This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 105: It turned out to be Li Han (bless all fathers: good health)

The old man looked at Li Han and nodded to himself, he had already guessed Li Han's identity.

   The day before yesterday, Huang Huaiming told him that he had sent an invitation to Li Han, and Li Han accepted the invitation.

   Then, the young man in front of him should be Li Han.

   In this way, it is not surprising that this young man is so clever and good at painting.

   is such an amazing young man!

After sighing with emotion in his heart, the old man smiled and said, “The little friend’s ingenuity is really admirable. If I guess wrong, the name of the little friend should be called Li Han. I have heard of the little friend’s name a long time ago. When I saw it today, he was indeed a young talent!"

   Li Han was not surprised that the old man was able to recognize himself. He saluted him and said, "I am Li Han and I have met Huang Lao."

   Li Han?

   The boy is really Li Han?

  The people who didn't know Li Han in the garden pavilion were all taken aback. Why was Li Han here? Did it also come to the birthday party?

   Does Huang Huaiming know Li Han and are familiar with each other? I have never heard of it.

   Li Han’s name, everyone has heard of it.

   No, not only have I heard it, but someone else has seen it.

   All of them who watched the video of "The Story of Time" stared at Li Han for a while.

   Upon closer inspection, he found that he was really alone.

   Watching Li Han in the video is still not very effective. It is different from watching Li Han face to face in reality, and they did not expect Li Han to be here.

   Therefore, they have never recognized that the young man is Li Han.

   Now that I look closely, I finally recognize it.

   After knowing Li Han's identity, everyone was stunned.

   No wonder the young man's idea was so clever. It turned out to be Li Han, so it's not surprising.

   Li Han can be talented in many fields, so naturally his mind will be very clever.

   It’s not surprising that the picture is so well painted. Since Li Han already has talents in many fields, now there is nothing wrong with adding another painting field...

   Hmm, wait, I'll wipe it!

   So, does Li Han also have talent in the field of painting?

   Otherwise, why does it happen at a young age, and may not be much inferior to the three painters?

   Who the **** is this?

   Qiu Feng and the three of them were also in a daze, no wonder the young people's brilliant ingenuity is far beyond their comparability.

   It turned out that the other party was Li Han.

   Then, the three of them were very happy again.

   If Li Han's paintings are counted as a competition, then they will undoubtedly lose completely.

   Then, losing to a well-known person like Li Han is easier to accept than losing to an unknown person.

The old man replied with a bow and said, "The idea of ​​this painting by Little Friend Li Han is really a coincidence. Now, I really think that there can be no more clever idea. Little friend Li Han, I have a Relentless please."

   Li Han said: "Old Huang, please say."

The old man said: "Can Little Friend Li Han give this painting to our Yinjiang Painters Association? I want to use this painting by Little Friend Li Han as a representative work of our Yinjiang Painters Association and hand it over to provincial painters. association."

   Qiu Feng and the others also nodded secretly. Li Han's paintings are indeed much better than theirs.

   The others are also very happy. If you really use Li Han's painting, you will definitely win.

   Now, they really think that it is definitely impossible to have a better idea than Li Han's painting.

   Li Han nodded and said: "This is my honor, of course I am willing. But, I am not a member of the Painters Association, will this be out of compliance?"

   The old man smiled and said: "This is not a formal competition, and there are no rules. Besides, if little friend Li Han wants, he can join our Yinjiang City Painters Association now."

   Li Han smiled and said, "I haven't thought about this yet."

   The old man was not surprised, and said: "If little friend Li Han has a willingness someday, we are always welcome."

   Li Han quickly expressed his thanks.

   The old man nodded, and then said: "Then, I will put away this painting by little friend Li Han."

   Li Han said: "This is my honour, Mr Huang, please!"

  After the old man expressed his gratitude, he personally collected Li Han's paintings, and he was extremely happy. With this picture, they are determined to win the Yinjiang City Painters Association this time.

   It was just a temporary motive, who knew he had such a pleasant surprise.

   is really happy!

   For the rest of the audience, it is also a big surprise to see such an interesting thing today.

   Then, they asked the old man one after another, saying that after the results of the competition between the painter associations of the cities this time, they must be told.

   They all want to know the final result very much. They want to know if Li Han’s painting really beats the crowd?

   The old man smiled and expressed his gratitude to everyone for your concern. After the results come out, I will tell everyone as soon as possible.

   Things have come to an end for the time being. It's almost 11:30. It's time to go to the hall. The birthday party is about to begin.

   Everyone left the garden pavilion together.

   On the way, everyone is still talking to each other about the previous paintings.

  Perhaps for a long period of time in the future, when they chat and set the stage, they will often mention it and show it to their friends.

   Deng Cui said to Li Han: "It's fine if you can paint. You can paint so well. You have too much skill."

   Li Han smiled and said, "Almost all right."

   Deng Cui could only roll his eyes helplessly.

   arrived at the banquet hall, and sat in their respective places.

   At 12 o'clock, the banquet officially began. Various blessings, intertwined voices with the coveted...


   An hour later, the banquet slowly ended, and the guests left one after another.

   The table of Li Han also got up and left.

   There is a dinner at five o'clock in the afternoon. Li Han, Deng Cui and the other two teachers will not go back until after the dinner.

   So, everyone went to play near the promenade in the morning.

   together, there are a few guests at the same table.

   Among them, a guest named Gu Chao asked Li Han, "Li Han, I heard that the lobsters you raise yourself are very delicious? Isn't it?"

   Li Han said: "It is indeed better than ordinary lobster."

  Gu Chao happily said: "I also heard that your lobster is fishing Is it fishing for anyone? Can I go fishing?"

   Li Han smiled and said, "Of course, if you are not too far away."

Gu Chao also smiled and said, "It's not too far, it's not too far. It takes about three hours to drive there. If your lobster is really delicious, this distance is not a big deal. Li Han, let's add a Fetion How? I'm afraid I won't find a way then."

   Li Han nodded, and added Fetion to each other.

   After adding Fetion, Gu Chao said again: "Li Han, is the bird in the video really a bird of paradise? I specifically searched for information on the Internet and found that it is not too similar!"

   Li Han smiled and said: "There are also many species of birds of paradise, and the information on the Internet is not complete, and many species have not been introduced."

Gu Chao nodded and said, "There is really little information. I also searched for a long time before I found some information about bird of paradise. By the way, Li Han, when I went to your place to fish for lobster, could I see that bird of paradise? "

   Li Han said: "Maybe I can see it. But not necessarily."

  Gu Chao said: "It's possible. I really want to see the Bird of Paradise in reality."

   Li Han smiled and said, "Then it depends on your luck when that happens."

  Gu Chao said: "I hope my luck is good."


   Today is Father’s Day. The countryside is here to bless all fathers in the world, and wish you (them) good health and always healthy!


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