"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, congratulations on winning this war. Although I don't want to admit it, the final result is still the same. We have lost this war. Moreover, we are no longer prepared to continue fighting. Although you used despicable and shameless methods in this war and killed our greatest leader. However, we are still not prepared to retaliate anymore. This time, I come with great sincerity. I also hope that you and the Third Reich can show sincerity!"Hopkins got straight to the point.

"Your Excellency, the Third Reich is naturally sincere. During the war, we did whatever it took to win. However, for the Third Reich, everything was understandable. Everything we do is for the benefit of the empire." Ribbentrop was smiling. He didn't feel that killing Franklin was a shame at all. Instead, it was an honor. Indeed

, the Imperial Air Force was very satisfied with the victory of this bombing plan. They seemed to be proud of the Imperial Air Force again. encountered a brand-new tactic. In order to ensure the success of this tactic, the Third Reich Air Force had already planned to develop a bomber with better stealth performance.

However, based on the current technical conditions, it wanted to develop a bomber with better stealth performance. It is almost impossible to develop a more advanced stealth bomber. But even so, the Imperial Air Force's research in this field will not stop.

This will allow the Third Reich Air Force to continue to surpass other countries. Other countries want to It is absolutely impossible for aircraft carriers to catch up with the Third Reich.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, we can order the troops to stop resisting, lay down their weapons and surrender. However, we hoped that the Third Reich would allow us to continue to possess the area west of the Mississippi River and form our country. Even the name of the country can be changed. The territory east of the Mississippi River could be ceded to the Third Reich and distributed by the Third Reich. The only requirement is that our country must continue its legacy."Hopkins said.

Although his heart felt like bleeding. But now he has no other way.

You know, the most elite area of ​​the Eagle Country is the area east of the Mississippi River. Not only does it have Developed industry and agriculture are also developed.

In comparison, the western region is completely barren desert. All conditions are relatively much worse.

However, in order to allow the Third Reich to allow the Eagle Country to continue to exist, Even if they continue to exist under a different name, they can accept it. Their farm ceded the land of the fertile eastern region to the Third Reich in exchange for the Third Reich's forgiveness.

Ribbentrop smiled, and then He shook his head:"Your Excellency, Special Envoy, you know this is impossible! It is impossible for the Eagle Sauce Country to continue to exist. No matter what form it takes, it doesn't work. The empire will not allow the Eagle Country to have another chance to rise."

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, does the Third Reich have to kill us all? We are not trying to rise up and take revenge on the Third Reich in the future. We just want our people to be able to continue living without being oppressed."Hopkins looked very sad and angry.

"Your Excellency, Special Envoy, none of us are fools. Do you think we would believe this? The fate of Yingjiang Country has been determined and it will inevitably be destroyed. So, you don’t have to think about these things anymore. Otherwise, there is no need to continue this negotiation."Ribbentrop's attitude was very resolute.

Hopkins knew that the Eagle Kingdom was really going to be destroyed, and nothing could be changed. When he thought of this, he felt extremely sad and angry.

"Okay, Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief. We no longer seek the continued existence of the country. However, you must ensure that you treat our people well and the soldiers who lay down their weapons well. As well as the interests of officials in the Eagle Sauce Country. If you don't accept these conditions, then we would rather fight to the end." said Hopkins.

"certainly! After the Yingjiang Kingdom surrendered, the war was over. Even if the Eagle Country no longer exists, your people will become the people of other countries. As long as they can accept this reality instead of continuing to resist or even use force to attack immigrants from various countries. We will not take any measures against them. As for the senior officials and officials of Yingjiang Country, your interests will be guaranteed. Of course, we cannot fully acknowledge your wealth. Land, houses, etc. will be confiscated and only a small portion will be left to you. Enough for you to spend the rest of your life comfortably." Ribbentrop said.

Hopkins's face suddenly turned very ugly. This result obviously fell far short of their requirements.

The top management of the Eagle Country wanted to completely protect themselves. Benefit. But the Third Reich obviously did not intend to let them get what they wanted.

Since they are losers, they must be punished. Even if it does not kill them, their wealth will naturally be impossible to preserve..

Besides, the Third Reich spent a lot of financial and material resources in this war. Just to make up for this part of the financial and material resources, they have to find a way to appropriate a large amount of property from the Eagle Country. Otherwise, Wouldn’t the Third Reich lose a lot?

"Your Excellency, your Excellency, don’t your country think this is too much? asked Hopkins

"Your Majesty the Envoy, the Empire is the victor, and the Empire has the right to do so." Ribbentrop replied.

With the Third Reich's very resolute attitude, the Eagle Country had no choice but to accept these conditions.

Subsequently, Hopkins contacted the country and shared the conditions proposed by the Third Reich. Report to the country.

Although the senior officials of the Eagle Country are very angry, they have no other way but to accept it. After all, if the war continues, it will certainly make the Third Reich pay a greater price. But In the same way, they will also pay a higher price. Even their lives are very likely to be lost. Rather than doing this, it is naturally better to admit defeat and surrender.

On December 26, 1943, the deputy governor of Yingjiang Kingdom Truman, on behalf of the Eagle Country government, officially declared surrender. He also ordered the troops to lay down their weapons and surrender to the Third Reich.

The war between the Third Reich and the Eagle Country ended in just over a year. This was greatly exceeded. The expected plan of the Third Reich.

The fall of the strongest opponent, the Eagle Country, brought the Third Reich a big step closer to its final victory.

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