This Kryptonian is too stable

Chapter 271 - Opening the treasure chest (third shift, requesting monthly votes)

"Supreme Mage, the bearer of Earth's magical community, specializing in dealing with 'demonic invasion' this kind of crap from other dimensions."

Turning his head to the southwest position of the New York Sanctuary glanced, Seb pulled out a tennis ball-sized black disc from his pocket, straight to the king of bad movies temple: "Sleep on it, I'll send you out immediately, so you can complete their mission."

"Wait, aren't you superheroes, are you just going to sit back and watch Kazan invade the Earth regardless?"

Terrified, looking at the black device closer and closer to him, Johnny sounded agitated.

"Isn't that you, Evil Knight?"

A faint smile, Seb hands movement does not stop, said a puzzling words: "Besides, part-time work is impossible to work, and this life is not ......"

Before the words were finished, a little magic spark suddenly flared up in the air in front of them, and then rapidly expanded, forming a space door for two people to pass through in parallel.

Not waiting for Seb to take action, the space door backward quickly away, in the blink of an eye will disappear without a trace, leaving four ancient, heavy wooden boxes in the same place.

"It's not impossible in this life, as long as there are enough benefits."

The moment he saw these things, Seb changed his mind instantly.

Come on, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

"What's this about?"

Blinking her eyes, Lorna confirmed that she was not hallucinating.

"It should be someone's prepaid salary."

Putting the black disc back into his pocket, Seb led his girlfriend and the little witch in three or two steps to the four wooden boxes.

"What's inside?"

After releasing a scarlet light screen in her hand and probing to no avail, the little witch couldn't suppress her curiosity.

If she guessed correctly, this was probably something sent by the magical world's bearer that Seb had spoken of.

"Just open it and see."

The four wooden boxes had a special layer of magical energy on the outside, blocking Seb's prying eyes.

"Is it dangerous?"

Lorna was a little worried.

Wanda shook her head: "I don't know, my magic can't detect the specifics inside."

At that, Seb turned his gaze to the man behind him who was confined to the seat: "Johnny, please do me a favor."

Although he knew that Gu Yi would not intentionally pit himself, but it was always possible to make a fool of himself in front of the two sisters, right?

So, it's better to be cautious.

After all, he had seen this kind of bridge of digging a hole in the 'treasure box' too many times.

"Can I refuse?"

"You tell me!"



The first time he left the interrogation room with Lorna and the little witch, he went to the surveillance room next door, before Seb unlocked Johnny's confinement and held his breath, staring at the surveillance screen with rapt attention, trying to see what 'surprise' Gu Yi had prepared for himself.

Glancing at the four cannon ports on the ceiling, ready to fire, the corners of Johnny's eyes twitched, reluctantly moved to the four wooden boxes, took two deep breaths, as if with great determination, slowly squatted down, hands pressed on the lower left corner of the wooden box on the latch.

'Ka' X2

Two crunching sounds, scared Johnny's heart and liver a tremor.

Swallowed a mouthful of spittle, Johnny action does not stop, directly the top of the wooden box completely first open, revealing the items stored inside.

'Luckily there's nothing wrong with it.'

A long breath of relief, Johnny look a gaze, in turn will be the remaining three wooden boxes open, and then get up to the next surveillance probe gesture an 'ok'.

Back to the interrogation room, quickly moved to the four wooden boxes before the three people's eyes were first attracted to the items in the wooden box in the lower left corner.

This wooden box contains three bottles of the same potion, azure blue, transparent, its countless points of light similar to the stars in the night sky are constantly flowing, constructing a beautiful sea of stars.

"What is this?"

Suppressing the strong desire in her heart, Lorna pursed her lips and asked impatiently.

"There are instructions engraved on the top cover."

Wanda reminded at the right time.

And Seb read out this description directly: "Bloodline purification potion, can enhance the bloodline purity of all kinds of magical creatures as well as mutants, enhance the ability, each person can only use once."

"No wonder I have the desire to dry up these three bottles of potions in one gulp."

Lorna showed an expression of dawning realization.

Seb frowned, his body did not produce this feeling.

The whirlwind turned his gaze to the young witch next to him, "Do you have this feeling yet?"


Nodding, Saibo said his deduction: "In that case, this potion should be useless to the two of us."

Immediately after, moved his eyes to the right side of the potion in the wooden box, his gaze changed slightly: "It seems that this is specially prepared for you."

In the wooden box was placed a refined ancient book that was even more ancient than the wooden box. The cover of the ancient book was tan in color, made of an unknown type of leather, and the four corners were wrapped in copper-yellow metal, with some mysterious runes drawn by the same type of metal engraved around it, enclosing the title of the book in the middle.

"Magic: From Beginner to Master"."

Wanda's face was filled with surprise as she whispered the name of this ancient book.

She was worried about not having a way to learn about magic, but she didn't expect someone to deliver a pillow when she came to sleep.

The female bald head is prepared for this, so that she wants to refuse even embarrassed to refuse.'

The pillow wind is not pleasant.''

Silently spitting a sentence, Saibo looked at the next item.

The third item is a palm-sized stone talisman, the overall shape of a disc, the edge of the same carved with a circle of mysterious symbols, the middle of a standard pentagram engraved.

The method of use is also very simple, as long as the incantation set in advance is recited, you can give any weapon enchantment.

However, it can only be enchanted three times, and each enchantment can only last up to five years.

And the more often you use it, the faster the energy of the enchantment is consumed and the shorter it lasts.

"Boots of Hermes?!"

Surprised out, Lorna subconsciously looked at her boyfriend next to her: "Olympus is also as real as Asgard?"

"I don't know."

Shaking his head, Seb forced himself to explain, "Maybe the maker deliberately gave such a name."

It was true that he had found no trace of the Greek gods on Earth.

"It can greatly reduce the user's physical exertion when running and can provide flight function."

Carefully examining the pair of short boots with golden body and two small wings at the ankle position, Wanda spoke in a light tone and said with certainty, "This should be for Pietro."

"Tsk, the ancient one mage this is a big gift."

Rubbing his chin, Saibo was torn.

Although only four gifts were given, they were actually prepared for five people, otherwise that kind of bloodline purification potion wouldn't have been provided in three bottles.

However, this time things must not be very good to take, otherwise the female bald head would not be so generous.

"Alita, send the sealing object-008 here."

Commanding a sentence, Seb turned his gaze to Johnny, who had been silent at the back: "Congratulations, Mr. Skull. Someone has paid for you for this operation."

"What do I do now?"

Nodding his head, Johnny asked.

"Go to the Gustav Group building and find that maggot; talk to him."

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