In this time and space, this era. Tianzhu is definitely the second most populous country in the world after Yanhuang Kingdom. Even the population gap between the two countries is not that big.

The population of Yanhuang Kingdom is only over 400 million. Tianzhu's population is close to 390 million.

Although most of the native people of Tianzhu are illiterate and lazy, and have been tamed by the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets. However, with such a huge population, Tianzhu still has extremely terrifying potential.

When Tianzhu was a colony of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, it was known as the brightest diamond in the Queen's crown and was the core of the world colonial system built by the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets.

The reason why the Sun Never Sets Empire was able to build the most powerful navy in the world, and still maintain its position as the world's hegemon even after its industry was surpassed by the Eagle Kingdom and the Third Reich, was by plundering the Tianzhu Colony. of wealth. This is why before the last world war, when the Empire and the Second Empire were engaged in an arms race, they could ask the Second Empire to build one battleship, and the Empire would build two or more battleships. confidence.

The colony of Tianzhu has a large population and rich resources. The natives of Tianzhu have become very docile after being carefully tamed by the Sun Never Sets Empire for hundreds of years. Coupled with the mental control of the native Brahmins of Tianzhu, these natives of Tianzhu were content with the status quo and did not resist the cruel and oppressive rule of the Empire on which the sun never sets. This allowed the Sun Never Sets Empire to easily obtain large amounts of wealth from Tianzhu.

Even after entering modern times, the native people of Tianzhu gradually began to awaken their national consciousness. The rebellion against the colonial rule of the Empire on which the sun never sets began. However, the vast majority of Tianzhu natives are still content with the status quo. It can be said that they are definitely the best candidates for colonization in the world.

After the Third Reich legitimately obtained the Tianzhu colony from the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, it also planned to exploit these Tianzhu natives.

Even if it would arouse the resistance of these Tianzhu natives, how could these Tianzhu natives be a match for the elite troops of the Third Reich in terms of their weak combat effectiveness? If they dare to resist, the worst they can do is kill a group of them. If they killed too much, they would naturally become afraid, and they would just accept the status quo and let the Third Reich exploit and exploit them.

Anyway, hasn’t this been how these Tianzhu natives have come here for hundreds of years?

In the eyes of Western democracy, the life and death of these Tianzhu natives are not important at all. In other words, they are not regarded as human beings at all, and no one cares about their life or death.

Now, the Eastern Empire actually has the independence to seduce the natives of Tianzhu. This is undoubtedly a very big trouble. Once the stupid natives of Tianzhu really believe in the Oriental people and are willing to cooperate with the Oriental Empire. That would be troublesome.

More than 300 million and nearly 400 million Tianzhu people once stood on the opposite side of the Third Reich. Then, the Third Reich may have no place on the Tianzhu Peninsula. It is even more impossible to defeat the Eastern Empire here. We can't kill all these Tianzhu natives, right? In that case, the Third Reich did not know how many people would die. And this is undoubtedly what the Japanese want to see

"Gentlemen, it seems that the Japanese are not fools and know how to use external forces to fight against us. Although the natives of Tianzhu are rubbish. However, their population is too large. It would be very bad if they all fell to the Eastern Empire. Therefore, we must find a way to solve this problem!" Hess said

"Your Excellency, we must strengthen our military strength on the Tianzhu Peninsula. In addition to those Tianzhu native troops, more troops must be sent to the Tianzhu Peninsula. Only in this way can the natives of Tianzhu be frightened."Marshal Bromberg said.

Hess nodded:"At present, the war between us and the Eagle Country is over. The troops mainly in Yingjiang Country can withdraw to the mainland in batches. Select a group from them and prepare to send them to Tianzhu Peninsula. However, before that, the navy must first gain control of the sea in Tianzhu Ocean. At least, we must first control the western waters of the Tianzhu Ocean, or the Da Shi Sea area."

"Your Excellency, the Navy is already preparing for operations in the Tianzhu Ocean. Soon, the Imperial Navy will be able to enter the Tianzhu Ocean!"Marshal Dönitz, Commander of the Navy, said

"Great, then I'm looking forward to the news of Navy's victory."Hess nodded.

Although the Toyo Empire Navy is not weak, Hess has greater confidence in the Third Reich Navy. He believes that the Third Reich Navy can definitely defeat the Toyo Empire Navy and win the naval battle.

Once the Third Reich Navy wins the victory, then the Third Reich Army will march into the Tianzhu Peninsula and defeat the Eastern Empire in one fell swoop.

"Send a telegram to Marshal Brauchic and ask him to win over the Tianzhu people. We can now write a blank check to the people of Tianzhu. Even if it means signing an agreement allowing them to be independent. After we defeat the Eastern Empire, we can find excuses to tear up these agreements at any time." Hess said

"Yes, Your Majesty the Governor!"Marshal William Keitel replied.

It is not easy for the Tianzhu people to become independent.

Neither the Third Reich nor the Eastern Empire will allow them to become independent.

Even if they are promised now, then It was just to stabilize them temporarily.

When the war was finally decided, the natives of Tianzhu were still enslaved.

Marshal Brausic, who was in Tianzhu, took action immediately after receiving the telegram from the country.

Brau In the name of the Governor of Tianzhu in the Third Reich, Marshal Xiqi sent a message to Ni Helu, the leader of the Tianzhu National Congress Party, and Jinnah, the leader of the Tianfang Religious Alliance, inviting them to go to the Governor's Mansion in Delhi to discuss Tianzhu's future. Moreover, he also deliberately It revealed that the Third Reich had no intention of continuing to enslave the people of Tianzhu, and was willing to use peaceful means to hand over Tianzhu to the people of Tianzhu.

This attitude of Marshal Brauchi made Nihru, Jinnah and others very excited.

They were extremely excited. They never thought that such a good thing would happen.

Originally, they all thought that it would be very difficult for Tianzhu to gain independence. In fact, they didn’t know how many people would pay the price with their lives. But they didn’t expect that, They only had a brief contact with the Japanese, and they allowed the Third Reich to compromise. This undoubtedly gave them hope that Tianzhu could avoid being colonized and move toward independence.

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