HO-The 229 stealth bomber cannot be compared with the stealth bombers of later generations. In other words, the gap in stealth performance is very large.

However, the unique shape of this stealth bomber, the wooden body, and the engine located above the body reduce the radar reflection area. If flying at ultra-low altitude or high altitude, with current radar technology, the detection range will be greatly affected.

In addition, before launching this operation, the Third Reich specifically attacked the air search radar of the Eagle Country, destroying the Air Defense System of the Eagle Country, which greatly reduced the possibility of detecting these stealth bombers.

Even if this bombing operation failed, for the Third Reich, it was just a waste of some bombs and not much loss. However, if the bombing operation was successful, the benefits to the Third Reich would be great. The Eagle Country will therefore have a strong leader. They will most likely become disorganized as a result. In fact, those capitulation factions who are connected to the Third Reich will become powerful because of this, overpowering the warring factions and determining the future fate of the Eagle Country.

The Third Reich hoped that through this action, it would destroy the resistance of the Eagle Country and make the Eagle Country surrender, thereby quickly ending the war. Let the Third Reich win this war at the minimum cost.

It is a thousand kilometers from the base where these HO-229 stealth bombers take off to Denver. These HO-229 stealth bombers fly at a cruising speed of more than 600 kilometers and take an hour and a half to arrive. By then, it was completely light, making it easier for them to find their target.

And because the air search radar of the Eagle Country was severely damaged, the entire air defense network was ineffective. This prevented the Eagle Country from discovering these bombers that had broken into their airspace. Franklin didn't know that danger was about to befall him.

On the morning of December 23 AD, although the weather was very cold. However, there is a touch of holiday cheer in Denver.

Although during the war, material supplies were extremely scarce. However, children still look forward to Christmas very much. Even if there are no Christmas presents and no turkey dinner.

At 8:15 in the morning, President Franklin had already had breakfast and came to the office to start working.

The current Eagle Sauce Country is in a difficult situation. And his governance is naturally complicated. One bad news after another made Franklin almost numb when he was in power.

Five minutes later, the HO-229 stealth bomber fleet of the Third Reich Air Force had arrived in Denver.

The general in charge of the bombing broke the radio silence and began to issue orders.

"Each group of aircraft moved closer to me, then lowered their altitude and headed straight for the target. Remember, we have to be fast and we must complete the bomb delivery within twenty minutes!"The general ordered

"Yes, General!"The pilots replied one after another.

One after another, the HO-229 stealth bombers began to lower their altitude. They will descend from an altitude of 15,000 meters to 2,000 meters in twenty minutes. At the same time, they also have to find where President Franklin is hiding. place, launch an attack. It is best to complete the plan before everyone in Yingjiang Country reacts, and then evacuate calmly. The sudden burst of radio communication shocked the soldiers in charge of radio monitoring in Yingjiang Country

"Damn it, why is there such dense radio traffic here? Have those damn Germans already reached Denver?"The communications soldiers did not dare to neglect and immediately reported the situation to their superiors.

However, in fact, they no longer needed to report, and everyone in Denver knew what had happened.

One after another, HO-229 stealth bombers descended from high altitudes, It soon reached a height where people could see it. Moreover, the roar of the jet engine made a loud noise, like thunder.

"Oh, God! What the hell is that?"

"Is that a German plane? Why does it look so strange?"

"This is simply a weapon owned by the devil! The Germans must have sold their souls and taken refuge in the devil, so they had these terrifying weapons!"

"Air strike! Sound the air raid siren!"

The whole city of Denver was in panic.

"Woo! Woo!"

The shrill air raid sirens immediately rang over Denver.

Countless residents fled from their homes and fled to the nearest air raid shelter.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The air defense troops in the city also started shooting into the air. However, in the panic, their shooting seemed so chaotic and did not pose any threat to the Third Reich's HO-229 stealth bomber fleet. These fleets , heading straight to the northwest corner of the city.

When the air defense siren sounded, Governor Franklin couldn't help but frowned.


The door to his office was violently pushed open.

"Your Excellency, the Third Reich Air Force is going to bomb Denver. Please take shelter in an underground bunker immediately!"

After the waiter finished speaking, he pushed Franklin's wheelchair and ran out before he could speak, and took a special elevator to the underground bunker. The whole process was completed in just two minutes.

However, Franklin It does not mean it is safe. In fact, the crisis has just begun.

In the sky, HO-229 stealth bombers have arrived at the predetermined location.

The general responsible for commanding the operation issued the order to drop bombs

"Each squadron began to drop bombs, covering this area to ensure that the target must be killed!"The general ordered

"Yes, General!"The pilots answered one after another.

Then, HO-229 stealth bombers one after another began to drop bombs.

The magazine was opened, and ground-penetrating bombs weighing one ton were dropped from the fighter planes.

"call out! call out!"

The shrill and piercing whistling sound continued to sound.

After the bomb hit the ground, it did not explode immediately. Under the influence of huge inertia, the bomb directly penetrated several meters deep into the ground before exploding.

"boom! boom! boom!"

A violent explosion sounded, and craters appeared on the ground one after another.

The underground bunker was also exposed because the upper layer of soil was blown open.

The HO-229 stealth bomber fleet of the Third Reich Air Force continued to drop bombs.

Continuous explosions were heard. Smoke and fire almost completely enveloped this area.

In the explosion of the powerful ground-penetrating bomb, the underground bunker was directly destroyed. The people inside, including President Franklin , naturally no one survived.

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