This Kryptonian is too stable

Chapter 258 - The Nature of Ability (1st shift, requesting monthly tickets)

"Instantaneous movement?"

Hearing the other party's description, this word popped up in Wanda's head for the first time.

"Well, you can think of this way as a kind of instantaneous movement, have you seen Star Trek?"

"Seen one or two episodes."

Seeing the other side nodded, Seb continued, "There is also technology in it that uses the quantum properties of particles for instantaneous transfer, called 'quantum invisible transmission', and this ability of yours is a bit more powerful."

And it's not just 'position' that has this property, the 'momentum' of the particle ...... forget it, to put it another way, the 'speed' of the particle ' also has this property."

"Velocity ......"

As if she thought of something, the little witch instantly widened her eyes: "That is to say, I can make Pietro become as slow as an ordinary person, or I can make him reach the speed of light?"

"That's right."

Smiling and nodding, Seb felt immensely satisfied.

The little witch's perception was much stronger than Lorna's at the time, and she had learned to cite one example so quickly.

"Let's take another simple example."

With Cyber's words, the projection in mid-air automatically turned into a corridor sealed in the middle by a wall, and a matchmaker whose face could not be seen stood in front of the wall: "If there was a wall blocking your only way forward, and you couldn't directly transmit through it at this time, what would you do?"

"Tear it down?"

"Well, the easiest way for regular people to think of, and the most common method."

Fingers slowly poking towards the virtual wall, Cyber once again uttered a sensationally baffling phrase: "But you are different, you can choose to change the probability of yourself or this wall and go through it easily."


Wanda felt a little numb from the shock she was having today.

"As I said, the nature of our universe is quantum, and in quantum theory there is a magical effect that we call 'quantum attempt to pass through'."

Cyber once again threw out a head-scratching terminology: "Because of the existence of this effect, even an ordinary person has the probability to pass through this wall without any hindrance.

Of course, this wall is just an imaginary finger, you can replace it with energy shields, magic boundaries, metal doors made of vibranium, or even various attacks on you.

If you can master this ability, there is almost no place in this world that can stop you.

Go wherever you want to go."

"But the relatively large size of people leads to the probability of such things being too small, and in a natural state, even if you wait until the destruction of the universe, it is likely that such bizarre things will not happen once.

Only in the microscopic world with very small scales, such as electrons and atoms, this will happen often."

Seeing the other party's expression growing confused, Seb thought about it and asked, "You most likely can't intuit how small something like an atom really is, and do you know what the human body is made of?"


Wanda did not hesitate to answer.

In order to take revenge on Tony Stark, she had taught herself a lot of strange knowledge.

"That's right, there are about 40 to 60 trillion cells in a normal human body, and a cell, about a trillion to a billion billion (estimated) orders of magnitude, consists of various atoms."

Calling up the 3D images of the three objects - human body, cells, and atoms - Seb explained, "That is, if you think of cells as human bodies, then atoms are the cells that make up this particular 'human body'.

The electrons are much smaller."

"Why does this happen?"

Probably understood what the other party said, Wanda asked the biggest doubt in his mind.

Seb replied without thinking, "Essentially this is caused by the 'uncertainty principle'."

"Don't look at me with that look, I know you don't know what the 'uncertainty principle' is."

Ignoring the other party's inquisitive eyes, Seb promised, "Don't worry, I said I would help you control your abilities, and I will teach you all these things later."

"Have you realized how powerful your powers really are?"


With a soft hmph, Wanda nodded heavily.

After the other party's explanation, she somewhat understood why the other party valued her ability so much.

Not to mention making yourself win the lottery tomorrow, or make your enemies all smashed to death by a meteorite falling from the sky, these metaphysical-like abilities.

The ability to change the position and speed of objects at will, as well as the ability to travel anywhere in the world at will, will allow her to roam the earth without fear (self-righteousness).

"Probability? It's really going to be a powerful power."

Looking down and measuring the wisps of red aura released from her palms, Wanda murmured, "Is this the essence of my ability."

"Not ...... precisely, not exactly."

However, Seb's words once again made her eyes widen: "You are actually a dual-ability person, changing the probability but you are just one of the abilities."

"Then what is my other ability?"

Looking expectantly at the man next to her, the corners of Wanda's mouth turned up slightly.

"It's this scarlet energy in your kind of hand."

Staring at the scarlet screen of light in the little witch's hand, sorting out the various experimental data in his head, Seb said with a straight face: "This is a kind of energy that I have never observed in this universe before, and even said that this energy should not appear in this universe at all.

Once enveloped by this energy, the basic physical rules in this part of the region will appear chaotic, or even invalid.

The nature and characteristics of the energy that I have seen, called 'magic energy' by that group of mages, is very similar, however, the erosive and chaotic characteristics are much stronger.

A fruit looks like an apple, and tastes like an apple, then we can presume that the fruit is an apple.

In the same way, I think this scarlet energy this is a special kind of magic energy."

Rubbing his chin and pretending to think for a while, he said dryly, "I will call it 'chaos magic'."

"Magic really exists?"

Dispersing the scarlet energy in her hands, Wanda pursued, "And what can this chaos magic do?"

She had pursued the trail of that legendary group of mages, but unfortunately came up empty-handed.

"Of course it exists, only that group of guys act very stealthy, like rats in the gutter.

As I said, the area enveloped by this energy, its internal physical rules will be chaotic, or fail."

Seb gazed at the little witch and solemnly said, "This means that things can be illogical in this that area, and anything can happen.

Further, as the owner of this energy, you have the opportunity to make everything that happens in this area work the way you want it to."

PS: The cold is finally getting better, so I'm going to pop today.


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