In the Bay of Mengara, the main fleet of the Third Reich Navy is performing combat missions in this area.

The route from Tianzhu Peninsula to the mainland of the Eastern Empire has been cut off, and the Southern Army of the Eastern Empire Army has become a lone army. Next, when all members of the Tianzhu Army Group of the Third Reich Army arrive, they can launch a large-scale counterattack and annihilate them all.

The air raids by the Third Reich Navy carrier-based aircraft groups on airports around the Bay of Menggara also caused heavy losses to the Eastern Empire Army Air Force. Even the Navy's shore-based aircraft also suffered a lot of losses. This allows the Third Reich Navy to no longer have to worry about being attacked by these shore-based aircraft in the subsequent operations.

On the aircraft carrier Reich, Navy Commander Marshal Dönitz and Chief of Staff Marshal Albrecht were smiling.

They are very satisfied with the results achieved at this stage.

"Your Excellency, Commander, during this period of time, we have destroyed more than two thousand combat aircraft of the Eastern Empire. Throughout the entire Bay of Menggala, there is basically no shore-based aviation power of the Eastern Empire. Next, our risk level will be greatly reduced. Marshal Albrecht said with a smile.

Marshal Dönitz nodded:"Are our losses big?""

"Our losses were not large, only more than a hundred carrier-based aircraft were lost. I have already issued an order to the country to mobilize a group of carrier-based aircraft from the country and fly to the Tianzhu Peninsula after a transition. Then fly directly to the battleship."Marshal Albrecht said

"Very good, in this case our combat effectiveness will still remain at its peak level. It would be even more difficult for the Eastern Empire Navy Combined Fleet to defeat us. However, we created such a huge momentum and caused such huge losses to the Toyo Empire Navy. Can they still sit still?"Marshal Dönitz was deeply suspicious of this.

The reason why the Third Reich Navy continued to launch attacks in the Bay of Menggara was to force the Eastern Imperial Navy to engage in a decisive battle with the Third Reich Navy. From now on, the effect is still very good good

"Your Excellency, Commander, I believe that the Eastern Empire Navy Combined Fleet will definitely go to sea to fight. The conflict between the army and navy of the Eastern Empire was very acute. How could their army watch helplessly as the Confederate Army's logistical supply lines were cut off and fall into a tight siege? You don't need to think about it to know that their navy must have been under a lot of pressure. Even if Yamamoto Isoroku is known as a famous general of the Eastern Empire Navy, he still cannot withstand such great pressure. They have no other choice but to go to sea to fight us in a decisive battle and defeat us in one fell swoop."Marshal Albrecht said.

Marshal Dönitz nodded repeatedly.

He has also heard about the conflicts between the army and navy of the Eastern Empire. It can be said that the contradictions between the army and navy of the Eastern Empire are definitely the most common among all countries in the world. Among them, the most pointed one.

In order to compete for military expenditures, the army, navy and air force of the Third Reich also quarreled with each other in red-faced meetings at military expenditure allocation meetings. However, they would never stumbling upon each other in private. Because not all would be lost in that way. The armed forces of the Third Reich?

During the war, the land, sea and air forces of the Third Reich worked together and did their best to assist and cooperate so that the Third Reich could win this world war.

This is why the Third Reich An important reason for being invincible in war

"Order our reconnaissance ships to keep an eye on the Eastern Empire Navy Combined Fleet. They should be heading out to sea soon. This war is about to begin!"Marshal Dönitz said

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander!"Marshal Albrecht nodded.

The Third Reich Navy has long been prepared, eager to defeat the Eastern Empire Navy Combined Fleet in this battle and eliminate this navy that is already the last opponent.

In the world, the Eastern Imperial Navy Combined Fleet can be regarded as the only opponent of the Third Reich Navy. After defeating them, no country's navy in the world can anymore compete with the Third Reich Navy.

Chapter The navies of the three empires will dominate the world's oceans and become a veritable maritime overlord.

On the evening of February 28, 1944, the combined fleet of the Eastern Imperial Navy left the Lion City and sailed into the vast sea.

Early the next morning, the The intelligence personnel of the Three Reichs in the Lion City discovered that the combined fleet had left. Therefore, the intelligence personnel risked being discovered and sent a telegram immediately. After receiving the telegram, the

Navy of the Third Reich left and took action

"Order each formation to prepare for battle. In addition, seaplanes were dispatched to focus on reconnaissance in the Strait of Malacca and the Strait of Sunda. We must determine the location of the combined fleet!"Marshal Dönitz ordered.

The Third Reich Navy has an overwhelming advantage over the Toyo Imperial Navy. Therefore, as long as the location of the Toyo Imperial Navy is discovered, it can immediately launch an attack, directly inflict heavy damage and even destroy the entire combined fleet. Destroy it.

Therefore, searching for the location of the combined fleet is undoubtedly the first and most important thing.

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander! Marshal Albrecht replied.

Seaplanes ejected from the cruiser one after another and flew into the sky.

Although these seaplanes are relatively slow, they have a long range and can land on the sea, making them very convenient to use. This makes Each of these cruisers of the Third Reich Navy carried one to two seaplanes. They could not only be used as calibration aircraft, but also as reconnaissance aircraft, which could greatly reduce the number of carrier-based aircraft dispatched. sorties in order to maintain the strong attack power of the carrier-based aircraft forces.

That afternoon, the Third Reich Navy came to the conclusion that the Combined Fleet did not pass through the Strait of Malacca. Then, the only way for the Combined Fleet was to enter through the Sunda Strait Tianzhu is a foreign country

"Your Excellency, Commander, we have found no trace of the combined fleet in the Strait of Malacca. The seaplane heading to the Java Sea was shot down. However, it is still unclear whether it was shot down by the fighter planes of the Army Air Force of the Eastern Empire or their naval aviation. But we are more inclined to prepare the combined fleet to enter the Tianzhu Ocean from the Sunda Strait."Marshal Albrecht said

"In this case, order the fleet to go south and wait in the northwest of the Sunda Strait, preparing to ambush the combined fleet!"Marshal Dönitz issued the order

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander! Marshal Albrecht replied.

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