This Star Wants To Retire

: 122 This song is not good

"Mercury", from Guo Ding's solo album "Aircraft Execution Cycle".

A song in the NetEase cloud with over a million reviews, the total number of reviews ranks among the top in history on all platforms. The number of likes for hot reviews is in the unit of hundreds of thousands, which is very scary.

This song has been released for five or six years, but like "The Wind Is Up", from time to time it will suddenly jump to the top ten of the hot song charts on all major platforms.

A veteran singer of Lin Yilian's level has also performed a cover of this song, which is in a variety show of songs.

This is a song that Luo Mo personally likes very much. Before it became popular, he regarded it as a treasure and had a foreboding. He felt that this song only needed an opportunity to increase its popularity.

Facts have proved that his hunch is accurate.

This song is very strange, you may not fall in love with it at first, but after listening to it, the impression will be different.

Guo Ding, the singer, is actually more inclined to be a popular singer. Many people have heard his songs, but they may not know what he looks like. He is also very low-key and hardly shows up to make money.

In the early years, in the era when everyone was still listening to mp3, he actually had several popular songs, such as "The Two of Us" and "Two or Three Love Songs".

These two songs were also street songs for a period of time, and they were often set as the background music of QQ space. When many people hear the chorus, they think they have heard these two songs before.

Then, the singer disappeared, giving people a feeling of being behind the scenes. He has written songs for many singers such as Xue Zhiqian and Liu Xijun, but he has been slow to release a new album for seven years.

Seven years later, he curled his long hair and curled his tongue by the way. He changed the way he uttered words when singing, and his personal style became more prominent.

In addition to "Mercury", the most popular songs on the album include "Reserved" and "Poorly".

It's a sincere work for the first time in seven years.

When this album was not yet popular, it was regarded as a treasure by many people. While looking forward to his fire, he also ambivalently wanted to keep these songs from being too bad.

At this moment, on the stage of "The King of Love Songs", many people see the title of the song, and they feel uncomfortable.

At first glance, it really doesn't look like a love song at all.

If it's the moon or something, everyone can have more associations. The moon and moonlight are often linked to love. For example, there is a well-known sentence on the earth, "The moonlight is beautiful tonight", which is regarded as a literary expression, restrained and full of hints.

Most people don’t know much about Mercury, and they really don’t understand how to write love songs with it as the subject matter.

Not to mention the ordinary audience at the scene, even the 30 so-called professional jury was surprised when they saw the title of the song.

Although I was going to sing a special song, I didn't expect you to look at the stars and the sea, and look at the universe and the Milky Way.

It is worth mentioning that the mv of "Mercury" actually has a very special entry point.

Luo Mo's slender fingers jumped on the keys. The piano accompaniment of this song is actually not complicated, but it is extremely durable.

There are some songs, words and music are separated, and did not create a common atmosphere, but in the accompaniment of "Mercury", in fact, several notes are in use over and over again. It is soothing and has its own rhythm, but it can be created. The cold and lonely feeling in space came.

Luo Mo approached the microphone, and his slightly low voice began to echo throughout the audience.

"[Indulge in your eyes,

There are traces of the Milky Way,

Through the gap of time,

It's still true,

Attract me to track. 】"

The professional jury was sitting in another big room. At this time, a large number of cameras were aimed at them, and some clues were taken from their faces.

When many people first saw the title of the song, they sighed with regret: "Huh? It's not "Dong Feng Po"."

There is a huge gap in their hearts.

So when I first listened to the song, I was full of emotions.

But the reason why this song may be a tune is to calm people down.

The most important thing is that Luo Mo does have a different kind of charm when he plays the piano. Surrounded by bright stars, this man is really shining!

The overall singing of the song has a whispering feeling.

The stage special effects were also at this time, and a detector appeared on the side of Mercury all the time.

A lot of smarter people understand it all at once.

"This entry point is clever!"

Some of the more literary music critics have thought about the title-[Love Poems to Lonely Starry Sky].

Individual men with rich astronomical knowledge have come up with one point after another: Mercury is the smallest of the eight planets and the planet closest to the sun, but it has the largest orbital eccentricity among the eight planets.

