This Star is a bit Salty

Vol 2 Chapter 955: Just the name is hard to forget

Then the second character came out immediately.

The second person is called an honest monk.

It is said that it was a very desolate ferry in the sunset, and the last ferry departed from the ferry.

There was a monk on the ferry, called the Honest Monk, sitting in the corner of the boat properly, a pair of very worn-out shoes.

Then a group of robbers jumped onto the boat and wanted to rob.

Just money, don't kill.

Everyone on the boat was very scared, and honestly took out all of their money.

Robbers must also honestly give up all the money in their body.

But the honest monk said that he had no money in his possession.

The robbers saw that the honest monk did not seem to be rich, so they let go of the honest monk and left.

After the robbers left, someone on the boat began to scold the honest monk. Said that encountering a monk, really bad luck and so on.

The honest monk is allowed to be scolded. Everyone on the boat believed that the honest monk was weak and incompetent, and he did not dare to say a word when he was scolded.

However, then I saw the honest monk suddenly jump up, jumped out of the hull, and then went up and down a few times on the water before catching up with the robber's boat that had gone away.

Everyone on the boat was stunned.

It turned out that the martial arts of the honest monk were so strong.

What does the honest monk do to catch up with the robber ship?

Undoubtedly, the honest monk is looking for a robber to settle his account.

Everyone on the ferry thinks so, and all the robbers on the robber ship think so too.

They shivered, knowing that they had missed their eyes this time, and only wanted the honest monk to save their lives.

All the readers who were reading the book also all thought that the honest monk had settled the accounts with the robbers.

However, when he saw that the honest monk knelt down in front of a group of robbers, he respectfully said that he had just lied, that he actually had four taels of silver on his body, and he was planning to buy new clothes and new shoes, so he lied.

Now, he is going to give all four taels of silver to the robber and ask the robber to forgive him for his previous lie.

What is the operation of this Nima?

All the people on the ferry were dumbfounded, and the robbers themselves were dumbfounded.

All readers who were reading the book were equally dumbfounded.

This honest monk... is too honest, right?

If you don't have the strength to tie the chicken, it's all about being honest. This monk has a very strong martial arts, but he is still so honest, which is really incredible.

The grandmother Xiong in front makes people feel incredible, and the honest monk now makes people feel incredible.

All the readers sighed with emotion. I really don’t know how Li Han designed such a distinctive character?

Of course, the story of the honest monk is not over yet.

The honest monk asked the robbers to forgive him, and said that if the robbers didn't forgive him, he would kneel down.

The robbers boldly said to forgive the honest monk.

After that, the honest monk went happily. Do not use a ferry, directly perform light work, and leave quickly on the water as if walking on the ground.

However, by the next morning, someone found that the group of robbers were all dead.

No one knows who killed them.

Li Han did not write who killed them in the book.

However, all readers can think that the honest monk should have killed them.

The honest monk asked the robbers to forgive himself before, and then killed the robbers. This may seem contradictory, but it should not be contradictory.

The honest monk asked the robbers to forgive themselves, he should be really repenting that he shouldn't lie.

Then they killed the robbers because they did evil and should be killed?

It may be so, it may not be.

But whether that's the case or not, the character of the honest monk is very impressive.

I feel it is really hard to forget in the future.

This is the case for Grandma Xiong in front, and the same for the honest monks now. Everyone sighed with emotion. As expected, it was Li Han, who was really impressive.

Through two short words in a row, two completely different characters are unforgettable.

This skill is really quite strong!

Everyone is even more excited, because there is a third character that Li Han will introduce later.

What will the third person look like? Everyone has unprecedented expectations.

And the third person came right after that.

At the beginning of the article, all readers were inexplicably excited.

"Ximen blowing snow is not snow, but blood.

The blood on his sword.


This short sentence makes people feel inexplicably excited.

The first is the name "Ximen Chuuxue" itself. Furthermore, why does Ximen Chuuxue blow the blood on the sword?

As you can imagine, it was because his sword had just killed someone.

Maybe it is a sinful person, the blood is dirty, so he has to blow off the blood remaining on his sword.

The image of an aloof, peerless swordsman, with just such a simple sentence, was vividly displayed in front of everyone.

All the readers sighed at Li Han's pen power, and at the same time deeply remembered the name "Ximen Chuuxue".

Ximen Chuuxue Bathing fasted for three days and put on brand new clothes, because he was about to do something that he thought was the most sacred thing in the world.


He is going to kill a man named Hong Tao.

He didn't know Hong Tao, nor did he have any grudges with Hong Tao, but he had a reason to kill Hong Tao.

Because Hong Tao killed a man, an upright and loyal philanthropist.

Hong Tao killed a good person who shouldn't be killed, so Ximen Chuuxue wanted to kill him.

Ximen Chuuxue didn't know the good man Hong Tao killed, but it didn't matter.

The important thing is that Hong Tao should not kill a good person.

Hong Tao's martial arts is very high, and his sword is also very fast. But no matter how high his martial arts, no matter how fast his sword, can't stop Ximen Chuuxue's sword.

Ximen Chuuxue pierced Hong Tao's throat with only one sword.

When the sword was pulled out, there was still blood on the sword. Ximen Chuuxue blew lightly, and blood dripped from the tip of the sword...

Handsome! That's so handsome!

This is definitely a peerless swordsman!

All readers are very excited. Such a peerless swordsman is more impressive than the grandma Xiong and the honest monk in front of him.

They will never forget the character Ximen Chuuxue again.

And Li Han's introduction is not over yet, and another character appears next.

"The floor is full of flowers.

Huamanlou always has a strong love for flowers, just as he loves all life.

At dusk, he always likes to sit in the setting sun in front of the window, caress the soft petals of the lover's lips, and appreciate the beautiful floral fragrance of the lover's breath.

It is dusk now, the sunset is warm, and the evening wind is gentle.

The small building was peaceful and quiet. He sat alone in front of the window, filled with gratitude, grateful to God for giving him such a wonderful life, allowing him to enjoy such a wonderful life.


Flowers all over the building, names like poems.

The same is just a name that is hard to forget just by looking at it.

Huamanlou is always grateful to God for giving him such a wonderful life.

At dusk, flowers are all upstairs.

A girl of seventeen or eight ran upstairs in Huamanlou, and someone was chasing her.

Huamanlou will never close his door, he will always welcome every guest who comes to his small building, no matter what the purpose of the other party is.

The girl asked Huamanlou, can she hide for a while? Huamanlou said that he didn't need to hide, since he was here, it was safe.

A man with a knife chased the girl upstairs.

The man with the knife told Huamanlou not to be nosy. Otherwise, you will have to poke a few holes in Huamanlou's body.

It's a pity that Huamanlou didn't have a few more holes on his body, because he easily caught the knife cut by the big man with only two fingers.

Not only is he always grateful to, he also has unfathomable martial arts.

Mentioned the big man and turned around and ran away.

The girl saw that she was already safe, and she was surprised that the martial arts full of flowers was so high.

It was getting dark outside, she asked Huamanlou why didn't he light up the lights?

Huamanlou said that he didn't need to light the lamp because he couldn't see it.

Seeing this, all the fans were stunned.

Always grateful for the flowers that God gave him such a wonderful life, but the eyes can't see it?

Invisible to the eyes, what a cruel thing, Huamanlou is still grateful to God for giving him a wonderful life.

After froze, all the readers were silent again.



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