Those Years when Marvel was a Superhero

Vol 12 Chapter 38: Awakening Food Map

? There is no doubt that the overeating monster is Thor Thor. After he lifted the hammer of gluttony, he couldn't help being affected by the hammer's ability. The Hammer of Anger will destroy everywhere, and spread the angry plague after the destruction. The original Glutton Hammer has similar uses.

Overeating among the seven major sins is also a terrible sin, which means not knowing temperance. You ca n’t eat enough, so you need to eat constantly. And this kind of eating can't meet their own needs, and then they will eat more and more, until they don't have anything to eat, and they will eat the world. The owner of Glutton Hammer will eat everything.

This is actually terrible, like some kind of virus spreads after infecting people. Originally, after Thor was controlled by the Hammer of Gluttony, the Hammer of Gluttony gave Thor a very hungry signal for him to devour everything. For example, the pandas and panda babies who were not far away from him at that time, and the bamboo and fruit on their hands.

"No! I refuse to eat raw meat and bamboo!" Thor refused jealously, and this resistance even outweighed the influence of Glutton Hammer on him. As a fat man, Thor has his own perseverance and pursuit: "I need to eat delicious! Need to eat good food! Not to eat those garbage. I will not eat any food that has not been carefully cooked, even if I starve!"

So even if the hammer of gluttony was tempting him, Thor was unmoved. His self-control over food is very strong. He never eats anything that is not tasty, and he can eat it all the time. This is also his majesty and confidence as a **** of salted fish.

Can the Hammer of Gluttony control the God of Salted Fish? You know, gluttony is just a district managed by the God of Salted Fish. When can it be taken down? So Thor said that he became very hungry because of the effects of Glutton's Hammer, but he was still very reasonable. He just keeps looking for places to eat, and only eats delicious shops.

Zhang Qingchuan ate all the food in the shop soon, and Zhang Qingchuan did not dare to treat Thor. Because China is a country with a lot of mutants, and because China's policy on mutants is not the same as other countries. Compared to the discrimination against mutants in countries like the United States. More reasonable management in China will be used for its own purposes.

For example, in the era of extreme poverty in China in the past few decades, many places needed the help of domestic mutants for scientific research and domestic productivity development. For example, if you can emit a very high temperature, at least help steelmaking. In an era of low productivity, China's coal is not enough. So the feverish variants are quite important.

Not to mention that in an era of poor weaponry and equipment, in order to prevent some domestic reactionaries and foreign enemies, China recruited a large number of mutants to join the army. Let them use their abilities and flesh and blood to protect the peace of the country.

In this case, China is one of the few countries in the world that does not discriminate against mutants, and even has various preferential policies for mutants. Aunt Wang of the Subdistrict Office has seen many variants in her life awakened. Some people awakened very suddenly and indeed caused great damage.

But the awakening of some people is actually not a big deal. For example, overeating and overeating, Aunt Wang has seen at least three to five similar capacity eruptors in the neighborhood committee as director of the street office in recent years.

Some people's ability to awaken later is to eat in particular, and then switch to eating and broadcasting, for example, the big-hearted big secret king on the Internet. There are also people who eat very well, and the ability to awaken is super vigorous. They can store as much energy as they eat, and then burst out at the right time.

Although it is said that a foreigner broke out now, in line with the principle that the people of the earth are a family and foreign friends are also human.

Aunt Wang decided: "Let him eat first. It is very dangerous when the awakening of abilities. If you don't let him vent his abilities once, it will have a great impact on his body. It is likely to affect him later. What kind of capabilities are used, and now the development of the earth also requires all industries to develop together, we ca n’t abandon the capabilities of others. "

As the director of a sub-district office, Aunt Wang ’s position is also far-sighted.

But Zhang Qingchuan scratched his head: "But he ate up all the ingredients I prepared today! And he hasn't given any money yet."

Aunt Wang shook her head: "Then follow him! Seeing that he is not full yet, he must continue to eat. When he is full, he will return to normal. Let him check out together! I think this foreign fat man It ’s quite rich to wear it. Look at this armor. The finished armor that my grandson bought is 10,000 pieces smaller. It ’s not as good as his body. There is also that big hammer, which looks like it ’s true. It ’s the same. There are tens of thousands of COS outfits! Can you afford to play this kind of cos? Will you have no money? Just do n’t know who he is in COS, is it the new Meng Huo in the glory of the king? "

Sun Xiaomei looked at Aunt Wang: "How do you know so much?"

"People want to learn, and if they don't, then how can I communicate with my grandson?" Aunt Wang said also made sense.

So under the instructions of Aunt Wang, several restaurants around the hotel had communicated well. Then make something for this foreign friend to eat fat. Anyway, the living people are here, can they run away?

But Thor's food intake really exceeded everyone's expectations. After he ate the ingredients of the fourth store, everyone couldn't help but sweat. Aunt Wang took out a tissue from her pocket and wiped the sweat beads on her forehead. Her voice could not help but tremble a little: "How can this be eaten?"

The overeating Thor is still very picky, and he doesn't touch any bad things he does. For example, some shoppers use grass carp that has been frozen for a long time to make boiled fish, and Thor does not eat it after taking a bite. Although overeating, I still have principles!

After eating all the ingredients in several nearby restaurants, Thor didn't have to eat and asked the fragrance in the air to walk towards the city's snack street. "Aunt Wang's greeting, all the hotel owners followed behind Thor.

Today, the city greeted a gluttonous king. He walked through the streets and poured all the delicious food into his mouth. And all the places he has eaten are generally highly rated. Walking through a snack street specializing in outsider snacks, Thor shook his head and left without leaving.

And sometimes he took a large group of people through the streets and alleys to a remote alley to find an unremarkable shop, and then began to eat a lot. Everyone gradually discovered that this guy not only eats more fast, but also finds the food in the shop he is looking for is delicious!

"This is a live map of food awakening!" Someone shouted in surprise. Everyone felt that they finally understood what the ability of this foreign friend's fat awakening mutant was. This ability is too strong, better than any public comment! After all, the public comment can still brush the navy!

And when this awakening food map was eaten and eaten even in the southern Sichuan city, even after it was reported in the news, Li Jie knew where the tor who went out to eat had gone.

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