At the same time, Mercury has no satellites around.

Then, the aircraft surrounding it has a different meaning.

The song is still going on. With the ups and downs of several piano sounds, Luo Mo continued to speak:

"[This blinking sight, the most intimate distance,

Follow the texture of your skin, walk through the zigzag arms,

Have a dream for you, have a dream for you.

Wait till you see your silver full, wait till you can't tell the change of seasons,

Dare to say addiction. 】"

Starting from the overall singing method, there is a sense of eloquence. There is no sensational singing method, as if it is stating one fact after another.

For the aircraft, Mercury is so close, but so far away.

-It seems to be close at hand, but out of reach.

The other six singers were in the waiting room, gradually being substituted by this song.

Wei Ran is the one who is the most unwilling to win against Luo Mo, plus he is the second to last to play, so now you can enjoy Luo Mo's performance to your heart's content.

He only feels that this kid is indeed worthy of the name of a genius, the lyrics of this time, the entry point is so ingenious.

He feels that other singers' songs may not be more in line with the theme of [Special Love Songs] than his.

But so far, the content and emotions of the song are very subtle.

Like is stubborn, sultry is witty words.

For many ordinary people, especially at a young age, the more passionate emotions they have in their hearts, the more they will hide them.

As Victor Hugo wrote: The first sign of true love is timidity in boys and boldness in girls.

So, as far as the aircraft is concerned, it boldly revolves around Mercury in front of all the stars in the universe.

But it was so timid, always keeping a distance, unable to get close.

Up to this moment, the song has officially entered the chorus part.

Luo Mo's expression is still very calm, but the tune of the song has been slightly elevated at this time, and the emotions that have been set off are also pouring out under the front cushion.

"[How far will it take to get into your heart,

How long will it take to get close to you.

The person who is far and near but cannot be approached,

Also waiting to meet you.

How can planets traveling around...

-have you. 】"

At the end of section a of the song, Luo Mo sat in front of the piano and continued to play.

The accompaniment sound of other instruments and the sound of drum beats were also entered at this time, making the overall mood a deeper level of elevation.

Until the end of section b, the overall layout has reached the highest point.

Then, it began to fall to the bottom of a calm valley.

From the perspective of a love song, this song is actually a bit like being with someone as a friend. It seems to be very close but you can never have it, or is...

—Not qualified to approach.

Luo Mo put his mouth close to the microphone and sang in a low voice:

"[Traveling around is boring,

At least,

be with you. 】"

The piano sound ended, and the piano playing "Mercury" officially ended in a leisurely and slightly sad tune.

Luo Mo got up and bowed to the audience to thank him.

The host is on stage at this moment to undertake the work.

As for the voting of the live audience and the professional jury, it is the same as "I Am a Singer", and the voting will be held after everyone has finished singing.

This kind of competition system is destined to be extremely important in the order of appearances. Because of his low qualifications, Luo Mo suffered a great loss as the first player to play.

But fortunately, the program group has a new set of rules different from "I am a singer", which is more flexible and interesting, but will not be used until the next issue. The order of appearance in the first period is purely to give respect to these senior singers and give them a face-to-face.

Therefore, for Luo Mo, it can't be said that he left the big move behind, because "Mercury" is indeed his favorite, but Guo Ding is not very popular when he is a real person.

But he did not have too many thoughts on the ranking of the first period.

The purpose of this song is to meet the theme of the first issue. At the same time, there must be piano playing and singing. The most important thing is to give back to the fans by the way.

At the end of the old show, you give to Galaxy.

At the beginning of the new program, it is natural to give them a suitable song.

If these requirements and objectives are met, then it will be fine.

In fact, for many fans, they are like singing in "Mercury", and they may not see even one side of the person they really like in this life.

You are familiar with the work, familiar with everything, but there will always be something similar to the dimension wall.

When Luo Mo turned and stepped down, the audience once again burst into applause.

It's just that due to the large age gap between the audiences, the enthusiasm for different age groups is also different.

After returning to the lounge, Luo Mo began to watch other singers' performances through the screen.

