This Star is a bit Salty

Vol 2 Chapter 946: I just wrote a song for you

At this time, Xiao Yunsheng's interaction with the tutor and audience on the stage ended.

He should be out.

He has been eliminated.

He slowly exited with the help of host Yang Sheng.

With Yang Sheng's help, he could have walked faster, but he still walked slowly.

Perhaps, he is still attached to this stage.

Perhaps this is the biggest stage he can step on in his life.

He knew this very well in his heart, so he wanted to stay longer.

The instructors shook their heads regretfully, and the audience couldn't bear it even more, but the ending of the matter could not be changed.

What they can do now is to watch Xiao Yunsheng slowly leave the field.

I wonder if there will be another chance to see Xiao Yunsheng singing again?

There should be a chance.

Both the tutors and the audience believe that there will be opportunities.

I just don't know when to wait until?

I hope I won't wait too long.

The tutors are sighing, and the audience is sighing. On the Internet, countless netizens are also sighing.

"I really hope I can see Xiao Yunsheng's news again. Moreover, it is a positive news. For example, when I release my own single, or if I am taken by a record company, I want to sign a contract with him."

"To be honest, it is estimated that it will be very difficult to get a record company to sign with him. Although he is very topical now, it may not last long. Moreover, his eyes are inconvenient. For the record company, he wants to package him and promote It will definitely be very difficult for him. And, to be honest, he, with inconvenient eyes, can create very limited value for the record company. It is basically impossible to have a record company sign with him. There is no way, God is like that. fair."

"It is indeed unlikely that a company will sign a contract with him. However, it is possible for him to release a single by himself. Just want to get a good song. Hard! Hard!"

"Looking at the back of his exit, I always feel special sorrow and sadness."

"Xiao Yunsheng is by far the most concerned player on the "Good Voice" stage."

"It is indeed the most concerned player, I hope everything is good for his future. It is the best if he can restore his eyesight, although the possibility is almost zero."

"Oh! We can only bless him. Thanks to the "Good Voice" stage, let us know that in this world, there is such a person who pursues his dream."


Xiao Yunsheng's figure finally disappeared on the stage, and everyone believed that his dream would continue.

And the show will continue, and the next player will appear soon.

The instructor and the audience were still sighing for Xiao Yunsheng in their hearts, and then slowly put their minds on the next player who is about to play.


"Mr. Xiao Yunsheng, please wait a moment." Xiao Yunsheng, who was about to walk to the players' lounge, suddenly heard someone calling him.

He is very familiar with the voice and has heard it many times. It is Liang Yong, the person in charge and chief director of the show.

Xiao Yunsheng stopped, turned to the direction of the sound, bowed slightly, and said, "Director Liang, are you calling me?"

Liang Yong looked at Xiao Yunsheng and slowly said, "Yes, I am Liang Yong. Mr. Xiao, you have been eliminated. The road to becoming a singer may have to start all over again. The road may be more rugged than imagined. It's hard, will you give up?"

Xiao Yunsheng was taken aback for a moment, wondering why Liang Yong would specifically stop him and then ask him this question? But he still replied: "Of course I won't give up. I knew that this road was not easy to follow. It is not too unexpected to be eliminated tonight. I am prepared. This matter will not cause me. What an impact. Besides..."

Xiao Yunsheng continued sadly, "Besides singing, what else can I do? Singing is the color in my eyes and my spiritual pillar."

Liang Yong nodded slowly and said, "Those who pursue their dreams deserve to be lucky. Mr. Xiao, Mr. Li Han would like to chat with you, would you like it?"

Xiao Yunsheng was taken aback, unable to believe his ears, and said in shock: "Director Liang, who were you talking about just now?"

Liang Yongdao: "Mr. Li Han."

This time he heard clearly, but Xiao Yunsheng still couldn't believe his ears.

How many days does Li Han want to chat with him? is this real?

Of course Xiao Yunsheng knew that Li Han was at the scene today, but he never thought that Li Han would take the initiative to look for him.

Li Han, a legendary character. In Xiao Yunsheng's view, Li Han was so far out of reach for him.

How could such a character take the initiative to find him?

But it is true.

Using the word "surprise" is not enough to describe Xiao Yunsheng's current mood.

He suddenly became a little nervous, and said, "Liang...Director Liang, why did Mr. Li Han look for me?"

Liang Yong smiled and said: "Mr. Li Han said that meeting is fate. This may be Mr. Xiao's chance. Of course, the premise is if Mr. Xiao is willing."

Xiao Yunsheng said excitedly: "Yes, I certainly do. Mr. Li Han is looking for me, it is my greatest luck."

Liang Yongdao: "In that case, Mr. Xiao, please come with me."

Xiao Yunsheng said, "Thank you, Director Liang, please, Director Liang!"


Liang Yong and Xiao Yunsheng arrived at the place where Li Han was on the second floor.

"Mr. Xiao, hello, this is Li Han, I am very happy to meet you." Li Han said actively.

Hearing Li Han's voice and feeling Li Han right in front of his own eyes, Xiao Yunsheng was more excited than ever.

The musician he admired and liked most was Li Han. He really never dared to imagine that one day Li Han would stand in front of him and take the initiative to speak to him.

This was originally out of reach, but now it has become a reality.

Xiao Yunsheng said excitedly: "Mr. Li Han, you...Hello! Hello!"

Xiao Yunsheng wanted to stretch out his right hand, but he seemed a little bit afraid. He stretched out a little bit and looked a little uneasy.

Li Han saw it, stretched out his right hand and held Xiao Yunsheng's right hand together, and said, "Mr. Xiao, I'll introduce it to you."

Li Han introduced Su Yuqing, Qin Xiaoyue, and Xia Xiaoyu all three.

When introducing Xia Xiaoyu, Xiao Yunsheng was slightly surprised and asked, "But Xia Xiaoyu who sang "It's Rising"?"

Xia Xiaoyu greeted Xiao Yunsheng and said that he was.

Xiao Yunsheng was overjoyed again.

Then, Li Han and Xiao Yunsheng chatted casually for a while. Through chatting, Li Han determined that Xiao Yunsheng was worthy of giving him a song.

Yes, Li Han intends to give Xiao Yunsheng a song.

In a previous life, there was a song that suits Xiao Yunsheng very well. Li Han thinks that song is very good, definitely a good song.

That song was perfect for Xiao Yunsheng to Li Han came to the scene today and saw Xiao Yunsheng again. Everything seemed like a **** in the sky.

Li Han said: "Mr. Xiao, I am very happy to meet Mr. Xiao here. There is no gift for Mr. Xiao. I just wrote a song. If Mr. Xiao doesn't dislike it, give it to Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Yunsheng's body trembled suddenly, although he had a certain amount of mental preparation, he knew that Li Han took the initiative to find him, maybe he wanted to write a song for him.

But now that I heard Li Han say this with my own ears, Xiao Yunsheng still felt a little trembling all over because of his excitement.

He Xiao Yunsheng had such a chance today.

God was cruel to him, but now he is lucky.

He stood up and bowed deeply to Li Han.

Li Han also hurriedly stood up and told Xiao Yunsheng not to do this. Just as he said before, everything is fate.


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