Hungarian, and another company was Slavs. With our military strength, we can definitely eat them!"Quincy explained.

Obviously, Quincy was very moved and unwilling to let go of this excellent opportunity.

"Could this be a trap? What if the Third Reich deliberately used a bait to lure us in?"Kader was a little worried.

"yes! During this time, the Third Reich and their servant armies have stepped up their campaign against us armed cowboys. Countless cowboys were killed by them. If we accidentally fall into their trap, we will be dead."

The other leaders of the armed cowboys are also very worried.

Most of them are not soldiers. Moreover, because most young people have already enlisted in the army, most of these armed cowboys are They are old men who are over fifty years old. Having lived to their age, they have experienced many storms and cherished their lives even more.

"Don't worry, we have carefully searched the surrounding area, and there are not many Third Reich troops. The nearest army is hundreds of kilometers away from Carlinville. At the marching speed of the Third Reich Army, it would take them at least two hours to arrive. Two hours was enough for us to take down the Carlinville warehouse and move all the supplies there."Quincy said.

Although many cowboys believed that attacking Carlinville's material warehouse was very risky. However, under Quincy's persuasion, everyone agreed to join forces to attack Carlinville and rob the Third Reich. material warehouse.

Even if there are real risks, they can't control so much. After all, if they can't get enough winter supplies before the cold winter comes, many of them will probably be killed alive due to lack of food and clothing. Starve to death or freeze to death. Rather than that, it's better to give it a try. If you're lucky, you might be able to succeed.

After discussion, the group took action immediately.

A large number of old cowboys over fifty years old left the valley on horseback. , heading straight to Carlinville.

Although these old cowboys are not young and have no military discipline to speak of, their riding skills and marksmanship are still very good.

In addition, these armed cowboys are all In total, there were more than 5,000 people. This inevitably made them confident, thinking that capturing a small Carlinville was completely within their grasp.

After all, the Third Reich and its servants were stationed in Carlinville. The total number of Weir's troops was less than 600. They had an overwhelming advantage in strength.

That afternoon, after marching for four or five hours, the cowboys finally arrived to see Carlinville. These The cowboys did not launch an attack immediately, but chose to take a rest first.

After a long march, the men and horses were already exhausted. If they did not take a break, eat some dry food, and feed the horses some fodder, the next battle would be impossible. At the same time

, Quincy also sent people to conduct reconnaissance.

When he learned that Carlinville's garrison had not increased, and was still three companies. And it seemed that there was no defense, Quincy He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

What he feared most was that he would fall into the trap of the Third Reich Army and suffer heavy casualties. Or that he would have to return without success. In that case, it would be an extremely heavy blow to his leadership..I’m afraid it will be difficult for those cowboys to obey his orders anymore.

"Brothers, the opportunity is right in front of you! By capturing Carlinville, we will have clothes to wear, food to eat, and we will not starve to death or freeze to death. These damn Europeans have killed a large number of our compatriots. We must not let them go and avenge the dead compatriots. attack! Attack and kill them all! God bless us!"Quincy shouted loudly.

Then he took the lead and rushed to the Third Reich Army's supply warehouse in Carlinville.

"Go! God bless us!"

The other armed cowboys also roared and rode their horses to charge.

Thousands of armed cowboys charged, which can be said to be huge.

As long as the Third Reich Army is not blind and deaf, they will naturally be able to detect them.

"quick! quick! Get into position and prepare to fight!"

"Call the division headquarters immediately. We were attacked by a large number of armed cowboys and are in urgent need of reinforcements!"

The major battalion commander responsible for guarding this material warehouse remained calm in the face of danger and issued the order.

"Those armed cowboys are very crazy, and if you want to survive, you must resist their attacks. Otherwise, there is only death for all of us!"The major officer ordered loudly.

"Yes, sir!"The soldiers answered one after another.

They knew very well that even if it was for their own lives, they had to fight hard.

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