"Tsk, the first one to be on stage is actually quite good. It's relaxed all at once, and you can watch everyone's performance peacefully." Luo Mo leaned on the sofa and said with a smile.

The female employee in charge of voice-over work in the room asked at the right time: "Then would you like to be the first to be on stage every time?"

Luo Mo tilted his head and glanced at him. It is estimated that several big question marks will be made on his head later in the show.

"Do I look stupid? Hahaha!" Luo Mo said with a smile: "Look at the arrangement behind."

The second performer on stage was the former rookie Wang Sunyi.

Luo Mo felt that his slightly lazy voice was very similar to Li Ronghao, whose eyes were small and often compared with pictures of puppies.

The singing is also very similar, and the stature is also tall.

This little-eyed man has always been adhering to the principle of saving money, so most of the songs are all done by himself.

At the same time, when there was no popularity before, I often sold songs to other singers.

It's just that, the songs he left for himself are all "Model", "Composer" and the like, and the songs sold to others are... "Ugly Monsters".

Sun Yi’s creative ability is actually mediocre, so now that he is afraid of being scammed, he refuses to sign a new company, and the resources on hand are also very poor. Excellent songwriters will not give him face, and the level of new songs this year is all. Quite average.

After Luo Mo listened, he felt that he was not good at singing, but he might rank lower.

The next few singers performed well, and they looked at other people's stages when he was in "Creating Idols".

When Wei Ran came onto the stage, Luo Mo applauded twice at the screen, cheering for Wei Ge remotely and applying a blessing buff.

Wei Ran brought one of his masterpieces, and finally directly triggered the chorus of the audience.

From a certain point of view, sometimes singing some old songs can resonate greatly, and the warm-up ability is terrible.

However, Luo Mo’s oldest song was actually only produced a few months ago...

Playing with a group of singers in the arena really has a very wonderful feeling.

Finally, the superstar Zhao Xueqin came to power.

Zhao Xueqin took his "Coffee" to the stage. It was obviously a new song that had just been released, but he changed the arrangement specifically for "The King of Love Songs" and added some new elements.

However, in the professional jury, some people maliciously speculated that Zhao Xueqin changed the arrangement because "Coffee" lost to "Dongfeng Po".

Otherwise, only those who bring classic old songs like Wei Ran will make a new set of wine in old bottles and adapt them to a new version. If you have just released a song, the best thing to do is to hit the song, publicize it, and adapt it. Yo.

When Zhao Xueqin finished singing, he bowed to the scene, and the feedback from the whole scene was extremely enthusiastic.

After all, the king of heaven is the king of heaven, where the status and level are placed, the nationality is also high, almost everyone knows it, and the prestige is different.

When Zhao Xueqin walked into the backstage, the staff in the various lounges took the singers to the large lounge.

Next, it was the first meeting of the 7 participating singers with the show.

After the counting of votes is over, the chief director Ke Ming will come to announce the final rankings in person.

As soon as the seven singers entered the room, they began to greet them politely.

Luo Mo is the one with the least seniority. When he is seated, he should sit aside and give the seniors the most basic respect.

Nowadays, the so-called c-place phenomenon occurs from time to time when taking photos or sitting in seats. People in the entertainment industry are just competing for love.

Luo Mo himself doesn't care about this, handsome people sit the same everywhere.

At this time, Zhao Xueqin, UU reading put his gaze on Luo Mo, with an appreciative smile on his face, and stretched out his right hand to Luo Mo and said: "Luo Mo, the song is good."

Luo Mo shook hands with him, politely said, "No, no, I still need some advice from many seniors."

Under normal circumstances, this kind of polite remarks that you come to me will end here.

When Zhao Xueqin heard the words, he nodded slightly and said: "The words are good, the entry point is very good, in fact, you can still work a little bit more on the music."

Luo Mo smiled and nodded without saying much.

But he knows very well that Zhao Tianwang's seemingly casual sentence will actually have a huge impact after the show is broadcast.


(Ps: First, ask for a monthly pass.

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Dust and Color", I owe more +1)

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