This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 156: Want to invest in movies again?

Magic capital.

Children's Fun Publishing House.

He Chan was also pleasantly surprised, because it turned out to be a lie. This setting is very interesting and very meaningful.

It is worthy of Li Han's work, that is, it can think of ordinary people.

In addition to the surprise, she was also a little depressed and regretful. She exhausted her brain to come up with more than ten reasons, but none of them were correct.

The feeling of "winning the lottery" can't be experienced, it's really a pity.

Of course, Li Han's work this time is so high-quality, and He Chan is very excited.

Although the work this time was not serialized in their magazine, she was still excited.

Han Jianfeng is also very emotional, thinking that ordinary people can't think of it, the quality is very high, and it is very meaningful.

Such works can not be overstated as classics.

In Hao Jianfeng's view, Li Han is getting more and more difficult.


A group of children's literature writers are also at this time.

That's it!

This setting is quite uncomfortable!

They don't want to admit this, but they have to admit it.

I was very emotional, why didn't they think of such a setting?

Liu Xiangjie and Xiang Feiyu belong to the group of children's literature writers.

"Oh! I have to admit that Li Han is really powerful, and his thinking is absolutely comparable. To be honest, I really feel that I can't match him now."

"A lying nose will get longer. With this setting alone, the work is enough to be welcomed by parents and enough to become a classic. It's really not easy! Alas! Why can't I think of such a setting? Even if I know it. After the nose was so long, I never thought it would be the reason."

"How do I suddenly feel that the hope of winning him in the future is getting more and more faint."

"This setting is indeed very good. It must be admitted. But everyone does not have to be like that. His previous works, including this one now, are of very high quality. But this does not mean that his future works can also be used for each one. They are all of high quality! Tigers still have a nap time."

"That's true. It is impossible for a person's work to maintain a fairly high level all the time. The chance to win him will eventually appear."



After countless people sighed for a while, they continued to read the following story.

Sure enough, the back is the same as they thought.

After Pinocchio experienced time and time again, he finally got rid of his shortcomings.

Finally, in the belly of the shark, he accidentally reunited with his father, Jepeni, and successfully escaped with his father, lived by the sea, and became a real child.

Also, he is a good kid who loves to learn, is honest, obedient and sensible.

After reading the whole story, countless people felt in their hearts, it was really a good story!

I keep talking on the Internet, and I don’t forget to recommend this book.

"After reading "Pinocchio", it is really a good book. It is recommended that parents buy it for their children. If the child is too young, buy it and read it to the child. Of course, friends without children It’s okay to buy it and see for yourself. Even for adults, it’s worth reading."

"If you are an adult, it's certainly not everyone's interest. But I really recommend that every parent can buy one, it's really a book worth reading for children."


Many parents did not intend to buy it, but suddenly found that many people on the Internet were making such suggestions and changed their minds.

Then buy a copy, it's not expensive anyway.

So, originally thought that this time should be enough to sell, the bosses of various bookstores and newsstands gradually discovered that the inventory is running out.

Selling one after another.

Finally, they are all sold out. And it’s too early to close today.

It's sold out again.

There are more and more bookstores and newsstands that sell out of stock. The bosses couldn't help feeling that even with the experience of the last time and the preparation of so many goods, it is still not enough to sell!

Li Han's book is too popular, right?

When will a fairy tale novel become so popular?

After the bosses sighed, they hurriedly called Qiuyu Publishing House. They wanted to replenish the goods, and they needed to replenish a large amount of goods.

However, the feedback received is that a large amount of goods are still available, and a small amount of goods are gone. The publishing house is racing against time to print, and everyone is waiting patiently.

The bosses are very sorry. They knew that they should buy more goods. How much less money should be made!



Autumn Rain Publishing House.

Xia Yang is in a very good mood, and the sales of "Pinocchio" are even hotter than he had previously estimated.

After "Brain Teaser", another hit book was born.

The reason why their Qiuyu Publishing House was fortunate enough to publish this book, apart from Li Han's trust, also had a great relationship with the editor Gu Lin.

Thinking of this, Xia Yang grandly praised Gu Lin in front of all the editors in the editors' office.

Can Gu Lin tell you how he seized this opportunity?

For Gu Lin, after this time, the bonus will certainly not be small, and the salary is likely to rise by one level.

More importantly, this is a very outstanding performance. For future promotion, a thick stepping stone was placed.

The editors were all envious and congratulated Gu Lin, lamenting that this time he went to Yinjiang City on a business trip, he had got such a chance.

Gu Lin was more excited and excited than ever. He felt that he had never been fortunate enough to choose to take the bus that day.

Then Li Han's trust in him made him grateful.


Magic capital.

Qin Xiaoyue put aside "Pinocchio" that he had just finished reading, and said, "It's okay. You can still watch it when you don't have a book to read. Of course, it must be very attractive to those half-year-old children. Strength."

Su Yuqing rolled her eyes and said, "This book was originally a fairy tale, and it was originally intended for children."

Qin Xiaoyue muttered: "When will Li Han definitely write some other types of novels? By the way, Yuqing, how much money did you make in the movie "Fox Fairy Tribulation" that you invested in last time?"

Su Yuqing said, "Do you want to invest in movies again?"

Qin Xiaoyue said: "You can take a look. Anyway, I have nothing to do It's better to invest in a movie, maybe you can make some money. Yuqing, let's choose one together. investment."

Su Yuqing said: "Yes, yes. But, which one to choose? The scripts of the recent crews looking for investment are not very good, I don't like it.

Qin Xiaoyue said: "I don't seem to see anything I like. However, some scripts should be able to make money."

Su Yuqing shook her head and said: "It's just that you can make money, so forget it. If you want the kind of script that makes people like it, and it can make money, it's about the same. If the script is really liked, it's okay to not make money. Of course, investment It shouldn’t be too high. We can’t afford to invest if it’s too high. I don’t want to borrow it unless I borrow it from home.”

Qin Xiaoyue said: "We are all the same, we have to choose the script we like. But recently, it seems that I haven't seen it."

Su Yuqing said: "So, forget it for the time being! Let's talk about when such a script appears."

Qin Xiaoyue didn't answer the conversation, but seemed to be thinking of something suddenly, lying on the sofa, looking thoughtful.


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