People will only break through their boundaries when they are pushed to their limits. The soldiers of the Song Dynasty who survived in the wild had no help and lacked food and water.

They can only find ways to get things by themselves to ensure their survival, and letting them survive in the wild alone and only conduct individual soldier training is not enough for the current soldiers of the Song Dynasty.

Only by dividing them into a small number of people can they fully play their role, allowing them to develop a sense of teamwork while exercising individually.

But now they are forced into a desperate situation, and there is no way to take a step forward. The reserve army who has received the order will use the weapons in their hands to fight against them.

In desperation, they could only quickly form a team and turned back to the mountain.

For these people, seven days has an extremely high mortality rate. Maybe there are 20,000 people entering the mountain now, but not even 10,000 people by the time they come down.

Human nature must be tested. Those who can survive even such desperate situations are the ones who can truly be called strong on the battlefield.

Liu Feng had nothing to worry about these people. As soldiers of the Song Dynasty, they had undergone a certain degree of training. It was impossible for them to survive in the wild for seven days before they died. If they died, it would only mean that they were not strong enough..

When he came to the foot of the mountain again seven days later, the death toll did exist, but it was less than he expected. A total of 609 people died.

The lives of tens of thousands of soldiers are not in danger. They have all received considerable training, but now they look very embarrassed. There is no skin on their bodies that is good, and there is no place that is not dirty.

But their eyes have completely changed. They are no longer as cowardly as before. Although the eyes looking at Liu Feng are still full of fear, they also have a wolfish look.

They just couldn't imagine that Liu Feng actually dared to throw them into the deep mountains and old forests, and then never cared about them again, and made it so high that no one could send food or water in.

Many people who just wanted to enter the military camp and hang out could hardly hold on on the second day, and on the third day there was civil strife in the group.

Many people want to escape secretly, but because Fengshan's reserve army usually trains very actively, it is easy to deal with these people who have not trained for a long time.

The final result is that they cannot escape at all, and those who have no strength, or those who want to hang out in the military camp, will eventually be eliminated.

Until now, the mountain closure was finally lifted and they were able to help each other down the mountain. When they saw Liu Feng safe and sound, they all felt itchy with hatred, but there was nothing they could do.

You must know that during these seven days, countless of them were secretly cursing Liu Feng. Even if they stuffed their teeth while drinking water, they could satisfy their desire for revenge.

Of course Liu Feng knew all this, but he did not give these soldiers a chance to rest. Instead, he asked them to form a team immediately and crawl back to the military camp.

Cheng Lian yelled,"You abandoned us in the deep mountains and old forests, and now you want us to crawl back? You just want to insult us. I will never do this. If you have the ability, kill me right here!"

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