This Clueless Hero

Chapter 125 - Bloody Massacre

The announcer looked at me curiously before hunching over and furrowing his brows.

Because I disappeared.

The crowd immediately freaked out, making the announcer panic. He turned around and wanted to calm them down, but before he could say anything they freaked out even more.

...In fact, he couldn't even say anything, to his dismay.

The announcer blinked in confusion. Then, he looked down and slowly reached over to touch his chest with the tips of his fingers.

After making contact, he lifted them up before his eyes.

His fingers were bloody.

The announcer began to tremble uncontrollably. Then collapsed onto the ground, unable to move anymore. A small pool of blood began to form under him.

Several panicked screams echoed throughout the crowd.

As for the person responsible, that was me.

I teleported out of the cage, before appearing on the other side of the announcer. Despite being right in front of him, he didn't seem to see me.

Probably because his heart had been pierced through.

For a moment, I looked down at my body, then the knife in my hand.

My breathing was ragged, but it eventually calmed down.

The commoners immediately ran away, unwilling to stay here any longer. The nobles flinched when they noticed what happened. After a few moments of realization, they hurriedly stood up and ran away too.

As for me...

A creepy giggle seeped past my lips.

Although it was coming from my mouth, I couldn't help but feel a little scared. Blood continued to seep out of the wound in my arm.

In fact, there was no feeling left in it.

My vision got blurry, but it was still enough to make out the general figures of everyone here.

I slowly lifted my head.

Earlier on, I declared that I would kill everyone here.

It seems like now was the time to keep my promise.

Without rhyme or reason, I ran forth. The man I was chasing after panicked.

"N-No! Stay away!"

However, his words fell on deaf ears.

My knife directly pierced through his back, straight through his heart. The man's eyes rolled into the back of his head.

He began choking violently, and grabbed onto my wrists with both hands, trying to get the knife out of his chest.

I didn't try to stop him.

The knife slipped out of his chest. Then, blood poured out relentlessly.

The man collapsed to the floor moments later. 

It was ironic. The man's instincts told him to get the knife out of his chest, but that only made him bleed out faster.

Thus killing him faster.

With an unnaturally wide smile, I continued towards my next victim. It was a young woman, who was tripping over herself as she ran because of the impractical shoes she was wearing.

Once the woman noticed my approach, she immediately gave up on running and decided to take me head on.

The woman's hands trembled.

I slashed at her mercilessly, but to my surprise, the woman caught my hand using both of hers. The trembling was fierce, showing how afraid she was, but her grip was also strong.

It seemed my body was rather weak, though that made sense being both a kid and a malnourished slave.

However, this didn't upset me.

Instead, a small smile formed on my face. My pupils constricted while my eyes widened.

Suddenly, I appeared behind the woman, while a bloody hole appeared on her chest.

The woman shivered for a moment, before collapsing.

I didn't even take a second look before going further. There was a man in front of me that put his all into running, but was still too slow.

I slashed his leg, making a new gash that sprayed out vast amounts of blood.

The man helplessly fell to his knees with a cry of pain.

Although the man clearly knew he had to run away if he wanted to live, it was simply too hard to stand up.

In the end, he could only hunch over and despair.

As such, it took almost no effort to decapitate him on my part, other than his hard spine.

While the man's head flew into the air, I didn't stop for a single moment.

Like that, I cut into limbs, took off heads, and pierced hearts.

Sometimes I would teleport, and other times I would get up close and personal.

Regardless, my laughter filled the air along with splatters of blood.

In the end, although people tried to run, everyone hampered each other's escape greatly. They pushed and shoved just so they could get a little farther away, but all that did was make people fall over.

Then, their fallen bodies would either be trampled or stacked to form a miniature wall.

Because of this, I was able to kill the majority of the commoners, even when they had so much time to run.

My sights were then set on a noble.

There was a woman wearing a luxurious robe desperately trying to squeeze through the crowd. Behind her, was a kid wearing clean, but bland clothes. He was a slave.

When the woman slipped past a few shoulders, the kid grabbed onto her sleeve, pulling her back.

"D-Don't leave me!"

The woman was pulled back and immediately became furious.

"You little-"

Before she could finish her words, a large red gash appeared on her throat.

She choked for a few moments before collapsing to the ground.

As for the kid, he rushed over and shook the woman.

"Master, no!"

Then his head left his neck.

The kid's body collapsed, while blood sprayed.

I was the one that did it.

From what it looked like, innocence or guilt didn't matter to me anymore. The only thing that mattered was killing as many people as possible.

And kill, I did.

As for the me that was watching all of this unfold, I actually enjoyed it a little at first. The bloodshed felt attractive to me, and even let me channel my excess anger.


There was so much blood.

There was far too much blood.

Just looking at it all...

Made me feel a little sick.

The stench of blood only got stronger and stronger, making my nose feel numb.


This was taking it too far.

As I continued watching myself mercilessly reap one life after another, I began to wonder.

...Who exactly was this?

Or perhaps, the real question would be...

Was this me?

Whatever these memories were, they were definitely not dreams.

After all, I was able to inherit the power I've seen in these visions.

There was my ability to rapidly gather mana at the cost of my body and my ability to teleport.

I was able to use both of them because of the visions I saw of... myself.

The more I thought about it, the less sense it made.

Wasn't I a summoned person from Earth like Ned, Alyx, and Erin?

The clothes I showed up with even matched theirs, so there was definitely some sort of connection.

But then, how would it explain all of this?

From what the others said, there was no magic back on their planet. However, this was obviously not the case here, as the announcer used a spell to amplify his voice.

That implies that I have memories of growing up here...

I internally let out a sigh.

...I still didn't have enough information.

By now, nearly every single person had been killed.

I could tell my body was terribly tired from the ache in my muscles. But it seemed that this wasn't enough for me yet.

I stepped into the streets of what seemed to be a village. Then, I continued killing.

From what it looked like, I was taking a specific path. Until eventually, I reached a rather ominous house.

I burst inside, where many burly men were.

They immediately stood up.

"Who the hell are you? Get out of here!"

"Don't you know who we are?"

"...Hey, why is the kid so bloody."

I did not respond. At least, not verbally.

My pupils constricted while my eyes widened.

Then, I appeared behind one of the men. He immediately collapsed while holding his chest, choking the entire time.

The other men immediately freaked out, not daring to take me lightly anymore.

But they were helpless before my ability to teleport and attack in between.

In the end, I killed them all.

From there, I walked upstairs and burst through a private office.

Inside was a rather fat man smoking a pipe. He flinched when I burst in the room, before panicking.

"Who the hell are you?"

I twisted my neck to the side and let out an eerie laugh.

"Oh, that's not important. I'm just one of many slaves. However, I won't be able to forget who you are, no matter how hard I try."

The man opened his mouth to retort, but suddenly found himself unable to say anything. He looked down to a bloody wound in his chest, before passing out.

All the while eerie laughs filled the air.


The vision ended.

And in my hand, was a boy's bloody arm.

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